View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments...

Dennis Peacock
12-19-2005, 11:47 AM
Well, another weekend has come and gone, it's time to get those shops all humming with Santa's little Elves to get those gifts finished in time for Santa to pick them up for delivery ya know.;)

Since hurting my back, I haven't been able to do any real shop work. I've been able to put on a backbrace and do a little lathe work since it doesn't require me to do any stooping over. It's a lot better now and will see how a little shop time will work today.

Trying to finish up two lap desks for my niece and nephew that I made from some old yellow heart pine. It was boards used to build my FIL's storage building in 1962. I'll post pics when I have them done some time today (I Hope).

I'm off work most of this week, but had to work for "work" for about 10 hours on Sunday.

Supposed to be 62º F here on this coming weekend....maybe I break out my Bermuda Bib Overall.!!!!:D

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Merry Christmas and Best of weeks and healthy days to you all.
Remember....there's only a few short shopping days left if you gotta shop.
<a href='http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb008_ZNxmk311BBUS' target='_blank'><img src='http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/7/7_18_4.gif' border=0></a>

Keith Starosta
12-19-2005, 11:56 AM
My weekend is documented in this thread... http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=27851 .

Other than this, it was very nice. Had some Christmas cookies, played with the kids, that sort of stuff. Now, my wife and I are enjoying the peace and quiet of a completely empty house, as my in-laws took all three kids with them back to PA!! :eek: :D We're heading up there on Wednesday night, so it's just us. First time in.......uhhh.......I don't even remember.


Don Baer
12-19-2005, 12:16 PM
My weekend was spent sanding and getting the table legs ready for final glue up on my Maloof Table. No progress picetures to show since this would only serve to bore y'all. Other then that I gave the shop a major cleanup and re-organization. Gonna be over in Phoenix next weekend to spend time with my son, DIL and granddaugh the table will have to wait until I get back. I might some time in this week in the evenings.

Scott Coffelt
12-19-2005, 12:18 PM
I started a new job last week and it required me to be gone till the evening on Friday. Saturday and Sunday was basically spent getting ready for next week, so no woodworking for me.

One exception is I installed a couple of piece of custom trim for a client to wrap up a project.

looking forward to the week following xmas as I might find some time in the shop, when not enjoying time with the family.

Larry Fox
12-19-2005, 12:58 PM
Lots of time in the shop this weekend trying to finish the doll-house stand for my niece. She asked me for it a week or so ago. Should be finished for the weekend - not related to xmas but I don't see her much and will see her for the holiday. So.... I guess it is xmas related. Other than that, played with the kids and did a little work on kitchen cabinet project.

Matt Meiser
12-19-2005, 1:05 PM
Saturday I applied the finish on my daughter's bed (I'll post pics once she gets it for Christmas and we set it up in her room. Sunday I got started on my finishing area. I got the walls and ceiling framed and got the opening in the wall for the fan framed except for actually cutting out the sheating to the outside.

David Duke
12-19-2005, 2:04 PM
Saturday we went to the LOML extended family Christmas, the rest of the weekend was spent wishing it would warm up a little so that I could begin the finish work on the baby bed.

Steve Clardy
12-19-2005, 2:05 PM
Pulled a leaking radiator from the crown vic. What a job.
Went to church dinner sunday.
Generally messed around the other times.

John Hart
12-19-2005, 2:16 PM
Spent Saturday huntin' for wood. Killed me some too! Sunday was dedicated to a Pool Cue Rack.....Got half done...Probably take the rest of the week to get the other half done.

Tyler Howell
12-19-2005, 2:19 PM
Had a family meeting with the Hospice folks. Great organization and a fine bunch of folks.
More home remuddling and window casing design problem:confused: .
I'll figure it out.
Have a good week and happy holiday.

Dan Gill
12-19-2005, 4:10 PM
I didn't get in any shop time, but lots of accomplishment. We went to Seary, AR for my oldest son's and daughter-in-laws college graduation. One down, two to go! Then we spent the rest of Saturday and Sunday loading up their stuff and bringing it back to the DFW metroplex. They're coming in today after turning their college apartment back to the school and we'll unload in their new apartment this evening.

Vaughn McMillan
12-19-2005, 4:33 PM
Shop-wise, I finished up a quickie paper towel holder (went over well as a gift Saturday night), cut and glued up a jewelry box and a multi-piece lid for another box, threw together a little display stand for LOML's Holiday Jack antenna ball collection, and made a couple wood replacement parts for a piano-shaped music box that my neighbor found at the thrift store. For the first time ever, I'm having successful results padding shellac on small pieces. (I can still mess up a large piece in the blink of an eye, though.)

I also put the 3/4" 3tpi Olson blade on my new bandsaw and tried a bit more resawing. It's amazing to see the difference between the factory blade and an aftermarket one. I was making thinner and thinner slices of a 4" wide piece of 4/4 bloodwood, and I stopped at about 0.030" thick. I still have some tweaking to do to smooth up the cut a bit more (and I'm still waiting on the 1/2" Woodslicer blade I ordered), but I am so enjoying the new Shop Fox bandsaw. I've also collected a couple nice chunks of eucalyptus logs from some tree trimmers near my office that I've sealed the ends of and will let dry for a while before I turn them into box material. (And here I thought I wouldn't use a 12" resaw capacity. ;) )

- Vaughn

12-19-2005, 4:55 PM
The woodworking part of the kids beds is finally done. I assembled everything this weekend and will now disassemble, sand and prep. My tinted USL arrived late last week also, so now it's time to set up a spray booth and learn to spray.


Jim Kountz
12-19-2005, 6:23 PM
Well lets see since being iced in since Wednesday of last week I made a coat rack for the hall so the missus wont yell at me anymore for leaving my jackets all over the house, put some more insulation in the shop and did some wiring. I had some oak plywood laying around so I built a nice shop cabinet with sliding doors, just put the first coat of finish on that. Been trying to keep busy what with being stuck here and all. I did manage to get out today but it was a very nerve racking experience. Car slid all over the place on the now 2" of solid ice we have on the road. Looks like a frozen pond! My homeowners assoc. leaves alot to be desired!

Bob Johnson2
12-19-2005, 7:16 PM
Broke a rib at work, my wife wouldn't let me go in the shop. Spent the weekend trying to see what I could read about Sam Maloof and George Nakashima.

Fred Voorhees
12-19-2005, 7:53 PM
Broke a rib at work, my wife wouldn't let me go in the shop. Spent the weekend trying to see what I could read about Sam Maloof and George Nakashima.
George Nakashima - nice choice! Friday after work, I took in the Edison,NJ woodworking show and picked up a few items that were on the wish list. Saturday was a plethora of things. Spent a few house cutting and splitting wood. Went and had two 20 pound propane tanks filled for heating the shop. Went to the local outdoor equipment store and bought a new chain for my chain saw and dropped another off for resharpening. Picked up some drain cleaner for a stubborn bath tub drain and got that job done. Wrapped the Christmas gifts for my better half while she was away for the day. Kept a nice fire going in the wood stove in the home, continued some work on the corner hutch project. Sunday was a bit more work on the two hutches and more work out in the back forty with the firewood detail. Had my brother stop in after his morning fishing expedition and he showed off a few nice rainbow trout.

Jim Becker
12-19-2005, 7:57 PM
Merely survived it...it was a tough weekend physically and emotionally with the girls. Such is this thing called adoption. But I did THINK about woodworking!!

Anthony Anderson
12-19-2005, 9:28 PM
Spent Saturday huntin' for wood. Killed me some too! Sunday was dedicated to a Pool Cue Rack.....Got half done...Probably take the rest of the week to get the other half done.

Hey John do you mind sharing some pictures of the pool cue rack? I bought an old 70s model, 8' pool table and refurbished it. It had the old brown formica with the popular green cloth. I used the original legs and skirts for patterns. And remade everything out of birch and maple. I removed all of the formica and recovered the rails with maple veneer (I think it was about 1/16" thick). Inlaid walnut sights and recovered with burgandy cloth. It had 1" slate:eek: ! That is why I bought it, that and I got a pretty good deal on it. It has the ball return which I love. I wanted one of these since I was a kid. And I use it every bit as much as I thought I would. Anyway here is some pictures, and hope you can share some of the rack. It is the only thing left to complete my pool table project. Thanks, Bill

Not having much luck attaching the pictures. Sorry. Still working on it.

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Corey Hallagan
12-19-2005, 9:56 PM
Hooked up the new PC to the Highs Speed and went wireless. Also, decided to order a Mini Lathe, been looking at doing this for some time. So I ordred a Turncrafters Pro Mini from PSI. Looking forward to getting it and getting started!
