View Full Version : Tulips

Rich Stewart
12-16-2005, 1:22 PM
Somebody mentioned making tulips one day and I suddenly remembered these things that have been in my house for a few years now. I hadn't given them a thought before because I got them long before I had ever seen a lathe. We got the tulips and vase from a store in Intercourse PA. that was going out of business and we loaded up on some nice wood stuff. The pitcher and goblet we got from a flea market type place in Dominican Republic. Wife talked the guy down to about 15 bucks. no idea what kind of wood. Very lightweight. Just thought I would post it in case somebody is interested in looking.

Couldn't find a dime so I used a double AA battery for scale.

John Hart
12-16-2005, 2:16 PM
Don't show any more cool stuff!!!!

Every time someone shows cool stuff, then I have to go down to the shop and try to make it! This is unfair because my list is already 2,349,355 items long. And I don't work on them in order....I work on them according to how cool they are.

I've been thinking for a month about doing a Bent Handled Pitcher of some kind...now here it is slapping me in the face.

I am Doomed. Thank you Rich!

Ken Fitzgerald
12-16-2005, 2:24 PM
Rich...I'm going to bookmark this thread and use it to argue with my "chief financial officer" when I'm ready to buy a lathe! SWMBO will kill for those tulips!

Andy Hoyt
12-16-2005, 2:30 PM
Rich...I'm going to bookmark this thread and use it to argue with my "chief financial officer" when I'm ready to buy a lathe! SWMBO will kill for those tulips!

Mr. Fitzgerald, sir. --- It is the combined and educated opinion of this forum that you are ready to acquire said lathe now. Actually, you're past due; but since it's the holiday season, we'll let you slide until January 1st.

Rich Stewart
12-16-2005, 3:05 PM
He wants one SOOO bad, don't he?

DO IT KEN!!!!!

DO IT NOW!!!!!

John Hart
12-16-2005, 3:26 PM
Yeah...I'm not so sure that, given the proper stimulus, the CFOWMBO may just want to put a little spinny thing in your stocking.;) Sort of a christening gift for the new shop.