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View Full Version : Trip a relay??

Trey Tull
10-17-2019, 3:33 PM
Is there a way in EzCad or by tapping into one of the boards inside my laser, that once a job finishes, it will output some sort of signal? I'm working on an automation project for my MOPA and it would be nice to have it trigger a relay once the job is done. My automated conveyor works by setting the number of seconds the job takes and then it turns on to move the next part into place but I would like the laser to trigger a relay that would put the next part under the laser.


Kev Williams
10-18-2019, 1:18 AM
The laser is supposed to be able to do this for you, could be the 'flymark' function, but-- more later

This is the basic BJJCZ controller, with the pin callouts-
-I used this pic to explain the 'remark' function in a previous thread, what you're needing to do is a big reason FOR the remark function, BTW...

In doing some checking, I found this info on AliExpress about these cards- not sure if they're the EXACT same cards, just using the spec sheet for reference, because it specifically states Flymark = NO in the data sheet below...

However, I'm sure you're aware there are flymark settings in the F3 parameters "other" menu, how they work, not a clue, and could be you'll need a card upgrade-?

Would be a good idea to read the EzCad manual, it will explain this, at least until you brain explodes from the chinglish overload ;)

I'm probably not much help, I'll probably never need any sort of conveyor to feed the machine- for that, I just call my daughter, I've seen her run parts at a 400 piece per hour clip, with no rejections :)

Trey Tull
10-18-2019, 9:02 AM

I just read your other post and the switch for the remark will work great..... i think. With the remark function, can you still set the number of items to mark? So if I enter 1000 items to mark and use the remark function, will it mark 1000 and then stop? If not, I've got to work in some sort of counter in the automation process.

Thanks for all of the great info.

Kev Williams
10-18-2019, 12:52 PM
a long time ago, like 4 years or so? - a guy posted up a video of his fiber engraving pens automatically using a conveyor, using the flymark function I'm assuming- IIRC he had a simple electric eye hooked up that verified a pen was actually in place on the conveyor; yes-signal from the eye=go, no signal=no go.

I searched for it awhile back, couldn't find it...

Trey Tull
10-18-2019, 1:15 PM
I have that exact setup. Works great for pens but won't work for this new item, so I'm building my own automated thingama bob.