View Full Version : What's this about?

Tom Bender
09-17-2019, 1:51 PM
Just noticed this in the forum notes.

Users Browsing this ForumThere are currently 453 users browsing this forum (https://sawmillcreek.org/online.php). (23 members & 430 guests)

Are there really that many lurkers out there or are these robots, or ...?

lowell holmes
09-17-2019, 2:15 PM
I would say most of us were guests and then when we realized the advantage of being a member, became a member.

jack duren
09-17-2019, 2:34 PM
What advantage?

Matt Day
09-17-2019, 3:31 PM
I think Lowell means becoming a contributor. Contributors can PM, post in classifieds, probably a few other major things I’m forgetting, and most importantly help fund this great forum so it stays alive. .

Carl Beckett
09-17-2019, 3:49 PM
Maybe if you are not logged in, you are listed as a 'guest'.

I often peruse without logging in...

jack duren
09-17-2019, 4:00 PM
I enjoy contributing to the forum, but don't think I should pay as a professional.... been on here a long time...

John McKissick
09-17-2019, 4:46 PM
Seeing pictures is not for lurkers. One of the things that convinced me to contribute

Lee Schierer
09-17-2019, 5:07 PM
It used to be that guests could only read posts but not see any photos or make posts. As you are aware that changed recently to where members could no longer see photos, send or receive either emails or private messages as an attempt to get more people paying for the site since the majority of users, guests and members insist on using ad blockers that killed the revenue stream from the advertising. Now only contributors who pay a minimum of six dollars annually (1.6 cents per day) can view photos, get a larger icon, send emails and private messages to other contributors and use the classified forum to sell excess tools. I don't believe the software breaks down how many contributors or moderators are using the forums at any given time.

Rob Damon
09-17-2019, 7:04 PM
I AM a paying member but I never log in unless I plan on posting or really need to look at a picture which is not often. Because the website software cannot tell I am a member when I am not logged In and I am just browsing as a guest, I am tagged a non contributor along with the other "members" that browse this forum as a guest.

Matt Day
09-17-2019, 7:34 PM
I am tagged a disgusting vile loser non contributor along with the other "members" that browse this forum as a guest.

That’s taking it a little far don’t you think Rob?

Randy Viellenave
09-17-2019, 8:30 PM
since the majority of users, guests and members insist on using ad blockers that killed the revenue stream from the advertising.

And I am happy to pay for a site that is both useful AND isn't running java script from 50 external sites on every page I click on. I wish more sites were this way. You guys do still have the google tag manager running though, but I block that too:D

Mel Fulks
09-17-2019, 10:24 PM
Never heard of any state board recognizing any woodworker as "professional". Too many words getting extra "work loads".

jack duren
09-17-2019, 10:42 PM
Sorry a woodworker payed for his skill..

Derek Cohen
09-18-2019, 1:44 AM
I enjoy contributing to the forum, but don't think I should pay as a professional.... been on here a long time...

As a professional, what do you build, Jack? I cannot tell from your posts over the past 12 months.

Regards from Perth


jack duren
09-18-2019, 9:53 AM
I entertained the restaurant industry like OutBack,Chillis,Main Event with custom pieces for their headquarters. Restaurants that wanted one of a kind pieces for their restaurants..As of 3 weeks ago I had surgery and no longer work for this particular company. Will probably go back to cabinets because of dialysis and shorter hours...

Keith Outten
09-18-2019, 10:28 AM
Guests are Visitors who can only read posts or Search Bots that are searching our Forums for new posts.
Members can read and participate in all of our primary forums.
Contributors have access to all forums, services and FreeStuff Drawings.