View Full Version : Cutting MDF With A Circular Saw

Keith Starosta
12-16-2005, 8:07 AM
I've got about five sheets of MDF to cut up this weekend, and due to all of the...."stuff"....in my garage, I can't use my table saw. So, it's the trusty Craftsman circular saw to the rescue. My question is, what is the best type of blade that I can buy to use on the MDF?



Lamar Horton
12-16-2005, 8:39 AM
I would think any almost any blade would work for you.

Phil Phelps
12-16-2005, 8:57 AM
any sharp carbide combination blade. Cuts like butter. PS. I'd cut it out doors. The dust is miserable.

Kent Parker
12-16-2005, 9:03 AM

Definitely carbide tipped. Yes any blade will work however a blade with more teeth the better. Try a cross cut or multi purpose blade with 60 teeth. You'll get a much smooth edge. Don't forget to wear a good dust mask and goggles because you'll be making plenty of dust



Keith Starosta
12-16-2005, 10:00 AM
Thanks, guys! Yes, I will be cutting it outside......if the forecast continues along the same line.

I guess I'm going to buy a bunch of the combo blades, just in case they start to dull out.

- Keith