View Full Version : Cub Scout Arrow of Light plaque design help

Ed Lang
12-15-2005, 6:17 AM
My son and others in his den will move into Boy Scouts soon. A few of the boys will get the Arrow of Light award and I wanted to make a special plaque for them. I have arrows that are 26" long that I want to put on the plaque as well as the boys name and his badges. I can laser engrave or route the names and awards.

I need some design ideas and I should have a prototype made by the middle of next week to show others.

Anyone with ideas or drawings, sketches PLEASE send or post them.


Dave Richards
12-15-2005, 2:03 PM
This was just quick and I did a screen grab so there's no doctoring of the image. I started out thinking wood but as the design progressed, I decided maybe MDF with oil-based paint would be good. The blank space below the area can get the boy's name, date, pack number, etc.

Sorry about the lousy arrow. I just drew one by eye. Make sure it points to the right. ;)

Ed Lang
12-16-2005, 6:23 AM
Thanks so much.

I am going to try to make a prototype this weekend and I will post.

Joe Pelonio
12-16-2005, 9:13 AM

Here's another one for you to look at. I have also seen them where the
sunbeams are cut, sticking out the top of the plaque. If your son ever goes to the popular Camp Parsons on the Olympic Peninsula he'll meet my son Josh who works there summers as camp medic.


James Boster
12-16-2005, 3:39 PM
Been there done that. Now scoutmaster of the troop. when I was cubmaster I made our arrow of light awards. I took a walnut board about 6"x18"-20" long. I cut a inside radius on the corners and routed the whole outside edge. Then I took deer antlers that I had collected from some friends and myself. Mounted the antlers and used them to hold the arrow. In the center we had a brass plaque engraved with Arrow of Light, boy's name, and the date. The boy's loved them. I made these for three years. This year are cub pack just had their crossover. They had wooden plaques made with a laser that has the scout emblem and boy's name, date,etc. they were very nice, but at least three of our former cubs, now boy scouts in my troop, said they liked the plaques with the horns. just some ideas. Good luck. i don't have any pics cause I'm at work if you need some let me know and I'll try to get some of my sons.

Michael Cody
12-16-2005, 7:28 PM
Here is what I did for my youngest sons group:


Think of these as a shadow box made with cherry and a mapleply back (1/4"). The sun was yellow dyed curley maple. The arrow was normal arrow shaft with some stone arrow heads (laced on) and turkey feathers for the fletching. I hung the arrows off the backing with coffee cup hooks, hung some leather boot laces with beads to hid the hooks. Then I used a plexiglass front to seal it up.. The little brass plate from the local trophy shop had name, date, city, and pack#/Den# on the pate. I liked the fact they hang as a diamond (like ranks in cub scouts). These worked out very nice..but several folks asked me where I bought them:) ... sorta made me a little mad when I had to keep explaining I made them!!:mad:

Vaughn McMillan
12-17-2005, 3:35 AM
Mike, the priceless expressions on the faces of the two kids on the far right and left sides of that picture made me crack up bigtime. Whatever they're on, I wanna try some of that. :cool: :D

- Vaughn

Ed Lang
01-15-2008, 1:24 PM
The plaque I designed has been a real hit with the Scouts.

Here is a picture of it.


Steve Mondazzi
01-25-2009, 9:32 PM
Hi Ed,
I know its an old post but you re-post the pic you had offered at http://www.mvww.org/132571826-M.jpg ? I am currently making plaques for my son's den.


Ed Lang
12-27-2009, 10:48 AM
Here is a link to the picture Steve asked about
