View Full Version : Looking to make noisy/irritating toy for 3 1/2 year old.

Bill Bukovec
01-01-2020, 7:06 PM
Time to start planning for next Christmas. There is a young fellow who will be 3 1/2 years old next Christmas. I am looking for ideas to make a noisy or irritating toy to give him. The ability to drive his parents nuts will be a plus. Any ideas?

Frederick Skelly
01-01-2020, 7:18 PM
Buy that little boy a Police Whistle.
Or make him a drum.

Bryan Lisowski
01-01-2020, 7:30 PM
A giant card board box filled with bubble wrap. He will spend hours or days popping them.

Lee Schierer
01-01-2020, 8:58 PM
I recently made a pair of push toys that make quite a racket. They have large jingle bells and wooden balls inside the cages are pretty easy to make.
I also made a pull toy dog that makes noise.

Malcolm Schweizer
01-01-2020, 9:24 PM
Wooden train whistle.

Frank Pratt
01-02-2020, 9:45 AM
Make him a recorder & then pay him to practice in front of his parents for hours every day :)

Would this child be a grandchild of yours? I find one of life's great pleasures is watching my grandchildren put their parents through the same things they put my wife & I through.

Lee Schierer
01-02-2020, 9:58 AM
Buy or make a drum.

Jerome Stanek
01-02-2020, 11:37 AM
I got a big pot and wooden spoon and gave that to my new grandson. He loved banging it and making noise until my daughter took it away from him.

Bill Carey
01-02-2020, 12:18 PM
We found an old toy piano. I repaired it, refinished it, and at last report they were still banging on it.

Erik Loza
01-02-2020, 2:53 PM
Google "Aztec Death Whistle". Parents will flee the house and never return.


Bill Dufour
01-02-2020, 3:02 PM
Mark Twain paid a visit to Brigham Young and as a parting gift he gave all the boys a whistle. I think the girls got a manicure set?
Bil lD.

Jim Koepke
01-02-2020, 3:26 PM
Make a ratchet rattle. It is basically a handle on a gear with a piece of wood about the thickness of a tongue depressor mounted on a piece that can swing freely around the gear so that it clicks on each tooth.

Google > ratchet rattle < or > matraca toy < for images. Easy to make or less than $20 on line.


Malcolm Schweizer
01-02-2020, 6:03 PM
Google "Aztec Death Whistle". Parents will flee the house and never return.


Wow, this wins the contest right here. That would be the most annoying thing you could ever give a child.

Bill Dufour
01-02-2020, 6:25 PM
With 55 wives I wonder how many little boys with whistles were running around Brigham Young's house?

Ted Calver
01-02-2020, 8:29 PM
Make a ratchet rattle. It is basically a handle on a gear with a piece of wood about the thickness of a tongue depressor mounted on a piece that can swing freely around the gear so that it clicks on each tooth....

Just happen to have some on the bench in various stages of completion as a procrastination project. (They were supposed to be for this New Year's Eve, but will have to wait for next year. :rolleyes: ) These are more of an adult size toy, so would have to be scaled down. A little guy would have to put some real muscle into it to make them work.


kevin nee
01-03-2020, 7:45 AM
Finger paint can be fun!

Jon Grider
01-03-2020, 9:23 AM
Starter's pistol, the kind they use to start track and swimming races. A step above the old cap guns we had when young.

Jon Grider
01-03-2020, 9:28 AM
Google "Aztec Death Whistle". Parents will flee the house and never return.

Now that's truly creepy. I couldn't tolerate the full You Tube video.

Roger Feeley
01-03-2020, 10:24 AM
Add a little electronic music player plays the same short tune over and over.
drum set
bosuns pipe
handmade English pipe (recorder made of bamboo)
pregnant gerbil

Doug Dawson
01-03-2020, 10:37 AM
Time to start planning for next Christmas. There is a young fellow who will be 3 1/2 years old next Christmas. I am looking for ideas to make a noisy or irritating toy to give him. The ability to drive his parents nuts will be a plus. Any ideas?

A puppy, preferably something like a corgi, and a build a doghouse to put it in.

Tom Stenzel
01-03-2020, 4:41 PM
Something that blows bubbles. And uses lots of those Lightbrite pegs to leave littered. The pegs are always fun to step on barefoot. Fun for the whole family!

Is it your purpose to have Junior learn some new words?


Bruce Wrenn
01-03-2020, 9:43 PM
From Neal Bortz, "The reason grand parents and grand children get along so well. They have a common enemy!"

Roger Feeley
01-04-2020, 9:11 AM
How about a cajon? Its basically an acoustic plywood box that you sit on and pound like a drum. They are really pretty cool and would be easy to make. Make at least a pair of different sizes.

this isn’t something you could make easily but bagpipe practice chanters aren’t expensive. Imagine a bagpipe minus the drones in your living room...

+1 on the bubble machine. Makes everything sticky.

Roger Feeley
01-04-2020, 2:07 PM
We just finished with our grandsons birthday party. How about turning a set of ten bowling pins and a ball. The noise might not be all that bad but junior could bond with it and bug the parents to set them up.

in that vein, maybe you could make a pinball game with lots of bells.

Nicholas Lawrence
01-04-2020, 2:42 PM
Not to be contrarian, but as a father of young boys I think it may be better not to antagonize your kids. They have enough to figure out.

Our boys at that age have liked costumes and things along that line. Wooden muskets like you find at the national parks, wooden pistols, a tri-corner hat and a coat, and they will be happy for a long time being soldiers, pirates, and a hundred other things they will think up.

Stay away from the wooden swords, they will want to use them, and it hurts when they do. Best sword stand in we have found is the foam pool noodles cut in half, with some tape around one end to make a handle. Started as "lightsabers" for star wars, but they have enough imagination to make them work for other things too. They can whack away all they want and nobody will get seriously hurt.

Kev Williams
01-04-2020, 11:05 PM
make some small wood bowls, then show the kids 'The Holy Grail'...

Jim Koepke
01-05-2020, 4:35 PM
Not to be contrarian, but as a father of young boys I think it may be better not to antagonize your kids. They have enough to figure out.

Yeah! Like what nursing home to put you in.


kevin nee
01-05-2020, 5:17 PM
And a bag of 3/8 ball bearings from EBay.

carey mitchell
01-05-2020, 7:23 PM
Time to start planning for next Christmas. There is a young fellow who will be 3 1/2 years old next Christmas. I am looking for ideas to make a noisy or irritating toy to give him. The ability to drive his parents nuts will be a plus. Any ideas?

Don't worry, any 3 1/2 year old can make noise with anything.

David Dockstader
01-06-2020, 9:58 AM
This has been the BEST THREAD EVER! I never knew that deep down inside woodworkers actually have a large sadistic streak. Or perhaps we are all grandparents who believe in karma! My daughter continuously says our curse is coming true, "May you have one exactly like you!" :)

Mike Kees
01-08-2020, 12:44 AM
Buy them some coyote calls. Nothing like a three year old blowing at full bore on a' jack rabbit in distress' call.:D Works especially well when other siblings are similarly "armed".

Roger Feeley
01-08-2020, 9:25 AM
This has been the BEST THREAD EVER! I never knew that deep down inside woodworkers actually have a large sadistic streak. Or perhaps we are all grandparents who believe in karma! My daughter continuously says our curse is coming true, "May you have one exactly like you!" :)

David, I don’t think of the replies as being sadistic. It’s just the woodworkers have particularly facile minds and like the mental exercise. I would never do any of these things but it’s a fun way to spend some creative brain cycles.

curtis woodall
01-08-2020, 5:03 PM
This thread is kind of funny to me. I have 2 granddaughters, 4 and 5 years old. The 5 year old is learning the piano. So I got to thinking about what to get them that would encourage them to find something in music that they might enjoy. So I got them each a Hohner Special 20 harmonica. Names engraved and all. They really liked them on X-mas morning and instantly began blowing the heck out of them. A week later when asked if they were having fun with their harmonicas, the answer I got was something like "Yea, when mom let's us play them"..................................................

Rob Luter
01-08-2020, 5:55 PM
Time to start planning for next Christmas. There is a young fellow who will be 3 1/2 years old next Christmas. I am looking for ideas to make a noisy or irritating toy to give him. The ability to drive his parents nuts will be a plus. Any ideas?

You are my kind of guy! I’d suggest a well crafted dovetailed box with a sliding lid that will hold a slide whistle (https://www.musiciansfriend.com/folk-traditional-instruments/grover-trophy-slide-whistle/441074000000000?cntry=us&source=3WWRWXGP&gclid=CjwKCAiAmNbwBRBOEiwAqcwwpdIIYG8NobS46reK9E7h 1R-sJ5zrVpqOgQHKhXxQfLfBxNT4cygtwRoCzQMQAvD_BwE) (perhaps two) and a bell of some kind. A drum is a good second tier choice. Pair with oil based modeling clay or a selection of magic markers. Good times!

Ted Calver
01-08-2020, 11:16 PM
Slit/tongue drums are fairly easy to make.

Doug Dawson
01-09-2020, 12:12 PM
David, I don’t think of the replies as being sadistic. It’s just the woodworkers have particularly facile minds and like the mental exercise. I would never do any of these things but it’s a fun way to spend some creative brain cycles.

You could substitute a Pomeranian, but it wouldn't last as long. Kind of cruel to the parents, and whoever it eventually goes upstate to live with.

Jim Matthews
01-09-2020, 7:38 PM

Charlie Velasquez
01-11-2020, 4:25 AM
Keep it creative and simple...
A chalkboard and extra hard chalk...