View Full Version : Leveler upgrade ?

Walter Plummer
10-28-2019, 9:17 PM
I recently purchased the Dewalt 735 planer and it came with the mobile stand. The stand included two levelers to stabilize it in use but to adjust them you need to get down to the floor and work nuts against the top and bottom of the cart. I had hoped to adjust once and be done but my garage floor is anything but flat not counting the pitch to the door. Now my knees are way out of warranty so I got a pack of levelers from Woodcraft that you can adjust from the top. 418465I had some 3/8"-16 weld nuts which are like tee nuts without the prongs. Using a step bit I drilled out the original holes to 1/2" to take the weld nuts. I drilled two mounting holes in each weld nut and pop riveted them to the bottom of the frame.418466 Now I just have to bend down and use a screwdriver to adjust them. Let me know if you think it is a good modification. 418467

Paul F Franklin
10-28-2019, 10:35 PM
Great idea! I like the way you made use of weld nuts.

Dick Mahany
10-29-2019, 1:51 PM
Nice modification. Saves the knees big time. I made a similar arrangement for my workbench due to garage floor variations. I cheated and Locktited a nut to the top of the adjuster and use a cordless drill and socket to quickly tweak the four leveling points. Thanks for sharing the mod.

Bruce Wrenn
10-30-2019, 8:03 PM
Once you have them leveled, take a Sharpie and make a circle on floor where each one rests. Next time you bring out machine, place feet in marked circles. It will already be adjusted to fit there. DUH!