View Full Version : Crazy January weather

Brian Tymchak
01-15-2020, 2:51 PM
Just got back in after doing a 3rd or 4th final leaf cleanup of the year. The mild weather in central ohio this past month has been incredible. I weeded grass and other actively growing weeds out of the landscape today, including a dandelion that was starting a flower bud. The lawn is still growing, albeit very slowly.

If you are a fan of winter snow, which I am, I guess I put the jinx on the weather when I upgraded my snow blower back in December, 2018. I told my wife when I bought it that, given my luck, it wouldn't snow anymore. ...As it turns out, I've only used it twice for minor snowfalls since then.

So, if you're missing the winter weather, it was me. ..My Bad..;)

Mark Bolton
01-15-2020, 2:58 PM
Same weather here mid-atlantic. If your a fan of fruit trees your likely going to have no fruit this year. My guess is they will all bud and get whacked by a february cold snap. I am one who either wants the weather to be like this (warm, some sun, chance for things to dry out, some blue sky) or for it to sock in dead cold and freeze up and stay that way.

Rural area here and the yo-yo weather makes for a lot of mud and soft ground, grey dreary days, the woods look like death. But if its some blue sky and sun its still nice, and if its white winter, its nice.

50's and 60's in mid January is rare and its looking to hold out into the late part of January.

Perry Hilbert Jr
01-15-2020, 3:19 PM
I was just out cleaning the truck. On the sunny side of the house, sheltered from the wind, it is probably 55 degrees. Out on the hay field, it is probably 45, still 10 degrees warm for this time of year., However, the weather lady on the local channel tells us 4 to 7 inches of snow Saturday with a series of cold windy days thereafter. Highs right about freezing (which is still just normal.) I get leery of years like this with warm Januarys. usually means cold wet snowy February and March, even into April. We has a slush storm last week that caught everybody off guard. For some reason my 4wd wouldn't work on the truck, which was no big deal, but the garage can't fit me in until after the next snow. Not that I have anywhere to go, but Mrs. still works and freaks out about missing any time from her job at the hospital. She misses part of a shift and she must make it up, loses bonus, etc. She is already planning on going in for the entire weekend. Started packing her bags. She claims missing part of a shift will cost a couple grand so she definitely does not want to miss any time. I can remember when 7 inches of snow would not even cause me to cancel a trip. I actually saw a dandelion bud yesterday out in the yard. maybe thats a good thing.

Jerome Stanek
01-15-2020, 3:38 PM
I mowed the lawn the today

Erik Loza
01-15-2020, 3:39 PM
Unseasonably warm here in Central TX, too. I was doing my annual pruning back of dead perennial shrubs last weekend and some had already started to send up new shoots for the year. Crazy.


Mel Fulks
01-15-2020, 3:57 PM
Enjoy it, Earthlings. This place is too hot for some of us. Soon as I get my ship thrust dial adjusted ...I'm outa here.
Hundred years ago it nice and cool here. What's going on...

Wes Mitchell
01-15-2020, 4:22 PM
Feel free to swing up to MN this weekend. Forecast is 8-13 inches on Friday, and you're welcome to clear my driveway.

Nathan Johnson
01-15-2020, 4:29 PM
Feel free to swing up to MN this weekend. Forecast is 8-13 inches on Friday, and you're welcome to clear my driveway.

Though we've had a warmer, milder winter so far also.

Frank Pratt
01-15-2020, 4:52 PM
This morning is was -37C and the high is supposed to be -27C. The average for this time of year is -3C.

Derek Meyer
01-15-2020, 6:25 PM
For those of you in the midwest, I guess it's your year for a milder winter this year. Normally that is us, but not this year. We got a foot of snow over the weekend, and more is expected this week and next. When I left for work this morning it was 14 degrees, and it was 18 degrees at noon. The snow got so hard and frozen in our driveway (after the city plowed us in) that we couldn't shovel or snowblow it, so we hired a friend of my wife's family to plow it with his pickup. Best $20 we've spent all winter.


Ken Fitzgerald
01-15-2020, 6:44 PM
We had a mild winter until this past Sunday. I live in the Snake River/Clearwater River canyon (the confluence in town separates Lewiston, ID from Clarkston, WA), often called "The Banana Belt". Retired farmers/ranchers from the prairies north and south of here often retire in the valley. It's not unusual to go without snow in the winter here and golfers from Spokane, WA and Coeur d'Alene Idaho often visit in the winter to use one of our 5 golf courses. Sunday evening a front moved in with temperatures and snow. This morning at 0730 when I was collecting the garbage to put out for collection on the street it was 19º F and we have 4 1/2" of snow. Last week it was in the 40's and 50's which is unusually warm for this time of year.

Tom M King
01-15-2020, 6:48 PM
We don't have any Winter grasses in the pastures, but the horses are grazing on green grass.

John K Jordan
01-15-2020, 7:37 PM
We don't have any Winter grasses in the pastures, but the horses are grazing on green grass.

Same here - pastures are getting green. Some flowers are blooming here.

This is a composite of pictures I make around our farm in 2017. The date was mid February.


Brian Tymchak
01-15-2020, 8:00 PM
Feel free to swing up to MN this weekend. Forecast is 8-13 inches on Friday, and you're welcome to clear my driveway.

:) Sure! Be right up.

Bruce Wrenn
01-15-2020, 8:42 PM
Earlier this week (maybe last) it was 70 degrees in Boston while it snowed in Dallas the same day. Several years ago, at Southern Farm Show in Raleigh, there was a crew from Canada. Guys here were freezing, while crew back in Canada was playing golf on the same day

Adam Grund
01-15-2020, 10:14 PM
Normally I don’t mind Warmer, I use less fire wood. Way Behind this year, so I’m pretty much cutting my weeks use at the start of the week so Warmer doesn’t bother me one bit in that regard.
But without the freeze, it’s so damn wet that it makes trucking the wood across the property a nightmare. So catch 22.
My side yard may as well be a lake and the back yard a pond, at least the dog likes it

Aaron Rosenthal
01-15-2020, 11:33 PM
In Greater Vancouver (Canada) we've been it with 15-20 cm snow, highways blocked by chained up Semis that've jackknifed, cars in the ditches,
We're a hilly area (think Seattle, San Francisco) and it's not melting. 14-24 deg F., and nobody's happy except the kids. I park facing downhill, so I can get out, but my wife isn't steady on her feet, I haven't even bothered to dig her Odyssey out, because it's facing uphill - and she has winter tires on all 4.
Suppose to warm up and rain on the weekend, wash a lot of it away.

Rob Luter
01-16-2020, 6:03 AM
Here in Northern Indiana it's been mild so far. We were about due for an easy winter. We've had a couple in the last few years that were brutal. I moved here from Michigan 25 years ago, and when the locals would gripe I'd tell them they had nothing to complain about. We had real winter in Michigan and pretend winter South of the border in Indiana. I shoveled my drive three times the first year. My second year I had waist deep snow to deal with on more than one occasion. Living in a Lake Effect snow area is a magical experience.

Don Kondra
01-16-2020, 8:18 AM
Here in Saskatoon, we've started wearing long sleeved shirts :)


Cheers, Don

John K Jordan
01-16-2020, 10:39 AM
Here in Saskatoon, we've started wearing long sleeved shirts :)


Cheers, Don

Zounds, last time I was in Saskatoon this time of year I forgot to bring gloves and had to go shopping immediately. And plug the engine block heater in when the car was not in use.


Rod Sheridan
01-16-2020, 11:07 AM
Here in Saskatoon, we've started wearing long sleeved shirts :)


Cheers, Don

Hey, that's nothing Don, it might hit -12 tomorrow here in the center of the universe. Expect all kinds of emergency warnings and if snows we'll call out the military:D

Regards, Rod.

Bob Turkovich
01-16-2020, 11:11 AM
Here in Saskatoon, we've started wearing long sleeved shirts :)


Cheers, Don

Is that Fahrenheit or Centigrade? Wait...it doesn't matter!:p

Doug Garson
01-16-2020, 12:53 PM
Here in Saskatoon, we've started wearing long sleeved shirts :)


Cheers, Don

Are the black flies still that bad?

Rod Sheridan
01-16-2020, 4:16 PM
Are the black flies still that bad?

Nope, but the snow flies are............Rod.