View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
12-08-2019, 8:00 PM
9 Dec 2019

Been working at the day job like crazy AND I've been working on this dining table project. FINALLY got the base finished and got the top glued up!!!! Now comes the task of sanding and flattening the top (all 43" x 144" of it!) and then comes the task of finishing it and turning the top over to finish the top after finishing the bottom of the table top.!!! I have determined that I will "no longer" take commission work for tables longer than 8 feet. :)

OK, time to go back and rest before another grueling week at the day job and the night work of the woodshop.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.

Jim Becker
12-08-2019, 8:11 PM
Dennis, you can still take commissions on longer tables...but there will be a substantial premium on the cost because of the extra work and labor cost to handle it...wink, wink...nod, nod...

It was a somewhat busy week for me as I had a bunch of work to do for one of my reliable and regular clients as well as to complete a few small things I intend to give as gifts for the coming holidays. The most interesting piece was to pocket some graphics in the top of a walnut "cookie" that the client will be filling with resin. It was reasonably flat, but did need to be surfaced. So with a bit of photo manipulation it was possible to create a vector boundary that would allow the flattening on my CNC (due to size and end grain) to generally follow the growth rings and reduce tearout.





This photo was after a bit of sanding to remove tooling marks and after pocketing for the engraving. (It's what the client wanted...not my "design", per se. Subcontract work is like that sometimes)

This week I will be checking in on my 89 year old kid, er...mom...and will not have the opportunity to work in the shop. I have one final client order to finish when I return and that's already part way through the finishing process.

Bill Carey
12-08-2019, 8:56 PM
I did nothing in the shop since I had hand surgery - trigger finger again, 4th one, and a cyst removal on Friday. The only good part was that my Doc (who is a pretty cool guy) let me watch. Interesting seeing your interior parts moving around, ya know. Said I could be back to work Tuesday or so, when it feels good enough. Gloves of course to keep it clean(er). Pretty boring - playing a lot of scrabble.

Bruce Wrenn
12-08-2019, 9:52 PM
9 Dec 2019

Been working at the day job like crazy AND I've been working on this dining table project. FINALLY got the base finished and got the top glued up!!!! Now comes the task of sanding and flattening the top (all 43" x 144" of it!) and then comes the task of finishing it and turning the top over to finish the top after finishing the bottom of the table top.!!! I have determined that I will "no longer" take commission work for tables longer than 8 feet. :)

OK, time to go back and rest before another grueling week at the day job and the night work of the woodshop.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.Check out renting an orbital floor sander. Saves a lot of time getting slab flat.

Terry Kelly
12-08-2019, 11:00 PM
Took advantage of the mild weather day and made a box for a Christmas gift project and cut the staves for a snare drum project out of some figured maple....temps are dropping here this week some playing with the tools will be at a minimum, my day job is all outside work right now so by the end of the work day I’ve had enough.....

Lisa Starr
12-09-2019, 12:07 PM
More work on preparing mother-in-laws house for sale. We had a "Garage" Sale Saturday morning and sold a batch of furniture. The remains will go to Goodwill later this week. Also made arrangements for a "bulky item pickup" from the garbage service. They'll take 2 sets of mattress/box springs this week with the regular garbage at no extra charge! We're meeting with the realtor tomorrow to get the ball rolling. Maybe I'll get back in my shop then.

Paul F Franklin
12-09-2019, 12:52 PM
Dennis, a 4' x 12' table presents all kinds of challenges, glad to hear it is coming along. Bill, hope your surgery was effective and recovery fast. Don't think I would want to watch, though!

I continue to plug away at the mantel project. The columns are completely assembled and finished (shellac) and ready for installation. I pre-finished most of the elements of the top except for a wide shelf and the top itself. They are glued up and flattened and scraped, but now I am cutting the mitered returns on the ends to hide the end grain. It's the fussiest part of the whole thing (for me anyway) and I was(am) worried about messing them up. Fortunately, I finished one set yesterday and they went fairly smoothly. The very first miter cut I made (using the track saw; piece is way to big to cut any other way) split off a sizable chip from the edge. I had left plenty of length though, so I just redid the layout 1/2" away and tried again. The second time I was careful to score the edge of the board with a knife, not just the faces, and the cut went without a hitch, as did the one at the other end of the shelf. I did the shelf first, since those joints will barely be visible when installed, today I tackle the top itself.