View Full Version : Helpful Jig If Using a Sliding Table Saw

Jeff Wright
02-08-2020, 5:58 PM
The short video below shows a Fritz and Fran jig for cutting smaller pieces on a sliding table saw:


Jeff Wright
Treasure Island FL

Jim Becker
02-08-2020, 8:58 PM
Many of us have our friends Fritz and Franz in our shop helping with our sliders. ;)

Rick Potter
02-09-2020, 3:33 PM
My used MM CU300 Smart came with one of those that looks exactly like your video. Previous owner must have seen the video.

On mine he used the blue lever style hold downs from Rockler. I must say, I really dislike them. They are very finicky about adjustment. The lever locks sticking straight up, or else is not quite tight enough to lock down, so you have to take it out, move the bolt head one flat, put it on test it, and so forth. If it happens to slip off the jig, you start over again

Next trip to Rockler, they will be replaced by a small knob.

One other tip: If possible, use one, singular strip of sandpaper on the faces. If you piece it, the pieces will eventually loosen at the seams, and the sliding stop will catch on it.