View Full Version : Seal-A-Cell

Edwin Santos
01-30-2020, 11:11 PM
What exactly is Seal A Cell? The GF website describes it as an "unusual combination of oils, urethanes and waxes".

Is it GF's answer to Watco?

I'm very familiar with Arm-R-Seal, having used it on lots of projects. Sometimes I find it too built up for my liking. I was thinking of experimenting with it by adding oil to lengthen the oil component to try and achieve the look I'm after. Maybe Seal-A-Cell is the answer?

Any feedback from those who have used it would be much appreciated,


Bennett Ostroff
02-01-2020, 12:15 PM
I almost think the waxes thing is a typo. This product shouldn't contain any waxes since it's meant to be topcoated. Unless a lot of what I understanding about finishing is wrong.

I've used Seal A Cell and I don't find it to be terribly 'unusual'. I believe it's a moderately thinned version of Arm R Seal. You could experiment with a few test strips but I don't think it's going to give you a different look from straight ARS.

You could add boiled linseed oil to it if you're wanting just an oil finish, if that's what you mean. But that type of product is already available (Watco Danish Oil, Minwax Antique Oil).

John K Jordan
02-01-2020, 2:53 PM
..But that type of product is already available (Watco Danish Oil, Minwax Antique Oil).

And many people make their own similar ingredients. One recipe is 1/3 each of BLO, polyurethane, and mineral spirits.