View Full Version : MIL Christmas Present with help from John Miliunas

Jay Knoll
12-15-2005, 12:48 PM
Hi everyone

My MIL moved into a new apartment -- it is nice except that my wife Linda didn't like the fact that there was only one window. The spot over the range was a blank wall and "didn't look good".

So we came up with the idea of a faux window -- except that old windows are hard to find in Florida.

Well, gentleman John Miliunas did me a super favor and located one with the help of his wife. They sent it on, I cleaned it up a bit and painted it to my wife's specs, and she doctored up a picture that we took this summer.

So here is the final product -- just sitting on a table. I hope the apartment complex handyman will be able to hang it, otherwise it will have to wait until the summer when we visit!

This is just another example of the power of the Creek and the friendships that evolve -- John did me a BIG favor and I wanted to use this post to thank him again.

All the best to everyone for a wonderful Christmas/holiday season.


John Miliunas
12-15-2005, 1:54 PM
Wow, Jay!!! :D Seeing the final product was more than worth it locating that old, beat up winder!!! The pleasure was all ours and simply reciprocating for the generosity you've shown to us! :) Anyhow, that just turned out terrific!!!I:D Please, give Linda a BIG "thumbs up" from us! That is super! You guys have certainly achieved the affect you were looking for.:) :cool:

Randy Moore
12-15-2005, 3:24 PM
One word.........well maybe two or more.

Fantastic I would be tempted to open the window on a nice day!;) :cool: :)



Von Bickley
12-15-2005, 3:53 PM
Looks like a great view from the window....:D

Frank Pellow
12-15-2005, 4:08 PM
Jay, that looks greatod. Not only does the window frame look good, but the scene looks better than any I have seen in Florida ;) . Where was the picture taken?

Jay Knoll
12-15-2005, 5:12 PM
Thanks guys! Well, we'll know if it is a hit in a week or so!

Frank, Linda took that pic on our vacation in France this past summer. Then she added the clouds because she didn'l like the plain blue sky. After she was done "touching it up" she took it to a place that specializes in "BIG PRINTS", once it was done we had it mounted on foam core before I attatched it to the window frame


Bernie Weishapl
12-15-2005, 5:18 PM
Great looking view Jay. You and yours did a fantastic job on it. Looks good.

John Miliunas
12-15-2005, 6:48 PM
Thanks guys! Well, we'll know if it is a hit in a week or so!

Frank, Linda took that pic on our vacation in France this past summer. Then she added the clouds because she didn'l like the plain blue sky. After she was done "touching it up" she took it to a place that specializes in "BIG PRINTS", once it was done we had it mounted on foam core before I attatched it to the window frame


Jay, how did she add in the clouds??? Photoshop magic, airbrush...???? Either way, a splendid job!:) :cool:

Jay Knoll
12-15-2005, 6:50 PM

You got it, PhotoShop Elements


Kelly C. Hanna
12-15-2005, 7:05 PM
Cool project! I like the winder you chose John!

Jim Becker
12-15-2005, 8:57 PM
Very kewel!!

Corey Hallagan
12-15-2005, 9:00 PM
Excellent job guys, great looking project with some help from good folks!


Dick Parr
12-15-2005, 9:02 PM
Really Cool Jay, I bet she will love as we all do. Great job to both you and your wife. Also Big John comes through again, he seems to be good at that.:D

Dale Thompson
12-15-2005, 9:43 PM
I would be tempted to put up a beautiful work like that in MY house but my wife has already thrown me through all of our windows and I don't want to provide her with further targets. :eek: :) Besides, flying through a "faux" window could be a real tough experience! :( Do you think that it would leave a mark? :confused:

Are you REALLY sure that "Spring" helped you with that window? ;) I was going to start a rant about "faux" Moderators but I guess that I had better back off - at least for now! :) :D

Mr. Miliunas, I guess that I will have to add my kudos to the chorus. :) Life ain't easy for a boy named dale! ;)

Dale T.

Russ Massery
12-15-2005, 9:46 PM
Most excellent!:D:D:D

Steve Aiken
12-15-2005, 11:35 PM
What's a MIL, the girlfriend?

John Miliunas
12-16-2005, 7:51 AM
What's a MIL, the girlfriend?

Steve, I doubt very much that you'd want your Mother In Law for a girlfriend!:eek: :D :cool:

Jay Knoll
12-16-2005, 8:39 AM
We need an acronym translation page --- no wait, we've got John M on the case, never mind!

Sorry, I should have spelled it out


David Mueller
12-16-2005, 9:31 AM
Thanks guys! Well, we'll know if it is a hit in a week or so!

Frank, Linda took that pic on our vacation in France this past summer. Then she added the clouds because she didn'l like the plain blue sky. After she was done "touching it up" she took it to a place that specializes in "BIG PRINTS", once it was done we had it mounted on foam core before I attatched it to the window frame

It turned out :cool:. Wouldn't it be neat if on each visit you could bring a different picture, maybe to compliment the season or take trips to exotic places. I may need something like this on all our windows instead of looking at all that white stuff all the time.:mad:

John Miliunas
12-16-2005, 9:33 AM
We need an acronym translation page --- no wait, we've got John M on the case, never mind!

Sorry, I should have spelled it out


Hey guys, thanks to Joseph Myers, we do have one of those!

Except, maybe Aaron can add it to the "Articles" section, so it "stays on top" easier.:) :cool: