View Full Version : Trouble setting up low angle block planes

Corey Rebette
12-09-2019, 3:43 PM
I'm having a heck of a time setting up my 60 1/2 and 9 1/2s. I can't get the iron through the mouth, the angle is just too low. They blades were honed to appropriate angles and these are the models with the blades with the ribbed undersides. When I try to set up the blade, I can't get it to go through the mouth, the angle is just too high no matter how I set it. My own 9 1/2 and 60 1/2 work fine. These troublemakers are for restoration but appear identical to my own. All help appreciated


Tom M King
12-09-2019, 4:45 PM
There were answers to your other thread, but it looks like that thread was moved to another forum here.

Jim Becker
12-09-2019, 4:52 PM
Your original thread is in the Neanderthal forum area. There is a redirect here showing that it was moved.

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