View Full Version : HVLP or LVLP

Bob Johnson2
12-29-2019, 7:45 PM
Last time I looked in spraying, there was conventional and HVLP, when I started researching the other day I saw there is now LVLP. Been reading for the last couple days on whether HVLP or LVLP would be best for my needs and now I'm really confused. I did pick up a Devilbiss GTI600 conversion gun 10 or 15 years ago that I've never been able to get to work right, my compressor may be the issue with it, I gave up on it. The compressor says it can do 12.3 cfm @ 40 psi, if one believes the manufacturer.

I'm trying to figure out which setup, HVLP or LVLP, will give me the best results. I'd like it for both water and solvent based finishes. I do very little latex, pretty much everything is a clear finish. Suppose if I could pick up an extra tip for latex it's be a plus, but that's 2ndary. I currently have a makeup table and a dry sink waiting for finishing, that's about the extent of my needs, size wise. I don't mind spending for a decent turbine system if that's the way to go.

Can anyone fill me in on the pros and cons of both from a woodworkers point of view? I've used neither.