View Full Version : DIY Rotary Vacuum Adapter - Jet 1642 / Powermatic 3520b

Tim Rinehart
09-19-2019, 11:20 AM
I've only made one of these and originally for a Jet 1642, circa 2009.
I'll start with how I first made it for my Jet, then modified for my Powermatic.

Since these lathes have a thru bore on the spindle, I looked for a way of not having to mess with the extra tube as used on some setups. This adapter can be installed on your Powermatic in under 5 seconds!
If I recall, the Jet has a 5/8" stub when the aluminum cylinder hand wheel is removed.
I started by drilling out one end of a block of hard maple to accept that stub...pretty sure 5/8". The other end was drilled and counterbored for a R8-2RS (under $10 on Amazon) bearing I had. The OD is 1-1/8, ID is 1/2".
Use a 1-1/8" Forster or turn on lathe to a depth 1/16" or 1/32" shy of the bearing width. Next, counterbore with 7/8" Forster. Only need to go maybe 1/16" - 1/8" deep, this is relief for the bearing inner hub to not be rubbed.
This way you can use a couple screws and washers to hold it in place, see pic.

Finish boring thru with 1/2".
If this drilling doesn't make sense, refer to sketch.

I think the barbed fitting is 1/4", not sure. Take the bearing to a hardware store and find a fitting that will just fit into the bearing or require minimal grinding. I hold mine in place with JenWeld.
The rubber washer is the O-ring type of washers used on garden hoses.

Ok, so what's with the copper pipe sticking out the end?? When I replaced my Jet with the PM, I discovered the hole in the hand wheel hub of the PM was just a bit bigger than the stub on the Jet...and a piece of 1/2" copper pipe is 5/8" outside diameter ,so I just glued a piece in the adapter and left a couple inches to insert in the PM. That little bit of pipe (3” or so) is enough to easily keep in place and installs silly fast!!
Is this setup completely leak free...heck no, but few are.
If you think it will come out when in use, think again. You have to really pull on it to remove with pump on, even though it so easily slipped on. The leakage is so minimal as to not be a problem for me. Put your vacuum chuck on, and in 5 secs this is ready to go. See the chucks I made from PVC couplings.
I've used this for over 10 years...works a charm.

Sam Force
09-19-2019, 11:55 AM
I understand all of the above, what are you using for the vacuum pump?

Tim Rinehart
09-19-2019, 2:48 PM
Hi Sam , I’ve been using a Gast 0522

Sam Force
09-19-2019, 10:03 PM
Thanks, will check it out