View Full Version : New bandsaw Setup

Rich Torino
12-21-2005, 10:35 AM
If nothing changes my Grizzly G0555 BS is to be delivered some time today... I ordered it with mobile base and Riser kit.. My question is should I go through the set up procedure on the saw and then install the riser block? Or just unpack, install the kit and then do the setup??
I've searched the post on the saw but didn't find any discussion on this..
Your opinions would be appreciated...


Scott Loven
12-21-2005, 10:44 AM
I would go straight to the set-up for the riser kit. Do you have blades for it yet? I would also have someone extra around to help install the top half on the riser. To much weight, not enough hands!

Anthony Anderson
12-21-2005, 10:51 AM
Yep, Install the riser block first, and then setup and tune. Don't do things twice if you don't have to. As Scott said make sure you have a friend to help you with the riser install. You can lose control of the top half before you know what happened. Good luck. You will wonder how you lived so long without a bandsaw. Hope you enjoy it. Later, Bill

Rich Torino
12-21-2005, 11:56 AM
I haven't bought any blades for it yet... Searching seems to indicate that Timberwolf in general is a popular brand as is the woodslicer. A couple of posts indicate that they use a 1/2" woodslicer for resawing and not the 3/4" because of blade tension. Something I will have to get into since resawing is high on the usage list....

Ralph Tyson
12-21-2005, 11:57 AM
I just finished setting up my GO555 w/riser and I did the opposite -- I set it up without the riser, checked to make sure everything ran ok, and then installed the riser.

I really don't think it matters which way you do it, but I decided to make sure everything was ok from the factory before I started taking things apart. That way, if there was a problem, I would have some idea who caused it.

Vaughn McMillan
12-21-2005, 12:52 PM
In a lot of cases, I'd say install the riser first, then set it up, but since you only will have the factory blade at the start, if I were you I'd set it up in the stock configuration and play with it until your new, longer blade(s) arrive. Ralph's logic is also sound in regards to making sure there are no glaring problems before disassembling things.

I went through the same sequence a few weeks ago with my new bandsaw, except the wait was not for the blade, but for assistance to take the saw apart and put it back together. Even after setting up the saw in the original configuration, adding the riser took no more than about 15 minutes, and that was with the two of us not really hurrying.

- Vaughn

Mike Swindell
12-21-2005, 7:35 PM
I have this saw and it does it take two people, but only for aligning the bolt for the riser block. It's not too bad and you only have to lift the base 18" onto the stand. Once that was done I had the girlfriend align the riser bolt and installed the top half. Check your wrench collection to make sure you have the right size, I have a complete set up to 2 ", but you might need to borrow one to tighten the nut. As far as blades, go to www.woodcraftbands.com I bought a set of 5 Lenox bi metal for $10 each, I resawed a bunch of IPE and Lignum Vitae and they work great. Get a high tension spring also either from Ituura or Highland Hardware. I moved the switch high up near the riser block, just alot easier to get to.


Bernie Weishapl
12-21-2005, 8:02 PM
Rich I have had my G0555 for about a 1 1/2 months now. Grizzly told me to put the riser block in and then go thru the setup. I put in the riser and then set it up per the book. Everything came out well. I have both the 1/2" woodslicer which I use for veneer or thin resaw cuts. Gives a very smooth cut without much sanding. I also have the timberwolf blades. I have 3/4" 2 tpi which I use to resaw logs, 1/2" 3 tpi which I use to resaw 1" lumber with. I also have a 1/4" which I do scrolling or what have you. These were recommended by Suffolk for what I do. I would recommend you call them, tell them what kind of cutting you will be doing and they will recommend which blades you would need. You will need 105" blades with the riser in.

Rich Torino
12-22-2005, 10:08 AM
Thanks for all the feed back.. Im probably not going to be able to get to it untill after Christmas. Based on all the posts I'm going to set the riser block on first then go to set up. I also plan to call suffolks today and order at leat a 1/2" woodslicer for veneer work and probably a 1/4-3/8 for general purpose. I'll post some pics once I have everything set up and get the shop cleaned up.....I don't have the luxury of having two shops like some of you guy do.. you know the spotess one you use to post pictures from and the one you acutally work in... :)

Mark Rios
12-23-2005, 7:56 PM
BTW Rich, the riser kit comes with a blade in it....3/8" x 105"/6 tpi. Nice to set up with and for practice but you will definately want to get Timberwolf blades on the wayas you mentioned.

Kent Cori
12-23-2005, 10:13 PM
I just put the riser in to begin with. I couldn't see any reason to set it up, see if it worked in a configuration I wasn't planning on using, tear it partially down, install the riser and then test and adjust it again.

I did buy a after market spring from Iturra along with one of their wheel cleaning brushes. These were worth every penny. I couldn't believe the difference the spring made. :)