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View Full Version : EZ Smart Question

Rudy Fuselier
12-20-2005, 11:53 AM
I just received my new EZ Smart Guide and have purchased a new PC mag325 CS to use with it. When installing the smart base to the base of the CS, should I drill the holes and use the bolts? Or, should I just use the sticky tape and fasten it permanently? Any help or advise would be helpful. Thanks

Jeff Sudmeier
12-20-2005, 12:00 PM
Rudy, I would use the bolts. I have run into a couple of times where I have removed the base so that I could have more visibility using the saw w/o the guide or for a deeper depth of cut.

Paul Berendsohn
12-20-2005, 12:01 PM
Hi Rudy...

Welcome to the SmartGuide "family" ;)

I used the tape on both of mine, and had no problems with strength. As a matter of fact, be VERY sure of the placement, this stuff is nearly impossible to remove. If you think you'll want to remove the base for any reason of course use the T nuts and bolts, but I never have taken my bases off...
Any other Q's I'll be happy to help if I can!


Steve Clardy
12-20-2005, 12:23 PM
I used the bolts. You loose some depth of cut with the base on.
It can be unbolted and used again for framing lumber, etc.

Bob Winkler
12-20-2005, 1:02 PM
I used the tape and was impressed on how well it holds, and how easy it was to install. I haven't regretted the decision so far.


John Hemenway
12-20-2005, 1:45 PM
I used the tape. It's almost a one shot deal. I did manage to remove the smart base to reposition it (don't sneeze while sticking it down, DAMHIKT!) but it was a lot of work. The tape should be considered a permanent. If I were to do it over, I'd bolt it.

Steve Clardy
12-20-2005, 1:48 PM
I used the tape. It's almost a one shot deal. I did manage to remove the smart base to reposition it (don't sneeze while sticking it down, DAMHIKT!) but it was a lot of work. The tape should be considered a permanent. If I were to do it over, I'd bolt it.

Don't sneeze.:eek: :eek: :o :D ROFL

aaron allen
12-20-2005, 1:51 PM
I love my smartguide.

I used my bolts and it some time to install. The big upside is if I need the extra cutting depth it unbolts in about a minute. It even went back together right where was in the first place.

Paul Berendsohn
12-20-2005, 2:21 PM
Hopefully, this isn't going to be an outrageous hijack (if it is I'll stat a new thread) but I thought it might make sense to have a SmartGuide user's group to exchange tips like this, etc... soooooooooooo I started one on Yahoo

Again, my apologies for the TOS issue... anyone interested in joining please do a Yahoo search for "Eurekazone" or PM me for the address, hope to see you there!

(If this breaks any rules, my sincere apologies and I'll be glad to repost in another area)


Dev Emch
12-20-2005, 2:27 PM
No Worries. Thanks. I think that may be a good place to park a support group. The owwm guys use this same approach for the owwm support group and cover topics that would be off topic here. In the overall scheme of things, who wants to talk about rust removal, paint formulas and techiques and home shop machining of metal parts on lathes and milling machines. We come here to talk about woodworking. So, I am going to join up right now.

Update: I think I am now member #1.

Paul Berendsohn
12-20-2005, 2:29 PM
Glad to have you aboard Dev...

Bob Noles
12-20-2005, 2:31 PM

When I first got my EZ, I used the tape and had good results, but eventually the tape let go from my abuse :eek: of placing the saw down. I have since used the bolts and have no problem with them what so ever. I do have to remove the base from time to time for cutting thicker stock, but only takes a minute to remove and repalce the bolted base.

One very happy user.

Steve Clardy
12-20-2005, 2:35 PM
Hopefully, this isn't going to be an outrageous hijack (if it is I'll stat a new thread) but I thought it might make sense to have a SmartGuide user's group to exchange tips like this, etc... soooooooooooo I started one on Yahoo

direct link removed by moderator

(If this breaks any rules, my sincere apologies and I'll be glad to repost in another area)

Sounds good. I'll be there shortly.

Hoa Dinh
12-20-2005, 4:17 PM
When installing the smart base to the base of the CS, should I drill the holes and use the bolts? Or, should I just use the sticky tape and fasten it permanently?

Neither :)

I have a PC447, the version before the MAG. I didn't want to use the tape (I also used the saw to cut stones and didn't want to ruin the plastic base). I had problem finding good location for the bolts.

I drilled and tapped the base as shown in this photo (http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/hoa_dinh@sbcglobal.net/detail?.dir=63e0&.dnm=842d.jpg&.src=ph).

John Hemenway
12-20-2005, 4:53 PM
On a whim I just checked the price of a new base. Thru the PC website a new base for 324/325 MAG is $24. Now if I decide to go 'smartbaseless' it won't be too traumatic. That's alot easier than trying to get the tape off! :)

Scott Coffelt
12-20-2005, 5:09 PM
Not to start an issue, but I think that type of link was against the rules. My suggestion is anyone interested can just PM Paul and I am sure he can PM back, that way it is private. As use of a forum like that might help to reduce some of the flack that can go on here, but still not detract from what SMC is here for. Good Luck guys, I won't be joining in though.

As far as the base, I have a Dewalt and just drilled and screwed it to it. As far as the potential loss of depth, it's liek what a 1/4"? Not sure the last time I was short a 1/4" with the CS. But hey maybe it is just me, depths never been an issue :p.

Rudy Fuselier
12-21-2005, 9:10 AM
Thanks guys. I really appreciate all the feedback. I think I'll screw it on. Even thought it takes a little more time, it gives me more flexibility for the future.

Don Bergren
12-21-2005, 11:26 AM
I taped mine on because the PC Mag I use is dedicated to the EZ Guide. I held onto the bolts just in case I need them sometime in the future. The tape seems to hold really well, but I haven't had it long enough to give a fair assessment of long term holding power.