View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
02-02-2020, 6:35 PM
2 Feb 2020

Happy Palindrome Day.....I hope I spelled that correctly. :)

No work in the shop but I did help a guy repair his bass guitar, set it up, adjust the neck, adjust the action, and show him a few things on playing bass guitar. Spent most of the week at the day job working critical issues. Way too much stuff going on for such a small team at the day job. We're all suffering from work overload and some of us could really use a break. Been doing a bit of programming and script writing to automate manual processes and other stuff like that. I like what I do for a living, I just don't like office politics and upper managers that don't want to help those under them unless it's beneficial for them and their own careers. That's why I call those people, managers and not Leaders. There is a difference. :)

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all!

Ken Fitzgerald
02-02-2020, 10:41 PM
I have been in the shop the past two weeks only to clean painting equipment as we emptied 2 rooms, painted them, had new carpet installed and then had to repaint one room. We still don't have everything back into the rooms. Tomorrow I start replacing all the light switches and outlets in those rooms.

We have reached the stage of life where we are now trying eliminate our unneeded, seldom if ever used "stuff" so our children won't have to do so when we depart this life. We are downsizing.

Charles Taylor
02-03-2020, 6:58 AM
Friday and Saturday I got the frame of my armchair project to this point:

I also steam bent the upper and lower rails for the back and put them in setting forms.

Sunday brought a quiet afternoon and evening of sharpening chisels, cleaning saw blades, and grilling for dinner. I found a football game on TV which distracted me a little from the blade cleaning.

Frederick Skelly
02-03-2020, 7:57 AM
Got in a couple hours of chip carving. That was about it for woodworking.
My work is busy too Dennis - a blessing (for me) I guess.

Jim Becker
02-03-2020, 10:04 AM
I was traveling this past week; ostensibly to visit my 89 yo kid/mom and clean out the assisted living room I just moved her into in August as she now requires skilled nursing after a bad fall. But I took my older daughter with me (special needs adult with PTSD, etc) and we did a bunch of visiting including spending time with my "sister from another mother" and her 12 yo daughter who I try to mentor a little. (single mom situation) We had a nice time, but it's great to be back. I have client work setup so February should be good for the business and some personal projects to do, too. The latter includes refurbishing my mother's Lane cedar chest that she got as a wedding gift in 1954 so it can be used in our master bedroom.

Paul F Franklin
02-03-2020, 11:49 AM
I made good progress on my router table this week. All the parts for the base/carcass are cut and joinery machined (except for sizing 3 drawer bottoms). The carcass is fully assembled. I need to do the edge banding on the front, and assemble ten drawers. Then it's on to the top. Hope to finish everything up this week and then get started on the desks, files, storage cabinets and bookcases for our home office, which will be the next big project. That's all just in design stage.

DW and I went to the Cleveland Great Big Home and Garden show yesterday, and it was much nicer than the Akron show last week (sunny 50 degree weather seemed very spring-like too). Didn't buy anything but enjoyed viewing the model homes and the gardens, and other booths and displays. I'm thinking about having the roof on my small barn replaced with metal roofing, so picked up some brochures on various products and companies. Was hoping to check out heat pump water heaters as I am considering replacing my current water heater with one of those, but didn't see any at the show.

Günter VögelBerg
02-03-2020, 12:05 PM
Injured back, accomplished nothing, watched golf and super bowl on couch

Bryan Hunt
02-03-2020, 1:18 PM
I got the baseball bat rack I'm building glued up, dovetail boo-boos fixed, and ready for the spray booth. Hand-cut dovetails in 6/4 Hickory was quite the challenge. I should be able to get the first coat of Endurovar on it tonight. I'll post pics when it's done.

Bruce Page
02-03-2020, 1:52 PM
I upgraded my CNC’s shop monitor and needed a larger, stouter shelf for the mobile cart.

Dominik Dudkiewicz
02-03-2020, 3:02 PM
I made some more progress on my router table. I also drove a few hours to pick up some nice Tasmanian Blackwood for a Roubo I'll be starting soon. Got my hands on some unusually large sections of salvaged, air-dried timbers that have been drying for 10-20 years. Some 6"x6" stock for legs and even some 10" x 3" stock that will need to be ripped for stretchers etc. Also a nice piece of 9" x 3" for the chop. Can't wait to start and to see what lies beneath the aged, rough sawn exterior!




Cheers, Dom

Bruce Wrenn
02-03-2020, 9:03 PM
Got an estimate to reshingle our house. Over 10K, so it looks like I'm back in the shingle business. Cleaned roof and gutters on rental house, along with church next door. Spread most of two truck loads of mulch around trees at church next door. Burned two piles of storm debris. Went to the quarry and got two loads of stone (about one ton each.) Put some in bad spots in driveways at two different churches,and used second in our drive. Changed the oil, and greased (two fittings) wife's van. Replaced the heater control valve (leaking) on my van. Worked on electric start conversion for a 10 HP generator. I'm getting too old to pull the rope anymore. Started recovering seats on two dining room chairs. Finally figured out how to use a Drill Doctor that I have owned for years.

Jim Becker
02-03-2020, 9:13 PM
Bruce, it just cost me $7K to reshingle one section (including replacing 80% of the sheathing that had rotted due to a leak)...the new roof for my shop building will "only" be about $12K this spring. LOL

Lisa Starr
02-04-2020, 10:11 AM
No time in the woodshop this weekend. Our son purchased his first home (a foreclosure) this past Monday and I spent most of the past week scrubbing. The individual that lived there was a complete slob! Over the weekend we helped him move and celebrated my mother's 82nd birthday. We have some serious refurbishing to do at the son's home and I'll be spending most of my free time there in the coming months. Eventually, I'll be building a kitchens worth of cabinets,but that will be a couple years from now.

Rod Sheridan
02-04-2020, 5:57 PM
I completed a pine storage cabinet for the bathroom.

I used an oil modified water based poly, it has a much nicer colour than the crystal clear finishes.

The door panels are 6mm thick book matched pine................Rod.


Bruce Wrenn
02-04-2020, 8:53 PM
Over the weekend we helped him move and celebrated my mother's 82nd birthday.Forgot about baking a birthday cake for a friend who turned 102. Yes, I said one hundred two. Her father lived to be 108.