View Full Version : Pearl Harbor 78th Anniversary

Keith Outten
12-07-2019, 1:18 PM
Today, we remember the courage and selflessness of the Americans who defended our country during the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th 1941, 78 years ago.

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day


Steve Eure
12-07-2019, 1:45 PM
Extremely sad and disheartening that the news media has said little if anything about this historical day in American history.

Lee Schierer
12-07-2019, 4:09 PM
It is humbling to go there.

Bruce Wrenn
12-07-2019, 8:27 PM
Extremely sad and disheartening that the news media has said little if anything about this historical day in American history.

NBC nightly news did a section on the 78th anniversary of Pearl Harbor tonight.

Bill Dufour
12-07-2019, 9:20 PM
My father got a medal because he was in basic training wehn Pearl Harbor was attacked. He was nowhere near Hawaii at the time. everyone in uniform got one. Just like everyone got a ruptured duck medal when they left the service.
Bill D.

Edwin Santos
12-08-2019, 11:54 AM
Extremely sad and disheartening that the news media has said little if anything about this historical day in American history.

Don't worry all is not lost. Netflix just put out a documentary called "Greatest WWII Events in Color". It covers events from Pearl Harbor through to D-Day. I haven't watched it yet, but it looks to be very good.

They wouldn't have produced it if there wasn't any interest in WWII.

I'm a self confessed documentary nerd. For some reason I find documentaries and even movies based on real events to be more exciting than pure fiction. I guess it's the knowledge in the back of my mind that the events I'm watching really happened.

Mark Blatter
12-08-2019, 2:11 PM
It is humbling to go there.

It is humbling and a sacred place. I have been perhaps 6 or 7 times and each time it is different. The first time was in the mid-70s and we did a boat tour of the entire harbor at the time. That time I was a teenager and have tried to take all of my kids to it over the years. I hope to get the last two there in the next few years.

I find it compelling that any survivor that wants to can be interred there, their ashes that is, upon their death. Perhaps it is the most difficult national cemetery to be admitted to.

Bert Kemp
12-09-2019, 2:11 AM
The last Arizona survivor to be interred on the USS Arizona

https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/07/us/pearl-harbor-uss-arizona-lauren-bruner-trnd/index.html (https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/07/us/pearl-harbor-uss-arizona-lauren-bruner-trnd/index.html)

lowell holmes
12-09-2019, 3:03 PM
I was in the Navy as a young man, and Pearl Harbor happened when I was a boy. I absolutely remember Pearl Harbor.
I had two Uncles that served during that war.