View Full Version : Nova DVR XP Bed Extension

Jeff Walters
12-19-2019, 12:21 PM
Hi All,
I just bought a Nova DVR lathe from a friend and was wondering if anyone has built a bed extension or know of plans for one. I only need to extend it about 12” to accommodate my hollowing system plus I cannot afford the bed extensions on the market.

Peter White
12-19-2019, 1:38 PM
Made one myself nothing fancy.Use 2 pieces of hardwood same width and thickness as bed of lathe.Put runners under to make same height as lathe bed.
Have used it for years with no problems.just make sure everything is as accurate as the lathe bed.

David Bolson
12-26-2019, 12:25 PM
I have a Nova 2024 and when I got a Jamieson hollowing system I also found that the bed was too short. My solution was to extend the base of the hollowing system. I fastened a long (24"?), thick piece of hardwood to the base and drilled a hole in the hardwood to reposition the hardware to hold it to the bed. The hollowing system sits very firmly in position further back. It works great.


Jeff Walters
01-08-2020, 11:01 AM
Hi David,
Seems simple. I never thought of that. A couple questions:
1. How thick is the wood?
2. Is the base attached to the top of the wood or the bottom? It seems that if it is on top that the boring bar would be at a angle rather then straight in.
Jeff Walters

David Bolson
01-08-2020, 11:56 AM
Jeff - My backrest is home made so that I was able to adjust the height exactly how I wanted it. I assumed that the factory back rest that you have was also height adjustable. If not, that's a problem with adding a wooden base (I used about 1.5" thick hardwood). Another thing for you to consider is that Jamieson does make a factory backrest for short bed lathes (https://www.packardwoodworks.com/105816.html). Cheaper than a bed extension.
