View Full Version : Circular saws?

Mike Sanfeliz
12-20-2005, 12:03 AM
Is it silly to have more than one? I currently own a fantastic 15 amp Porter Cable that I picked up 2 years ago (right before the Mags came out). It is very powerful and cuts through anything like butter. I bought the one for right handed folk, even though I'm a lefty. Funny, it just feels better using it on the right side. I am more in control this way, go figure.

I recently came across a newer styled Craftsman 13amp w/laser. I like the way this saw feels in hand. I also wanted a back-up cs with slightly less power for when the PC is overkill.

I know with drills it's about power and weight. Currently I own three, 1-14 volt B&D fire storm (don't laugh, it's really been a trooper and I happen to like the removable chuck) and 2 Craftsman 19.2ex & 12 volt (the grey one). The EX for torque and the grey for finess. The B&D is the versitile one. It can get into areas that the others can't

BTW- I'm a big Craftsman nut. Nothing against other brands, it's just what works for me and what I like. :D

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
12-20-2005, 12:45 AM
Mike, my Dad has a Craftsman that is older than I am, and I know he still uses it, nothing fancy, it just works. He keeps a good sharp blade in it and he knows how to use it.

I have a 10 year old smaller Makita that I've desperately tired to kill, but I've not been able too!:rolleyes:

I once cut up all the steel in a temp building we had, I went through something like 40 of those abrasive disc cutting wheels things, I did 4 truck loads of about 500 lbs each of steel to the recycle place, and still that saw just keeps on trucking.:cool:

I think having more than one saw is a good thing, nice to have back up, and sometimes, like you say, you don't need the BRUTE power of the bigger saw.

Just to prove my point I went and got myself a Festool TS55, just came the other day :D . I need a good accurate saw with great dust collection to cut up sheet goods, as my Dungeon workshop is on the small side for putting sheets of plywood through the TS.

I guess the right/left thing is just a preference thing, I know when I use the left hand saw, it just feels strange, like the kickstarts on the Euro bike on the left side of the bike, strange.

Merry Christmas!!

Larry Reimer
12-20-2005, 6:00 AM
Mike, with hand held electrically powered tools I thought we were REQUIRED to own more than one. You know, a couple of circular saws, about five hand held drill motors, about six routers and so on..... I personally don't get that worked up about what brand they are. I do get excited about whether they work or not. Seems a bit of my stuff ends up being Milwaukee red, but I still have and use a cheap Black and Decker router my Dad bought back in the 50's and that's still a nice router.

Byron Trantham
12-20-2005, 6:10 AM
Mike, FWIW, I have the same problem. I have an old Craftsman CS that is a tank. Its heavy! It also requires (can use) an 8 1/2" blade. I mean old here. I would like to replace it with a Festool system but it is so expensive and the Craftsman still works very well. I have an aversion to waste and I know that if I pull the trigger and buy the Festool, the Craftsman will not see the light of day. Oh well - still contemplating the possibility. Good luck on your decision.

tod evans
12-20-2005, 8:49 AM
mike, i own two skillsaws, a mag77 and a 10" milwaukee....tod