View Full Version : More Marking Knives

John Hart
12-16-2005, 11:00 PM
I made these Marking Knives for someone and wanted to get some more feedback. Chris Barton had said that he didn't care for the pen look so I tried to depart from that a bit on the first one. It's got a heavier blade and I used the centerband from a pen kit as the ferrule...Think that looks too hokey? I'm still not sure...I'm kinda in agreement with staying away with the pen look...but then a lot of you said it looked ok. Dunno

The first one is Osage Orange, #2 is Cocobolo, #3 is Osage Orange. They are all finished with the "Secret Finish" which I will give a recipe tonight in another thread. It sure is nice to work with.

Thanks for your critiques!!!

Bruce Shiverdecker
12-16-2005, 11:07 PM
Interesting, John. I guess I missed the "First" thread. What are these "Marking Knives" for?

BTW, thanks for showing a GOOD use for a blown out syphon. I was wondering what to do with them.


Loy Hawes
12-16-2005, 11:10 PM
They look great John, ferrule and all. I really like the first one.

John Hart
12-16-2005, 11:12 PM
Thanks guys!

Interesting, John. I guess I missed the "First" thread. What are these "Marking Knives" for?

BTW, thanks for showing a GOOD use for a blown out syphon. I was wondering what to do with them.


Hi Bruce,
They are used in woodworking as a scribe to replace the use of a pencil. Evidently, they are very popular. Here's the first thread: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=27586

Thanks....I almost burned that little burl...This was a much better application! :)

Keith Burns
12-16-2005, 11:13 PM
John, I've never used a marking knife so I can't offer any comments on functionality. I do feel though I can offer an opinion on the turning and appearance. I think the form on all three is perfect. I think the pen center band used for a ferrule is very nice. Your secret finish looks great. Your origanality always impresses me. Great work.:)

Travis Stinson
12-16-2005, 11:21 PM
I like them all John, but that Cocobolo is striking! Wonderful finish!:cool:

Andy Hoyt
12-16-2005, 11:40 PM
God Awful Pretty! All of them.

Ferrule is fine - can't see using copper pipe, can't see using nothing either.

I use marking knives all the time in my dollhouses. Not only do they show the cut line quite well, but they sever the fibers on the surface of the workpiece so the finsihed cut is cleaner in appearance.

Bruce Shiverdecker
12-16-2005, 11:50 PM
Thanks John. I thought that that was what they were for, but hadn't seen them with a blade like that. The ones I saw had a bevel only on one side so that you could use the un-beveled side as the "Straight edge"....................know what I mean?...............I didn't say it well and can't think how to say it better right now!


Bill Stevener
12-17-2005, 12:04 AM
I like em all John, still reflects the old world style. Have you tried one with a cap yet, and possibly a clip?

John Hart
12-17-2005, 12:04 AM
What you're describing Bruce is what these are. They have a flat top with the bevel underneath. I guess the pics don't show it well enough...Sorry bout that.

John Hart
12-17-2005, 12:06 AM
I like em all John, still reflects the old world style. Have you tried one with a cap yet, and possibly a clip?

Thanks Bill...Nope...But that's next I think. I'll have to shorten the body up quite a bit and make it compatible with a pocket. I'll figure something out.

Alan Turner
12-17-2005, 4:13 AM
I like all of the knives. I did not see the first thread. What are you using for the steel? It looks like it might be drill rod instead of flat ground stock. It is the latter that I use, having not thought of the drill rod. I taught a tool making course this past semester at an adult evening program, and the marking knives were well received as a project, although we did not turn the ahndles, but rather carved the shpaes desired. Used 1/4" x 1/16" for the smaller, and 3/32" by 3/8" for the larger.

Bob Noles
12-17-2005, 6:49 AM

Nice job and I like all 3 of them. That secret finish really does a nice job and I may have to give it a try. I hope your wife don't let you cook in the kitchen though :eek:

btw.... what's with the disguised avatar? You hiding from the Binti's :D :eek: :p

John Hart
12-17-2005, 7:18 AM
My thanks to all of you for you kind comments. These are pretty fun. It'll be interesting to start varying the shapes and sizes. (Then I'll have a new pile of projects laying all over the house :eek: )

Alan - I went to a Turning Club's auction and they were selling this Lot of steel. The auctioneer wasn't sure what kind of steel it was...He just said "Tool Steel". It seems to be the same hardness as my turning tools though while I'm grinding....I'm guessing HSS. The round is handy because it fits so well with the hardware. I have to grind dimples and flats to assure a good bond with the epoxy to the handle.

Bob - I'm just trying to be festive.....and animal-like....I ain't afraid of no Binti!!!!:cool: :p

Keith Burns - Thanks! Your kind words and work always keep me striving for more! I don't know much about functionality either. But I'm going to start using one so I get a better feel for this.

Thanks again everyone

Chris Barton
12-17-2005, 8:35 AM
Hey John,

Great knives, and I am beginning to like the ferrule but, I think a piece of brass tubing would be more appropriate to the provanance (sp) of the knives. I have a Veritas marking knife and like Alan said the blade if made from flat steel and it does have an advantage when you have to mark into very tight areas like laying out dovetail pins. I am going to have to get me some of that OO and try it out. I like the way it looks and it is very abundant here...

Mark Singer
12-17-2005, 8:44 AM
Excellent! I really lie the design ...I use marking knives and yours look great...I am a mark.....;) er

Jim Dunn
12-17-2005, 12:51 PM
John I like your knives but not having used one I would need to investigate it's design on a marking project of mine. :cool: You can send me one of each but please make sure they are sharp and have a cap for the end as well. Oh yeah, add some for a friend and we can compare notes.;)

Really nice I especially like the osage orange (yellow). Where do you get the knive blade?


John Miliunas
12-17-2005, 1:03 PM
I think all three look just splendid, John! I have one of Dave's originals in Snakewood and it's a pleasure to use. Anytime I have critical marking to do, that's what I go to! :) Great design! When you gonna' start marketing them???:D :cool:

Ernie Nyvall
12-17-2005, 5:53 PM
Those look great John. I especially like the form on the handles and the finish of course.

Not partial to the center band... can't place why. Maybe without the black ring. Dunno.

You sure come up with some great idears.


Mike Ramsey
12-18-2005, 10:37 AM
Beautiful Knives John, especially like the Osage ones. I really like the fact
that you seem to make use of whatever you have available...Great JOB!!!

John Hart
12-18-2005, 11:01 AM
Beautiful Knives John, especially like the Osage ones. I really like the fact
that you seem to make use of whatever you have available...Great JOB!!!

Thanks Mike! Just for the record...The Osage Orange came from you!!! Thanks again....I shoulda mentioned that before...my bad!:o

Thanks to everyone for all the nice comments and suggestions. I am wide open to alternate designs so if any of you have suggestions...It's almost certain that I'll give it a whirl. There's a lot of Mark...er's out there with different tastes! ;)

J.M. - You know me......Slu....lousy marketer...I'll just give them away!:) :)

John Miliunas
12-18-2005, 11:48 AM
J.M. - You know me......Slu....lousy marketer...I'll just give them away!:) :)

You crack me up, John, you slu....you!!!:D Heck, I'll bet you could sell an AC unit to an Eskimo!!!:D :cool: