View Full Version : shop cart

Bradley Gray
09-22-2019, 10:43 PM
I have been trying to search the forum for a cart that was discussed here earlier this year that supported sheet goods, doors etc. on one point. I can't remember what it was called

Jim Becker
09-23-2019, 9:08 AM
Likely the MFSC by Timothy Wilmots


If that's the one you are interested in, I have a mostly completed one that could be available to you if you didn't mind the travel. I intended to use it in my shop, but then bought my CNC machine, leaving no room to actually use the cart. I didn't do a bunch of the final steps, but have all the parts, AFAIK.

richard poitras
09-23-2019, 9:22 AM

https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fi123.photobucket.com%2F albums%2Fo303%2Fchrisrosenb%2FShop%2520Album%2F201 10816_11.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fsawmillcreek.org%2Fshowthr ead.php%3F201437-Handling-Sheet-Goods&docid=F6pw_JjlBAn6uM&tbnid=gbwvEVKqLyfSIM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwi6-47vg-fkAhWCr54KHcViBFoQMwjAAigKMAo..i&w=1024&h=768&bih=642&biw=1422&q=sheet%20%20shop%20cart&ved=0ahUKEwi6-47vg-fkAhWCr54KHcViBFoQMwjAAigKMAo&iact=mrc&uact=8

https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjGxd6DhefkAhUcHzQIHbqVBMgQjRx6BAgBEAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F563512 972119356731%2F&psig=AOvVaw0piaAlmLs9EUHVThiYGqaF&ust=1569331351432593


Bradley Gray
09-23-2019, 10:28 AM
The "Crazy Horse Dolly" is what I was seeking - Richard gets the prize - Thanks Richard and Jim

!https://sawmillcreek.org/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMTEhUSEhIVFhUXFRgVFxcYFxUVFRcVFRYXFxUVFR YYHSggGBolHRUVITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GhAQGi0dHR8tKy0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0rLS0tLS8tLS0tLS0tLS 0tKy0rLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIAMgA/AMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAFAQIDBAYABwj/xABGEAABAwEEBgcFBAkDAwUAAAABAAIRAwQSITEFBkFRYXETIo GRobHBMkLR4fAUUmKSBxUWI3KCssLxM0NTNJPSJERUc L/xAAZAQADAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAX/xAAhEQEBAAICAgMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAQIRAxIhMRNBUWFCBP/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A8lNEbknQjcpnJpVpRmiNyb0Q3KZNSCM0h uSCiNylXMzQaXRVnaS4EbEXsOj2OYDA2jxQ3RB/ekbwfRH9D5Pbud5j5LDL26MJ4RU9GsPuqK26MZcdA90nuCNBij qslRur1GK0fRBeAR7wHerdSytFSIwkhQWYRUjc9vg5X7Z/qT LzhaVlj6T/YWbgmmwsjJXU1Z7rTUDX2RuGG30Kr22ytuEgfUojUGHaPNQWsd Rw4FVL5KzwEWWiCW8SfJF22VhAMDJC7McWfxeqMUD1RyjuwVZI xita7G246BjBQRjAtJUMiFnWDNPEsoQMG5ODW7gug7lxadypJL rdyQ02rcap6m0qzb9dzzuawho7XESTyRXSX6PaL rZi m/MF77zDvBkSOYU95vTb4M nfXh5iaQSdEpqtBzSWuBBBLSNxBgjwTCFTHSIthJCfCSE0kXQE 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pVOrSCVcgKVRsEJa9QVBdZid2WA2pFyYUn2ZzfaEdoPkmwuXJh//9k= 1025 × 816
(https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thecrazyhorsedolly .com%2Fimage%2F126346707.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thecrazyhorsedolly.com %2F&docid=aRhfwFt1cU8d4M&tbnid=Bzcer40xB1uS8M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjXkr3akufkAhUVP30KHZvGAT0QMwg9KAAwAA.. i&w=1025&h=816&bih=659&biw=1238&q=crazy%20horse%20sheet%20good%20carts&ved=0ahUKEwjXkr3akufkAhUVP30KHZvGAT0QMwg9KAAwAA&iact=mrc&uact=8)

richard poitras
09-23-2019, 10:39 AM
The "Crazy Horse Dolly" is what I was seeking - Richard gets the prize - Thanks Richard and Jim


Bradley, Do you need my address? :)

Glad I could help... If you get one let me know how you like it as I was thinking about getting one.


Chris Schoenthal
09-23-2019, 10:57 AM
Likely the MFSC by Timothy Wilmots


If that's the one you are interested in, I have a mostly completed one that could be available to you if you didn't mind the travel. I intended to use it in my shop, but then bought my CNC machine, leaving no room to actually use the cart. I didn't do a bunch of the final steps, but have all the parts, AFAIK.

Jim, not to crash this thread, but how hard was this to build and what would the approximate cost be now?
I watched some of Timothy's builds in the past and talk about MAJOR shop envy. Can't believe that he's gotten out of woodworking and back to farming.

Ben Rivel
09-23-2019, 11:04 AM
Wow, I remember seeing the Crazy Horse Dolly a long time ago and thinking it was kinda silly and never looked further into. Checking it out now and seeing that he's "closing the doors" I cant believe he was getting $95 for a threaded rod with a plastic dome on the end and some metal tubing, a knob and a set of plans. Seems like it should have been about half that cost.

Joe Jensen
09-23-2019, 11:26 AM
Wow, I remember seeing the Crazy Horse Dolly a long time ago and thinking it was kinda silly and never looked further into. Checking it out now and seeing that he's "closing the doors" I cant believe he was getting $95 for a threaded rod with a plastic dome on the end and some metal tubing, a knob and a set of plans. Seems like it should have been about half that cost.

If you believe he should make nothing for inventing it or designing it. Sheesh

Patrick Kane
09-23-2019, 11:52 AM
If you think the crazy horse is expensive, dont look at the barth/felder panel tilt add on feature or the FAT 300 and 500. I think the panel tilt option is $1,000 on its own, not to mention the price of the table.

I wish i could use any of these carts in my basement shop. Way too tight to maneuver, unfortunately.

Ben Rivel
09-23-2019, 12:10 PM
If you believe he should make nothing for inventing it or designing it. Sheesh
Didnt say what I "believed", just thought it looked like something anyone could make themselves for a few bucks. I mean as it is all the rest of the design is done by the "user".

Bradley Gray
09-23-2019, 4:13 PM
Well, I thought the price was okay - I ordered the kit today.

Richard, I will add to this when I get it up and running.

The crazy horse site is down to a couple dozen kits and will shut down when they are gone.

Erik Loza
09-23-2019, 7:02 PM
If you think the crazy horse is expensive, dont look at the barth/felder panel tilt add on feature or the FAT 300 and 500.

Believe it or not, they sell hand-over-fist. I just took an order for two for a local customer's shop. Had never used a lifting table before I came back on board but now, can't get by without one. BTW, it would be really easy to DIY the top for a FAT300.


Peter Rawlings
09-23-2019, 7:41 PM
Well, I thought the price was okay - I ordered the kit today.

Richard, I will add to this when I get it up and running.

The crazy horse site is down to a couple dozen kits and will shut down when they are gone.

Bradley, I suspect you'll like it. I use mine frequently.

I'm a cheapskate a lot of the time and I sure don't agree with the "too expensive" line of thinking. The "knob" I recognized as the same as a T-Jak used for cabinet installation. Replacements are $29 on their site. The "plastic" is actually rubber, made by inventor and is not something one could find off-the-shelf. Kinda sad to see him close the doors. I have several tools designed by craftsmen and borne of better mousetrap thinking. I'd buy again in a heartbeat.

There was a thread some time ago with several variations.


Bradley Gray
09-23-2019, 7:54 PM
I own my shop and tools and property and I still need to charge $40 an hour to keep the doors open. $95 for the parts and plans saves me a ton of time not even accounting for the time to design the thing, come up with the right rubber, etc - seems like a deal to me.

Jim Morgan
09-23-2019, 7:59 PM
Jim, not to crash this thread, but how hard was this to build and what would the approximate cost be now?
I watched some of Timothy's builds in the past and talk about MAJOR shop envy. Can't believe that he's gotten out of woodworking and back to farming.

Timothy had a pdf set of instructions on his web site for ~$30 - quite straightforward to follow. Figure 2 sheets of Baltic birch, 4 casters, about 10 bd. ft. of beech or similar. I bought a Festool MFT replacement top for ~$145; my total came to around $350. If you have the means to accurately space the dog holes, you could make your own top for much less.

Jim Becker
09-23-2019, 8:32 PM
Jim, not to crash this thread, but how hard was this to build and what would the approximate cost be now?
I watched some of Timothy's builds in the past and talk about MAJOR shop envy. Can't believe that he's gotten out of woodworking and back to farming.

Generally pretty easy to build if you follow the instructions Timothy provides with the plans. It's really just material cost (some quality plywood plus MDF for the top and good quality larger casters. And yea, that was a big change he made. But honestly, the family farm is MASSIVE and I'm betting he's making a better living than he was making jewelers benches!

Bradley, that Crazy Horse dolly is a really neat setup. If I had a larger, more open shop, no question I'd have one for sure.

Kevin Jenness
09-23-2019, 8:39 PM
"I cant believe he was getting $95 for a threaded rod with a plastic dome on the end and some metal tubing, a knob and a set of plans. Seems like it should have been about half that cost."

Sorry to hear Larry is closing out the product- I find mine incredibly useful. The sticky rubber dome is what makes it work so well, and the guy needed to be compensated for coming up with the concept, developing it, stocking parts, shipping, marketing, all the things that make a business go. I imagine that given a small volume he wasn't charging enough!

johnny means
09-23-2019, 8:56 PM
We make "crazy horses" from old office chairs and scrap tubing. I prefer them over almost any cart for most of my bulky material handling.

Pat Rice
09-23-2019, 11:02 PM
I recently purchased the FELDER FAT 300 lift table and made my own top for it. It is a great addition to my shop and is great for moving heavy lumber/sheet goods from my truck to the shop, from storage to my saw, serves as great infeed/outfeed table for jointer, bandsaw or drum sander. I also use it for a workbench/assembly table and totally love being able to vary the height based on what I am working on. It’s not inexpensive but it is worth it to me.


Edwin Santos
09-24-2019, 12:35 AM
We make "crazy horses" from old office chairs and scrap tubing. I prefer them over almost any cart for most of my bulky material handling.

Would you mind sharing some pictures? Thx

Rick Potter
09-24-2019, 3:22 AM
I will be 77 in a couple weeks, have lots of injuries, and I need all the help I can get. I just ordered one. It just about did me in putting a sheet of melamine on the saw by myself a couple days ago, and that's using a shop cart. Just getting it on the shop cart was tough.

Edit: Johnny, the idea of using an old office chair is great also. If I was still allowed to weld, I would use it (pacemaker).

richard poitras
09-24-2019, 10:26 AM
Well, I thought the price was okay - I ordered the kit today.

Richard, I will add to this when I get it up and running.

The crazy horse site is down to a couple dozen kits and will shut down when they are gone.


Bradley thanks for letting me know about them shutting down as I just ordered one as well. Larry is a nice guy if you talk to him. He stated that he is just concentrating on his cabinet shop as these have been too much work and not enough money for what he has to do to market them and such.

Erik Loza
10-03-2019, 7:01 PM
From a customer’s shop I just visited earlier today. Not shilling for our own stuff but “if” you need a lifting table and the krazy horse won’t do it for you, I can’t see how anyone could DIY or fab something better than these fat tables for anywhere near the price. Customer ordered them sight-unseen and commented how beefy they are in real life.



Jim Morgan
10-03-2019, 10:46 PM
From a customer’s shop I just visited earlier today. Not shilling for our own stuff but “if” you need a lifting table and the krazy horse won’t do it for you, I can’t see how anyone could DIY or fab something better than these fat tables for anywhere near the price. Customer ordered them sight-unseen and commented how beefy they are in real life.



Sorry, $1600 for the table, an additional $6-800 for the top? I imagine this is capable of lifting heavier loads than Timothy Willets' MFSC, but costs 4-5 times as much and doesn't appear to be nearly as versatile. YMMV.

Edwin Santos
11-06-2019, 9:42 AM
Upon learning from this thread that the Crazy Horse was being discontinued, I got in on one and put it together last week. One sheet good delivery later, and I can say it's a game changer. What an ingenious device.

At first, like others, I thought it would take up too much floor space in my small shop, but life is all about prioritizing, and after ditching some clutter, it has a home. I undercut a heavy door a couple of days ago and using the dolly, navigated it through a house by myself with the precision of a surgeon.

Sam Blasco has a video showing how he uses one as a rolling outrigger for cutting sheet goods on a sliding saw. Sorry the inventor couldn't build a sufficient market for it. He seems like a responsive, good guy.


Bradley Gray
11-06-2019, 9:56 AM
I got mine together 2 weeks ago. I planed some 8/4 slabs 20" x 10' Monday and used the dolly transfer to/from jointer and planer out-feed to in-feed. No backache!

richard poitras
11-06-2019, 2:20 PM
Upon learning from this thread that the Crazy Horse was being discontinued, I got in on one and put it together last week. One sheet good delivery later, and I can say it's a game changer. What an ingenious device.

At first, like others, I thought it would take up too much floor space in my small shop, but life is all about prioritizing, and after ditching some clutter, it has a home. I undercut a heavy door a couple of days ago and using the dolly, navigated it through a house by myself with the precision of a surgeon.

Sam Blasco has a video showing how he uses one as a rolling outrigger for cutting sheet goods on a sliding saw. Sorry the inventor couldn't build a sufficient market for it. He seems like a responsive, good guy.


Edwin, I ended up getting one also but have not cut it out and assembled it yet. Can I ask how much longer did you extended the two sides of the base for moving sheet goods on edge?

Thanks Richard

richard poitras
11-06-2019, 2:21 PM
I got mine together 2 weeks ago. I planed some 8/4 slabs 20" x 10' Monday and used the dolly transfer to/from jointer and planer out-feed to in-feed. No backache!

Bradley, just wondering if you extended your base for sheet stock on edge as well and what size you made yours?

Thanks Richard

Bradley Gray
11-06-2019, 2:52 PM
I built the cart exactly from the patterns in the kit. I did use stem type casters which stick up through the plywood a bit and I have moved partial ply sheets resting on the tops of the stems and leaning on the top. I don't think my shop would do well with a bigger base.

Edwin Santos
11-06-2019, 4:06 PM
Edwin, I ended up getting one also but have not cut it out and assembled it yet. Can I ask how much longer did you extended the two sides of the base for moving sheet goods on edge?

Thanks Richard

I built my base as designed. You'll see I used plate casters and a shop made wood bushing in one bolt of two pairs of casters. This gives me space for three sheets on edge on each side, using the dolly like an A frame dolly. This is more than enough for my needs.
If I had used single stem casters, the bushing would have located a little closer to the edge, hence maybe room for four sheets per side?

Also I built the supports as designed, which is 12" wide. If you wanted a little more room for sheets on edge, you could experiment with supports sized at 11" or even 10" which would give more space if you needed it. I cannot see that it would affect the stability.

The other day, I moved a sheet standing up on the 48" edge and it was perfectly stable.

I hope this helps.

richard poitras
11-06-2019, 6:24 PM
Edwin, thanks for the info, I agree with you as not needing more room than that for sheet stock. Now I just need to get on the stick.


Patrick Kane
11-07-2019, 4:01 PM
Sorry, $1600 for the table, an additional $6-800 for the top? I imagine this is capable of lifting heavier loads than Timothy Willets' MFSC, but costs 4-5 times as much and doesn't appear to be nearly as versatile. YMMV.

I struggled with the cost of the FAT table for awhile. I was always intrigued to try one out, but never knew anyone with one. Especially not local. I asked the Felder owner's group a month ago maybe, and there was a lot of positive feedback on the table. I ended up buying a second hand new old stock FAT 300 for almost half off. Still an expensive "table/cart", but i have to say the thing seems pretty nice. Ive only used it two weeks, but the hydraulic mechanism is great. Very sturdy cart even when fully extended. I dont know for $1700-2000, but for a grand its a pretty nice addition. I imagine it is fantastic when dealing with multiple sheets of ply on a slider.