View Full Version : A Little Gloat

Dick Parr
12-19-2005, 9:25 PM
My latest Ebay purchase arrived today.:D

Last week I re-routed a 220 plug that I wasn't using over to the lathe area so I have some place to hook this up and while I was at it I added another 220 plug so I don't have to keep swapping out the table saw and band saw plugs it time I want to use them. Wanted to do that years ago.:o

I have all the fittings, wire, hose and vacuum fittings made up for my DVR, so tomorrow I hope to have this up and running. UPS showed up to late today to get started on it.

Some times you can get good deals on things.:cool: Thanks to Travis, Jim and Mark for pointing me in the right direction and to the right seller.;)

Keith Christopher
12-19-2005, 9:29 PM
My latest Ebay purchase arrived today.:D

Last week I re-routed a 220 plug that I wasn't using over to the lathe area so I have some place to hook this up and while I was at it I added another 220 plug so I don't have to keep swapping out the table saw and band saw plugs it time I want to use them. Wanted to do that years ago.:o

I have all the fittings, wire, hose and vacuum fittings made up for my DVR, so tomorrow I hope to have this up and running. UPS showed up to late today to get started on it.

Some times you can get good deals on things.:cool: Thanks to Travis, Jim and Mark for pointing me in the right direction and to the right seller.;)

I'm so jealous, next time let me know too guys !!!!! :P

Travis Stinson
12-19-2005, 9:31 PM
Way to go Dick! Get that puppy hooked up and see what you've been missing. Glad we could help.;) :D

Mark Cothren
12-19-2005, 10:01 PM
One word of advice/caution, Dick. That dark lining in those tubes is some type of black powder - kinda like carbon??? I got a big cloud of it in my shop when I yanked 'em off...:mad: One of my filters was black, too. Both of your's look clean.

Congrats and get that dude suckin'!!!!!!

Ernie Nyvall
12-19-2005, 10:01 PM
.... Thanks to Travis, Jim and Mark for pointing me in the right direction and to the right seller.;)

Dick, could you get your people to contact my people to let me know what people to have my people contact on ebay?

Congratulations!!! Great gloat.


Chris Barton
12-19-2005, 10:02 PM
Hi Dick,

You are going to have to let me see your new rig next time I pass through Knoxville! I have a vacuum pump but not the rest of the gear for the vac chuck. Great gloat!

Jim Ketron
12-19-2005, 10:14 PM
Congrats Dick! Your gona Love using the vacuum
Glad I could help Bud!

Andy Hoyt
12-19-2005, 10:17 PM
Dick - That looks terrific. I've had my vac for nearly a year and love it.

But I have a question for you, or your informants.

Those two thingies on the vertically oriented bracket look like filters, presumably one for outbound and one for inbound. Is that correct? And if so, please point me toward a source as I have no filters on my rig and know that I've been gambling with the life of an expensive pump.


Carole Valentine
12-19-2005, 10:22 PM
Congratulations on the deal! I wish I had a clue how to put one of those vacuum thingies together.:( I am so mechanically challenged it's pitiful.

Keith Christopher
12-19-2005, 10:36 PM
Ok so I got jealous and went and won this GAST LAA-V104-NB ! I would link the EBAY auction but I know that's forbidden. Thanks for motivating me Mr. Parr !!!!!!

Robert Watsek
12-20-2005, 12:14 AM
Congrats Dick! Nice gloat...........I know you will enjoy that piece of equipment. Now lets see some pic's when you have it up and running.;)



Dick Parr
12-20-2005, 1:24 AM
Thanks everyone, I have a chuck all made up and ready to try once I get this up and running. I can't wait to get it a try. I have been wanting one for a little while now and things just fell into place to get this one.:D

I will be posting pictures of the first turning I use this on to finish up.