View Full Version : Full of wood....flat on ideas

Chip Sutherland
12-16-2005, 4:06 PM
I've got a bunch of wood in the shop that is better suited for flatwork but I want to turn this holiday, instead. I get free 42" and less shortcuts of 4/4, 5/4, 6/4 and 8/4 from a friend of mine. Most of these woods are 8" wide or better. Maple, Hon Mahogany, African Mahogany, Lyptus, figured cherry, tiger maple, Peruvian Alder, Red Oak, Riftsaw White Oak, Canarywood, Bloodwood, Wenge, Obeche. What can I do with this stuff for turnings? Platters, plates are obvious. The 8/4 makes small shallow bowls (yawn).

Segmented work is beautiful but I have not done any hollow forms to date and jumping into seg work seems like a real leap into a fire of unknown origin. I'm running thin on ideas other than gluing up the crud out of bunch of it and sticking a sharp tool into a spinning stack of lumber. Maybe make a lamp between centers. Anybody got any pictures to share of work from laminated odd'n'ends.

I have a nice piece of 5x5x3 osage...except it developed a deep crack in the middle so now I have a 2.5x5x3 chunks. Shucks. I may just plane it and glue it back together and turn it, anyway.

Maybe it's a sign to clean my shop.

Tony Sizemore
12-16-2005, 4:49 PM
Don't be afraid of segmented work. It looks hard but closed segmented bowls are (in my humble, beginner opinion) very easy to do after you blow up the first one. I have a really good PDF file that walks you threw doing a basic bowl. I don't know if I can post it so I will wait. if not contact me off line and I will sent it to you

Rich Stewart
12-16-2005, 4:50 PM
Ever hear of the 'bowl from a board' plan? Tilt the bandsaw table to 45 degrees and cut rings out of the board and then stack and glue. Maybe use different kinds of wood.

Might be something to try. I think it was on this forum. Cant remember the author but the title was something like "experiment'. Dont have time to search right now.

Tony Sizemore
12-16-2005, 5:14 PM
I tried that twice. Thought I had messed it up the fist time... well I messed it up the second time too. Didn't work for.

Andy Hoyt
12-16-2005, 5:18 PM
Chip - A while back I was into glued up Christmas ornaments in a big way. Perhaps this will provide some inspiration.

Here's a link (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=26769).

John Hart
12-16-2005, 5:26 PM
Chip...this may not be much of an idea, but here's what I do. I go to the Dollar Store and go to Two aisles....The one that has all the candles and clocks and other miscellaneous junk...and then I go to the glassware section. In these sections, there are a lot of cheap little things that you can make holders for or integrate into some kind of cool object that'll look good on an endtable. Once, I picked up a set of matching kitchen utensils for a dollar and made handles. Just browse around with your mind wide open.
Ok...dumb idea....BUT...it works for me :o

Dennis Peacock
12-16-2005, 5:34 PM
Platters and small plates can be turned from such stock as you are talking about. I've even turned a plate from a standard 3/4" board. Great practice and let your imagination run wild with it. Glue various pieces together and turn a platter with all the various woods in it. You'll be amazed at how pretty they turn out. :D

Tony Sizemore
12-16-2005, 6:08 PM
Your right. I don't know why I did think about. just glue up some plater blanks.

John Miliunas
12-16-2005, 6:46 PM
Hmmm...You guys have me thinking about some of the flat stuff I have laying around, as well! Might be interesting to just mix & match to see what comes out!:) :cool:

Ernie Nyvall
12-16-2005, 7:53 PM
Chip, if you can find one, the December issue of Woodworker's Journal has four ideas of what you can do with a 10 x 10 x 2 piece of wood.


Richard Allen
12-16-2005, 8:43 PM
I like making platters. In fact I have a photo write-up for glued up platters on my web site. Loy thinks this link is okay.
Pictorial on making a platter (http://www.gyniahouse.com/caw/Platter_Making/)


Loy Hawes
12-16-2005, 8:56 PM
Nice platter Rich. I believe pointing to your website would be ok. It's linking to other forums that is frowned upon.

Carole Valentine
12-16-2005, 9:55 PM
You can make shallow bowls and platters with all of that wood. Use a glue block.

Andy Hoyt
12-16-2005, 10:31 PM
Richard - Just toured the platter series as well as your entire website. Fabulous! All of it. Thanks.

John Nicholas
12-17-2005, 12:31 AM
Great for turning platters and shallow dishes. Mount a square and turn away. If you do any lamination to get thicker stock -- remember that you must have joinery level glue joints.

Go for it. Sounds like there are some good pieces in your future.

John :)