View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
11-25-2019, 7:42 AM
25 Nov 2019

It's been a crazy week at the day job and in the woodshop. Making some good progress on the dining table project.

The base is 106" long and stands 27.5" tall. The tabletop will be 42" wide by 144" long and will be 1.5" thick (all white oak). Tonight I begin the process of fitting all the boards for the tabletop. My question is this....what clear coat should I put on this table? I've always used a marine spar varnish but I've also used a polyurethane finish made for hardwood floors. What do cabinet makers or furniture makers use for table tops?
I have my CNC setup now and I've gotten most of the dust collection pieces together. I'm nervous about using it for the first time because I don't have the spoil board done, I don't have clamps. I guess I'm just nervous about it because "I don't know" what to expect or how to go about telling the machine what I need done. Maybe I'm only complicating things because I'm over-thinking it. :) I only have Carbide Create to design and generate g-code with and it's very limited. I'm quickly finding out that I need to get VCarve to design with but then I'll need to learn how to tie it to carbide motion to send the g-code to the machine.
I guess I'm saying that I'm really excited about all this but I'm also wanting it to work well for me and I need to learn how to do just that. :)

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.

Jim Becker
11-25-2019, 10:57 AM
I'm glad you're busy in the shop, Dennis, and also anxiously anticipating your CNC work to start flowing. That video link I sent to you should be helpful relative to the spoilboard, too.

My week was a bit eclectic...which is kinda normal for me. Some work on guitar build three, cut a couple of valet boxes with monograms for a client as well as a holiday ornament for another client and some routing templates for yet another client (all CNC work) and did some speculative design. This week will be more of the same with a holiday embedded, too. Geoffrey Noden (Adjust-A-Bench) is coming by this week, too, to do a little brainstorming with me on something that may be interesting. I have a couple of pies to make and two holiday meals to cook which will certainly be enjoyable.

Brad Shipton
11-25-2019, 12:07 PM
I finally finished test mounting face frames for a kitchen project. Now they can come off and go into the finish booth. There are several face frames that extend over multiple boxes where there are no intermediate stiles. The next step is to build about 60 doors to make it nice like the 3d model.


Lisa Starr
11-25-2019, 12:59 PM
Spent all of Saturday cleaning the accumulation out of my MIL's house. We're hoping to list it shortly. Sunday was pretty much spent resting, as I over did it Saturday. Did get a few minutes in the shop to assemble a bird house that will be a gift for Christmas.

Paul F Franklin
11-25-2019, 3:38 PM
Had hoped to make a lot more progress on the mantel project, but ended up deciding to buy a new truck given the end of model year/black friday sales. I had planned to wait until spring, but would have had to replace the winter tires and do some other work on my old escape, so decided to put the money into a new truck. Spent a few days researching and talking to dealers and took delivery on Saturday. Then spent another half day rearranging the garage to make room for the bigger vehicle. It fits, but barely. The new rangers are quite a bit bigger than the old ones were. Really like it so far. Since it is a nice day today here in NE Ohio, I took the truck for the 35 mile drive to my favorite hardwood trim supplier (Baird Brothers) and picked up the cherry molding I will need for the mantel. Not ready for it yet, but it gave me an excuse to take a road trip and now the molding will have some time to acclimate.

I did get the panels selected for figure and cut to size and the edges rabbited, and then hand scraped them all along with the rails and stiles. Will do a little sanding and then they will be ready for finish. I got a sample kit of different color shellacs from shellac shack and mixed up a little of each, but haven't applied to test boards yet. That's it for me, happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

Steve Fish
11-25-2019, 5:29 PM
We took a short trip to Florida to see the SO’s brother, father and uncles. Took some time and went down to Zoo Miami. Of course I found some time to check out a new (to me) tool store, International Tool. Not a huge store or giant wood working selection but the staff were nice enough and a Systainer full of dominos followed me out the door. Funny how those Systainers seem to multiply like wet gremlins.
Anyway back to work on our home project today, started cutting the arch forms for the concrete beam. The biggest segments have a radius around 189 inches 420306 420307not the greatest pictures but that’s all I got as my phone decided to overheat.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Rod Sheridan
11-28-2019, 9:59 AM
I made a 64 Gig Steampunk USB drive for Diann for Christmas............Regards, Rod.

Paul F Franklin
11-28-2019, 10:30 AM
Rod, that is excellent, bet she will love it!

Rod Sheridan
11-28-2019, 12:36 PM
Rod, that is excellent, bet she will love it!

Thanks Paul, I think she will..............Rod.