View Full Version : Christmas Memories Past and future

Dean Thomas
11-26-2019, 8:25 PM
What a great day today! I'm a member of the geezer class and had visions of childhood run through my head today. I got the latest PSI catalog today and spent much of the day browsing it and pondering what I might need to purchase to finish up Christmas projects in Santa's workshop (aka basement woodshop). I had memories of laying on the floor the afternoon after receiving the Sears Toy and Christmas catalog with paper and pencil to create my wish list. (Any geezers out there that can identify?) I'm making my list and checking it over and over and over again. So much fun, so little time left!!

No big projects, but a bunch of small ones, some simple, others less so. Some pretty simple ornaments, some bottle stoppers, some pens as gifts for friends, and hopefully a bunch of them for the troops (Freedom Pens Project), if my achy-breaky body permits. :)

Hopefully on the mend and itching to make chips!