View Full Version : Do you have identity theft protection ?

dennis thompson
11-14-2019, 6:59 AM
Do you have identity theft protection? If so, what do you use?I

Jim Becker
11-14-2019, 9:50 AM
Our insurance provides some benefits and we have monitoring. (Both of us were affected by the OPM break a number of years ago and get free monitoring essentially "forever") One of the best things you can do is to lock down your credit reports with the three major providers which for most folks isn't going to cramp your style unless you are a "frequent new account" type person. Your data is absolutely "out there" so the best you can do is make it more difficult to be used...locking the reports down is very helpful with that.

Mark Carlson
11-14-2019, 10:12 AM
I don't. Identity theft protection is monitoring your reports for change and my credit card and my password manger both do that. I put a freeze (not a lock) on all 3 credit agencies years ago. Nerd wallet has a good article describing identity theft protection and makes a lot of good suggestions.

Lisa Starr
11-14-2019, 10:32 AM
We were able to request a "rider" on our homeowner's policy. If a recall, it added $2.00/year to our premium. We also have freezes on our credit reports.

Rich Engelhardt
11-14-2019, 3:29 PM
Yep - several coverages in fact.
Three of our bank accounts offer it free & another 4 of our credit cards offer free protection.

I also have coverage by one of the nationally advertised companies that we somehow picked up for no cost - via some settlement or another.