View Full Version : One Small Mental Lapse

johnny means
11-13-2019, 9:13 PM
So, I was refilling my CA glue activator bottle, or so I thought. Absent mindedly I picked up a half full bottle of clear CA glue and squirted in a half a bottle of activator. Almost immediately I realized my mistake and tried to toss it away. Too late, the bottle exploded in my hand. Glued all my fingers together and made a big mess.

Günter VögelBerg
11-13-2019, 9:44 PM
I almost did not click on the title because I thought it would be a story about missing digits or limbs.

Doug Garson
11-13-2019, 10:24 PM
Not as bad as your experience but I used to store both my CA glue and activator (both in " sealed containers") in a larger sealed container. A month or so later the CA glue was hard as a rock in the ".sealed container". Glad you were able to unglue your hands, how did you do it?

Mike Henderson
11-13-2019, 10:32 PM
Thanks for posting that. Now that it's over (and you weren't hurt), it's kind of funny.


John K Jordan
11-13-2019, 11:21 PM
Not as bad as your experience but I used to store both my CA glue and activator (both in " sealed containers") in a larger sealed container. A month or so later the CA glue was hard as a rock in the ".sealed container". Glad you were able to unglue your hands, how did you do it?

I store the CA in a sealed container but the activator up on the shelf. Putting desiccant beads in the CA container helps preserve the CA since moisture is an activator.



Mark Hennebury
11-14-2019, 12:19 AM
A new entry in the museum of modern Art. Just don't mention that it was an accident, make out that you slaved for months to make it appear like an accident.

mark mcfarlane
11-14-2019, 6:24 AM
I store the CA in a sealed container but the activator up on the shelf. Putting desiccant beads in the CA container helps preserve the CA since moisture is an activator.



Great idea John, thanks for sharing this.

Tom Bender
11-14-2019, 7:38 AM
Not as bad as your experience but I used to store both my CA glue and activator (both in " sealed containers") in a larger sealed container. A month or so later the CA glue was hard as a rock in the ".sealed container". Glad you were able to unglue your hands, how did you do it?

Did you unglue your fingers or are you looking for a special mitten?

Frederick Skelly
11-14-2019, 7:48 AM
Im glad you didnt get hurt.

John K Jordan
11-14-2019, 8:58 AM
Great idea John, thanks for sharing this.

I came up with this idea a bunch of years ago after reading how water is an accelerator and how permeable most plastic CA bottles are to moisture in the air. I told a friend and he implemented it immediately the desiccant idea but just as quickly I plum forgot about it! A few years ago he told me how well it had worked for him so I finally did it myself. I use the blue indicator desiccant beads and recharge them in a toaster oven when they start turning pink.

I see now that Mercury Adhesives comments about storing opened bottles of their CA in dry containers: http://www.mercuryadhesives.com/index.php/2015/07/16/what-is-the-best-way-to-keep-ca-fresh/

I have no financial interest in the company but I'm quite impressed with their glue, bottles, caps, and warranty. (Unconditional, search for warranty: http://www.mercuryadhesives.com/index.php/blog/ or just look here: http://www.mercuryadhesives.com/index.php/category/general/faq/)

For those interested, I think this section of their blog/FAQ is worth reading: http://www.mercuryadhesives.com/?s=moisture


Jim Becker
11-14-2019, 10:07 AM
https://rgf05a.sn.files.1drv.com/y4mR1NzCLDE7H2vfsKM69f-4TkWtjoNa97O3T46da4UyCg_aS3JqOQNZN2Sqeb1BxdeqdWbcz K4YEOMMS00GCK4QngLAoSX85sJUmXqveq7KUZb038sa2uTBRyS YS9eOtqz2eLq1QQXEGNTJVwIOY-38mEvaKq35V38Wm_BeGrfqq0M6x-QAnA6BWzdt7F2zYp6Lxrp3S3ob4uhQKnti-Pb1A?width=314&height=425&cropmode=none

"That said"....look at this as an artistic opportunity. That's a sculpture that celebrates the fact that woodworkers are humans, too. Cut it out and put it on display. It's even already mounted to a nice base! :)

Bill Jobe
11-14-2019, 10:30 AM
At a Lowe's somewhere many years ago someone squirted CA glue onto a toilet seat in the mens' restroom.
They had to remove the seat and, with him still glued to it, carried him through the store and into an ambulance.
That would make your day!

You are probably very lucky it wasn't worse.

Bill Jobe
11-14-2019, 10:56 AM
I was wrong. It was at a Home Depot.


Jacob Reverb
11-14-2019, 11:33 AM
Interesting...did it release heat when it kicked off? (I've never used the activator, just water or spit, so I don't know...)

Frank Pratt
11-14-2019, 11:34 AM
I was wrong. It was at a Home Depot.


Thanks for the link. I was thinking that it must be an urban legend. What a truly awful experience that must have been. Personally, I always give public toilet seats a good look before enjoying that moment of ease.

Ole Anderson
11-14-2019, 12:00 PM
Your picture looks a lot like what happened to me last night. Kicking myself for not taking a picture. I heard a funny noise coming from the refrigerator, opened it up and a full can of whipped cream was dumping its foamed contents all over the shelves.

Matt Day
11-14-2019, 12:18 PM
Thanks for the link. I was thinking that it must be an urban legend. What a truly awful experience that must have been. Personally, I always give public toilet seats a good look before enjoying that moment of ease.

Exactly! Who doesn’t at least wipe off a public toilet seat before sitting down?!

Frank Pratt
11-14-2019, 12:36 PM
Your picture looks a lot like what happened to me last night. Kicking myself for not taking a picture. I heard a funny noise coming from the refrigerator, opened it up and a full can of whipped cream was dumping its foamed contents all over the shelves.

But at least your's was tastier.

johnny means
11-14-2019, 3:06 PM
I cleaned up my hand with acetone, it's very effective on CA glue. It is an exothermic reaction, as such, the bottle was very hot.

David Utterback
11-14-2019, 3:31 PM
I cleaned up my hand with acetone, it's very effective on CA glue. It is an exothermic reaction, as such, the bottle was very hot.

That explains the foam, I guess. The 'sculpture' reminded me of the results when using urethane glues. Glad you are able to keep working!

Bill Jobe
11-14-2019, 5:43 PM
Exactly! Who doesn’t at least wipe off a public toilet seat before sitting down?!

I have, but only due to a dire emergency.

I once saw a man go into a stall, lay an unwrapped sandwich on toilet paper holder without so much as wipe the back of his hand across it and shut the door.
I have to tell myself that he intended to flush the sandwich at some point.

Frank Pratt
11-14-2019, 6:22 PM
I have, but only due to a dire emergency.

I once saw a man go into a stall, lay an unwrapped sandwich on toilet paper holder without so much as wipe the back of his hand across it and shut the door.
I have to tell myself that he intended to flush the sandwich at some point.

Maybe trying to boost his immune system?