View Full Version : Morado Wood Tearout Repair

Steve Mathews
01-26-2020, 1:24 PM
The Morado wood top on a jewelry box that I'm making has a small amount of tearout that I would like to repair before final finishing. Any ideas on how to approach it?

Doug Garson
01-26-2020, 1:29 PM
A picture of it would help.

Andrew Hughes
01-26-2020, 2:29 PM
Look up card scraper. Short learning curve big payoff.

Steve Mathews
01-26-2020, 3:41 PM
Here are a couple of pics showing the tearout. I used a card scraper to even out the curved section after planing. It didn't help with the tearout and possibly made it worse.

Andrew Hughes
01-26-2020, 3:57 PM
Well that’s a bummer.
Then the only solution is to sand it down past the broken fibers.
Theres really no repairing tear out.
Ive not worked with Morado it looks nice and has nice colors.
Good Luck

Dan Hahr
01-26-2020, 4:13 PM
Clear epoxy makes it much less noticeable.


Steve Mathews
01-26-2020, 6:27 PM
The tearout on the top of the box is on the same side as the barrel type hinges, the depth being very close to the top surface so I can't go too deep with the sanding. If that doesn't work out I'll give the clear epoxy a try. Hopefully with a clear finish over the rest of the box the tearout won't be too noticeable. The Morado wood was really nice to plane for the most part. It was just in a few areas, possibly in sapwood where the tearout occurred.

Steve Mathews
01-26-2020, 9:52 PM
Sanding the tearout was successful. Thanks to all for the help!