View Full Version : You did WHAT??? Porcelain Touch-up

Mike Chance in Iowa
11-15-2019, 5:30 PM
I lost a dear friend in February 2019 and she had a passion for art and anything creative. She had a very large estate that I have been sorting through, cleaning up and fixing up, and finding the right home for her items.

While clearing out the final items in her house a few weeks ago, I discovered a cute porcelain cow and my LOML saw me carrying it out and was instantly drawn to it too. I said it would make a perfect whimsical planter in our master bathroom even though it had chips in the hooves. I looked online for porcelain paint, but didn't see anything that said "buy me."

The chips were driving me nuts every time I looked at it while brushing my teeth. Last night it came to me. I have the perfect solution for it out in the RV. I bought black and white nail polish from a dollar store so we could use them for quick cosmetic touch-ups while at the racetrack. The black nail polish worked perfect. It has just the right amount of gloss in it.

Here are the before and after pictures.


Now for the "You did WHAT???" :eek: moment .... I can hear my dear friend saying that in shock. This cute little porcelain cow was a toilet brush holder in her master bathroom. She would definitely yell that out in dismay with her feisty Texas accent, but her artistic side would win over and she would appreciate how the plant looks in it. :)

Here's a picture of it on my antique church pew for color contrast.

Mel Fulks
11-15-2019, 7:00 PM
Hoove would have thought of painting cow toe nails ? But it saved your teeth! You looked into the black abyss and
found a fix at the bottom. Welcome back to the bright lights of The Creek. There is comfort in tokens of remembrance.