View Full Version : Leftovers

steven c newman
01-31-2020, 9:20 PM
There are a few...since the router case didn't take all that much...
And two more about like the long one....very wavy edges, too..
Thought I could rip and crosscut enough down to make a glued up top..of some sort..
In the middle of all that ripping going on....I got bit...
T-shirt slowed it down enough....Next time I'll wear that cottonduck shop apron...

One of these longer ones will wind up as a drawer front.

Have three more upstairs, waiting to come down to the shop....all are quarter sawn 3/4" x 6" x 54" long...with a bit of live edge on a couple....Thinking legs and aprons...and not try to stab myself. Letting the 3/4 x 14 x 21-3/4" blank sit a few days..
While I decide which face to make the top with...the one that won't become a drawer front, will become bread board ends..

Stay tuned.....a little sore, today...

steven c newman
02-01-2020, 12:24 AM
And...what still has to be hauled to the shop...
face grain
Live edges..at least 2 are...
End grain view....

William Fretwell
02-01-2020, 8:38 AM
Stephen, you have the grain perfectly aligned in that glue up!

steven c newman
02-01-2020, 6:18 PM
I tend to let the grain tell me which board goes where....
Have a photo of the scrap that whacked me, the other night..
Was trying to get rid of that knot....should have worn my apron, while working..

Anyway...had two planks that needed worked on, today...
One was cut down a bit, about 24" sections. The other can be seen leaning against the furnace, if you look past the apron
The two sections had a problem..
Took a few cuts, but..
Both are the same width, and the waves are gone.....needed a good, straight edge, for the next cuts...
Set the rip fence to 1-1/2"...ran both sections through a few times...wasn't enough for 8 parts...dug out a couple from the scrap bin....
Stay tuned, part 2 of today's hour long session is coming right up :D

steven c newman
02-01-2020, 6:29 PM
The two "extras" needed thinned down a bit, to match the rest. Then, ran a few at a time through as a cross cut, to square one end on each part. Then needed to match them all up for length
Used a square on the trimmed ends, to line them up, and then clamp them together. Slid the mess over to the blade..
And made the cut..
Then sorted through the parts, to get a decent set of legs..
Spread a good bead of glue between the halves, moosh them around a bit, and clamp them all up at once..
let them sit a day, then come back and square 4 legs. And then taper two sides ( gets rid of the worst sections, that way..)

Sorted through some of the cut-offs....I think this will do for a drawer front?
And I can rip the other one in two, to make the bread board ends..
As soon as the clamped up mass gets off my saw...
I can reset the "high tech" fence system for the bread board work...

Stay tuned :D

steven c newman
02-02-2020, 2:23 AM
Thinking this will be a Shaker Style Table, with a drawer. May fancify it up a bit....last one was a bit on the plain side, and didn't even have a drawer....

Whether to go to the BORG for a 1 x 6 x 8' for the drawer sides and back...or just use what's left of the Ash....we'll see...

Andrew Pitonyak
02-02-2020, 3:55 PM
"high tech fence system", got a chuckle out of that, but it works!

steven c newman
02-02-2020, 9:44 PM
Ok...all the clamps came off, today....legs first..
Reset the fence to take just the dried glue off ( saves my good plane irons) and then squared things up on them..
Ends are squared, legs are 1-3/8" all around. set these aside for a bit. Reset that expensive fence again...
And managed to get two equal pieces...
Milled a tongue on each end of the top panel...and milled a groove into the bread board ends..
Groove seemed a bit tight...used a plane (finally!) to thin the tongue a bit...
Auburn Tool Co. No. 181, 1.25" skewed rebate plane.....fit?
And then a glue up...
With cauls as needed. laid out a taper on one leg..
Stay tuned, part 2 coming up..

steven c newman
02-02-2020, 9:52 PM
Ok..Tapers...measure down to clear the width of the aprons..mark a line around. Make a mark down at the foot...3/4" wide feet...and connect the dots
Then the bandsaw to rough out the taper ( ruler is a steel, Tinner's Rule)
Then, repeat for a second side..
Need to set up a jig to hold the legs still, while a plane smooths things out, and evens up the top.
This mess is now sitting over on the tablesaw...as I will only need the bandsaw , and a plane or two, to taper all four legs...then I can lay out the aprons and such...and maybe some mortise work?

Stay tuned..:D

steven c newman
02-03-2020, 10:07 PM
Ok...needed to add plane stops to the bench..
One for the toe of the legs, the other...
This way, I can clamp the leg in place, while I do the layout lines, and...
Once the bandsaw was done, first a jack plane to level the surface, and remove the saw marks/burns...then..
A #3 smoother to clean up after the jack plane....then a couple swipes with a fancy jack plane...
Instead of doing any sanding.....I made sure to mark which face gets a taper...
helps keep track of where I need the next tapers at....hate to do the wrong face....
All legs have their tapers done. Need to lay out for a few mortises...after I get 3 aprons done....Drawer front is the fourth "apron"
Need to flatten the top, next..
And lay out where the legs need to be..

Not too bad of an evening's work...stay tuned :D

steven c newman
02-04-2020, 6:18 PM
A bit under the weather, today....right side is having issues with me walking anywhere....let alone shoving a plane around....may try again, tomorrow..

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
02-05-2020, 9:17 PM
Feeling slightly better...and BORED, today....so

Beltsander was trying to throwing bearing....went out and bought a new one...along with a few belts. Gave the sander a test drive....leveled out the glue joints a bit, to get rid of the glue blobs..like these..
Got rid of the hard blobs, then gave the Stanley #3 a try...
Flip the board over...
set the front 2 legs and the drawer front onto the table's top...
To get an idea of what the aprons needed to be....plank in the background, to supply the apron stock...
Laid out for a back apron, and 2 side aprons...Not enough room to cross cut on the tablesaw?
We have ways...was also too long for the mitersaw...
So...a D-8 was used again...
It's a start, anyway....stay tuned, more to come....2 hours in the shop....BUSY hours..:D

steven c newman
02-05-2020, 9:32 PM
Ok...Blanks were almost the right length...however...edges were a bit....rough..
Straight line ripped one edge....then ripped the other edge to match the width of the drawer front...and then made sure the ends WERE square, and the 2 side boards matched each other for length...Had a use for that mitersaw...first I needed a stop block...
Set for a 1/2" long tenon...laid out stop lines on the parts..
Leave the lines. made all the shoulder cuts...
Ok, how to remove the waste? Well, maybe a nice, sharp, wide chisel, and a mallet?
Line up to the line, one whack, scoot the chisel a bit, repeat...until..
You get to this point....a little rough...we have ways..
Then notch the tenons a bit...
Maybe tomorrow, I can start of a few mortises?

Swept the shop, called it a day....will have to see how tomorrow goes..

Stay tuned :D

steven c newman
02-06-2020, 7:50 PM
Well....tried out the beading plane...
Didn't work too well for the legs....so just the aprons get a bead along the bottom edge..
Legs DID, however get a cove along the outside corner....router bit was a bit...chippy..
We have ways..
Along with a glue joint that was still showing up....added a slight bevel to a few edges, too...then the real fun began...
Pick one of these, set up to chop a mortise..
Set up 2 combo squares...one for each side of the mortise....chisel is an 8mm Narex....
With too many bevels...tomorrow, I will grind a single 25 degree bevel, and hone that sharp....the 35 degree "extra" bevel just plain sucked...
Somehow got a mortise or two done...
Where I have to mallet drive it home....Guten tight...then a second one..

Then quit for the evening....worn out

Stay tuned..I need a nap..

Andrew Pitonyak
02-07-2020, 11:02 AM
I keep thinking about this:

"Leftovers make you feel good twice. First, when you put it away, you feel thrifty and intelligent: 'I'm saving food!' Then a month later when blue hair is growing out of the ham, and you throw it away, you feel really intelligent: 'I'm saving my life!'"

- George Carlin, comedian

steven c newman
02-07-2020, 11:13 AM
Second mortise was done..
And fits well enough that no glue was needed....
Was even able to start this up on the table's top...( white-out is to cover up the bottles of Laundry soap over on the washer...)

Plans for today, since the weather outside is crappy..
Add another inch or two....I think I'll first sharpen that mortise chisel up right..:mad:..maybe the other 4 mortises will go quicker? :confused:Then figure out how to do the drawer's support system...and the drawer itself.....

Maybe after Lunch has settled in....I can wander down to the shop.....might even get something done?:rolleyes:

Stay tuned :D

steven c newman
02-07-2020, 8:10 PM
2 chisels were sharpened,
4 more mortises were chopped...
Like this one...decided which will be the front ..
So I wouldn't mortise for the back in the wrong legs...
Then made a dry fit, including the drawer front...
Before calling it a day...2 hours was long enough, for a Friday..

webframe to support a drawer, is next...and then build a drawer...

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
02-08-2020, 3:40 AM
It's bad, when one not only just sits around, thinking :eek: about something in the woodshop....but, when the Single Brain Cell Sketch Up does come up with a "plan" at 3am....and you rush down to the shop, to put the plan into action.....saws, planes....might even get a glue up, later today? Scary, ain't it?:rolleyes:

steven c newman
02-08-2020, 11:01 AM
Maybe after Lunch, I can do a bit of assembly, as Norm would say. Have a couple more parts to make...this time, I'll take the camera along...

steven c newman
02-08-2020, 7:19 PM
Corner braces were cut on the Stanley #358 Mitre Box....
Drawer was divided into 3 parts..
With a bead along the bottom edge...Drawer runners were notched to fit around the legs...and then glued in place..
Legs were then glued to this assembly...
Then let these two sit about 6 hrs...
Finished up the corner braces, needed pilot holes drilled..
Dressed up a few edges on the drawer parts...
be a bit hard to do, once this thing is fully assembled...

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
02-08-2020, 7:29 PM
Lets see,,,been over 6 hours....need to get everything off my tablesaw , and move it out to give me a bit of room. Placed the table's top, good side down on the tablesaw ( yes, blade was lowered all the way down) Then move a few clamps around....until the back apron could be glued in place, and clamped up....then add the drawer fronts lower rail...more clamps..
Including a long one, to pull the diagonals even ( 23-1/4", both ways)....cussing was started..:mad: when it came time to move/ flip/ rotate to work on the top of the base...
getting the drawer's top rail to match the lower rail..PITA. :mad:, added a couple extra clamps to hold things still long enough to get all the screws installed...Going to let this sit, overnight...finish a few things, like adding a kicker, before this is attached to the top...THEN, see about making a drawer?
Stay tuned..we gaining on it...I hope..:rolleyes:

Stew Denton
02-08-2020, 10:09 PM

It looks like it is definitely coming together. It seems like projects take a lot of prep and time, and then it seems like they come together fairly quickly. It is looking good.


steven c newman
02-09-2020, 6:47 PM
4 hours IN the shop, today....way the weather was outside...
Snowing all afternoon, with gusty winds..tain't fit for man nor beasty, out there.....go hide out in the shop. This will take a few episodes...was a LONG day...
First, hauled the last plank of Ash to the shop....set it aside for a bit. That forest of clamps needed to be removed...
Top was attached, despite breaking off a screw, or two ( even with wax on the threads :mad:) A kicker was installed...
Friction fit, spot of glue on the ends, and right in the middle....keeps a drawer from tipping down, when you pull it out a bit too far...those 2 screw holes in the bottom rail..now have a screw installed, since I forgot them last night...They need a plug made to cover the screw heads...
3/8" tapered plug cutter..sold by Veritas...got it when they first came out...snapped the plug out, drive it in the hole with a dab of glue..
let these sit a while...have a plank to mill down....rough sized, was a bit too wide, too wavy, too much bark...got things close..
Some more milling to get things as close to the right sizes, as I could....a back for the drawer, and a pair of sides....have to match up with the front of the drawer..
The back will be sized a bit better...once the dados and grooves are done...

Part 2 is coming right up...have a drawer to build...even if I still need to BUY the plywood for the bottom of the drawer...
Stay tuned :D

steven c newman
02-09-2020, 7:04 PM
Roh-kay, Raggy...as Scooby-do would say....Dovetails? I tend to do pins first....
And then use them to mark out the tails...and cut on the waste sides of the lines, trying to leave the entire line...Bandsaw, because I can see the lines better, and add a few extra cuts, to help with the waste removal....
Harbor Freight 1/4" chisel, reground to get into them tight corners....once the dovetails are done, time to get groovy..
Front done first, to lay out the groove to land inbetween two pins...that way, the tail will cover the groove...
Ok...need a dado, to house the back...mitre box to make 2 cuts...
Pop most of the wast out with a 3/4" ( metric size?) chisel...then the Router was used...took a while to set the depth on the fussy thing, but..
Checked for fit..
needed that plane to adjust the back to fit width wise. pilot holes?
And counter sinks...I attach backs in drawers with a few screws...The notched end of the drawer is a Starter Bevel...makes it easier to start a full drawer into it "home"...rather than bang around, looking for it.
Dry fit? That will be in the next episode...stay tuned..

steven c newman
02-09-2020, 7:16 PM
Ok, one more. the dry fit?
Even laid a square in there..
Went back and trimmed the plugs flush...
need a bit of plywood for the drawer bottom, and then a glue-up. Figure out a handle....may cut the top's corners a bit, get away from that sharp corner....cove, or round-over for the top's edges.

two drills?
Why change bits, when you can just change drill, and all...already set up and ready to go...
That was the first time I have ever used that Stanley No. 71-1/2 Router Plane....fussy little critter...seemed to hold settings, though.

Drawer is only about 4-1/2" deep....won't hold much, might be a decent night stand?

Stay tuned, we be gaining on it...

steven c newman
02-10-2020, 8:41 PM
Sooo...wtf is the story with this latest batch of photos.....SAME EXACT PHOTO SIZES as the ones before that post? Can't even edit things? Really? Let me know if or when YOU get it figured out....

steven c newman
02-11-2020, 4:56 PM
Photos..will try this ONE LAST time...
We'll see IF these are small enough...might need to put on your "Reader" glasses..

steven c newman
02-11-2020, 7:26 PM
Just a tease...for now..
Corners rounded, a round-over bit has been run, top sanded to 100 grit, stained, and then wiped down...
Drawer has been assembled, and is in the clamps, waiting on glue to dry...

Was a busy Monday...now I need to decide on a handle for the drawer..
Have a few choices to look at...

steven c newman
02-12-2020, 10:57 AM
Hmmmm... Dovetails for the drawer, will need cleaned up..
High Tech Radius Jig....
Followed by a Vintage Saw...
Back of drawer sits in a dado, rather than rely on just glue to hold it there...
I also rely on screws. This Ash required pilot holes, and wax on the threads of screws...
North Brothers Push Drill to make the pilot holes...
Test fit to see how the drawer slides in....was a 1/16" too wide during an earlier dry fitting...trimmed the back a bit, sized the plywood to match.
All corners were radiused, Router round-over bit all the way around the top edge of the top, top sanded to 110 grit...

Waiting on the stain to fully dry, and my back to stop hruting when I try to walk..
Then this will be set on it's top, and I can work on the rest of this table, and get the drawer done.
Stay tuned...

steven c newman
02-12-2020, 3:49 PM
See if these are tiny enough photos..
Drawer cleaned up, front stained...fits..
Someday, I might get good at these things..maybe..
handle selected, and...
Handle installed, rest of table has a wiped down coat of stain....waiting to dry enough to apply a top coat of varnish...tomorrow..
Not too bad, for just a stack of leftover boards?

steven c newman
02-13-2020, 2:26 PM
Back "popped out" yesterday...still too sore to do much...like walk down the steps to the shop...let alone move the table around to top coat it...
Handle did have brass plating....that was starting to flake off...wire wheeled the rest of the Fake Brass off.....has a "Brushed Nickel" look to it, now.

Not sure IF I'll add any "foot pads" to the legs....first I'd have to buy a set.

May post as a completed Project...later...

steven c newman
02-13-2020, 8:37 PM
One coat of Amber Shellac, 1 pound coat...has been brushed on...
Taking a LONG time to dry in the shop..
Try again tomorrow for a second coat....should be dry, by then...

Stew Denton
02-13-2020, 10:07 PM

I particularly like the grain match up from the top view, especially after you added the stain. Nice!


steven c newman
02-15-2020, 4:21 PM
Thank you!

Brought the table upstairs....a lot warmer up here. Basement was a tad too cold...set the table to photo shoot....looking for the best light..
425999 426000
Rotate around...grain seems to follow right along..
And the front..
Then the sunlight moved a bit, so..
May post this last one over in the Projects page?

steven c newman
02-16-2020, 3:24 PM
The Boss has "table-napped" this table....already sitting it's new spot, and loaded up....