View Full Version : Fulton Chisels?

Stew Denton
01-17-2020, 10:58 PM
Hi All,

I am currently working on restoring a Fulton paring chisel.

I began to look on the net for information on these chisels, and I know that they made other tools as well. From what I found, Sears sold them in the 50s.

If you have any of these tools, was the quality good?

What do you know about the old fulton chisels and other fulton tools?

Thanks and regards,


steven c newman
01-17-2020, 11:16 PM
Fulton was a brand name used by Sear & Roebuck....before they used Craftsman.....usually made by Sargent.

Jim Koepke
01-18-2020, 2:06 AM
My one Fulton chisel is more of a 1/2" butt chisel than a paring chisel. It does seem to be well made of decent steel.

Here is some information on Fulton branded tools:


It is a name that has been placed on items by more than one maker.

My only other Fulton item is a garden hose nozzle:


Some day it would be nice to see that in an old catalog.


Tony Zaffuto
01-18-2020, 9:07 AM
I believe was the name on a socket chisel I bought a decade or two ago, at a flea market. Could never get it flat, though the bevel could be worked. Real close examination showed some sort of plating on it. It looked well made, with a Witherby look to it, but the plating was too aggravating. Not sure what box or drawer it resides in today!

Tom Bussey
01-18-2020, 12:35 PM
I picked up a Fulton 1 1/2 maybe even a little wider. It had seen a lot of hard use and flattening was wasn't going to cut it so I took it to work and used there surface grinder after hours. It sharpened up nicely after that and holds an edge well and has become my go to chisel for most slicing work. It holds an edge better than the hardware varieties of today.

Andrew Seemann
01-18-2020, 1:26 PM
They can be hit or miss. My main dovetail chisel is a Fulton, probably made in the 1930s. It works well, but there are also reports of less than stellar Fulton labeled chisels out there.