View Full Version : Walnut Ball

roger fischer
12-08-2019, 5:34 AM
Hi all

This time I show you the emergence of a walnut ballit does not explode either )

The KDV from Manfred is doing very well
I never thought that making balls would be so much fun


Best Regards



Dean Thomas
12-09-2019, 7:52 PM
Fun. I love spheres.

Pete Staehling
12-10-2019, 7:10 AM
I enjoyed the video, but was pretty bothered by omissions.

I was disappointed that it skipped two important sections. The most important was when it went from a ball with stubs on the end not yet parted off to a completed ball with no indication of the process. That was the part i was most interested in seeing and it was skipped over entirely. I watched the whole video waiting to see that part and boom it skipped right over it.

It also jumped from roughing out the sphere to starting using the ball tool holder. It skips immediately to where some passes have already been made with the ball tool holder. This was less important since it seemed pretty obvious how it worked and now major steps seemed to be skipped, but it was kind of annoying.

roger fischer
12-14-2019, 3:45 AM
hi pete

im sorry for this

by the turning the battery of my cam run out, and i dosent realzed it, the cutting of the ends it was no interesting for me but i heard a lot of people would like to soo, so i will show it im my next wood ball viedo

best regards
