View Full Version : Stanley 248

Josh Robinson
10-05-2019, 5:29 PM
Hi Folks,

So i need to cut 1/4 inch groves. I have this old 248 that hung in my dads barn for years. It has a 3/8 cutter and after messing with it and reading about it, I’ve got it tuned so that it cuts pretty decently. I’d really prefer a 1/4 for grooves and that cutter looks like it will be around $20 on eBay. This is an ugly little plane and not easy to setup and the only reason it hasn’t been put in a garage sale is that it was my dads, not that he used it much. So I’ve been laboring over throwing another $20 in this ugly little plane , or more money into a record 43, 44, Stanley 50 ($40-$150 for these options) or the LV small plow. The LV would be the most cost effective but cash is a little tight and it will probably be next year or so before it is an option. Is the operation and overall value of some of the other planes that I mentioned, that much better than throwing another a $20 cutter at the 248?

Jim Koepke
10-05-2019, 5:42 PM
Will you be wanting to use the 3/8" cutter in the future?

If not, maybe it could be ground down to be a 1/4" cutter.


Josh Robinson
10-05-2019, 5:51 PM
Almost embarrassed I didn’t think of that....thanks Jim!

Jim Koepke
10-05-2019, 6:01 PM
Almost embarrassed I didn’t think of that....thanks Jim!

You are welcome, but soon you may be cursing me if you have to do this by hand. Though an 80 gritt abrasive sheet on a piece of tile may make it go a bit faster.
