View Full Version : Looking for the Mini Max forum

Rick Potter
08-23-2019, 4:53 AM
I just acquired 2003 Mini Max CU 300 Smart combo machine, and have been trying to find the owners group, or forum that has been referenced here.

So far, no luck finding it. Anybody know where it is?


Mark e Kessler
08-23-2019, 7:42 AM
search for:
(https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/MiniMax-USA/info?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAALCc_sQTfWaSkVemXIuHwkcliBLT PYPSx_SkOc9RNHY8jxjygJypfas0Ysq0KiQ2avmovRPTY5HYHN MbwyXXyjfAL7xCLMfSGwFLxZc4dJtcHcYdC12HbCfyfBkO_1xn jMUjn1nKgkB9wbIZEU7ZnQav17U-Rp8IaGWhYDaoTDkR)
minimax usa yahoo group

roger wiegand
08-23-2019, 8:40 AM
Go to Yahoo groups and search for MiniMax. I just joined last week and got great help there.

Jeffrey Kretz
08-23-2019, 10:31 AM
This is the group:


I have a question for anyone that knows: I tried joining the group about a week ago but I never received a response (checked junk mail folder as well).

The "join group" button has disappeared and I'm not sure what to do.

Any ideas?

Richard Coers
08-23-2019, 10:39 AM
It's an incredibly antiquated system with that yahoo group. Not much activity. I post once and a while, but always wonder if my post will show up. Suddenly it does. Try posting and see what happens.

Jeffrey Kretz
08-23-2019, 11:00 AM
Unfortunately, all of the links to view or add conversations are grayed out with a "not allowed" cursor.

It basically looks exactly like someone who hasn't joined the group with the exception that the "Join Group" button is missing.

I theorize that there's some email I can't find with an "activate account" link or something? Not sure, I've never used Yahoo Groups before.

Rick Potter
08-23-2019, 11:55 AM
Thanks guys, now I don't feel so stupid, not being able to find it. Maybe it is a 'secret society', and finding it is an entrance test?

EDIT..10 minutes later: Well that was interesting. I clicked on Jeffrey's suggestion, which took me to a page for Mini Max company, telling about the group. There was a place to join, so clicked on that and absolutely nothing happened, my computer didn't indicate it was searching or anything.

Then I clicked on the place to view messages, and the same thing happened, so I went back to this post, and followed Mark's instructions, which took me to a general page showing all the search engines that would be glad to sell me anything with mini max in the name.

BUT: About four down on the list was one called 'Center World Investment Blogspot' which stated my request to join the Mini Max group was denied, and the decision was final...and Yahoo had no say in the matter.

This is getting strange. If I ever make it in, there had better be a secret handshake and a ring involved.

Dave Cav
08-23-2019, 1:24 PM
I'm on the Yahoo Minimax forum. I joined a couple of years ago when I got my bandsaw. It seems very hit and miss; I'm on the email version so I never visit the actual forum site, but threads will appear and then disappear almost at random. I talked to Sam Blasco about it at AWFS; he posts there occasionally (or did) but said that there is a much more active MiniMax forum on Facebook. I'm not a Facebook member so I can't comment on that, but it may be one of the things that gets me to join. The Yahoo forum is nearly useless.

Jeffrey Kretz
08-23-2019, 3:43 PM

I just went back to the Yahoo page and it appears that I was approved and the links are working both to read messages and post new topics.

This is just 2-3 hours after the last time I checked.

Rick, perhaps it just takes time?

For what it's worth, there are many Minimax owners that post on Sawmill Creek -- I wouldn't be but a bit surprised if you were able to get answers to any questions you might have right here.

Rick Potter
08-23-2019, 11:20 PM
I don't mind at all that it may take time, just surprised that absolutely no action appeared to take place when I clicked on the site....I was watching to see if the computer was processing. On the other hand some strange seemingly unconnected site showing me as declined.


Of course, I will continue to ask here. Good people.

Facebook? I won't say never, but I have no intention of ever using it.

Mick Simon
08-23-2019, 11:52 PM
I'm not sure why, but i requested membership this morning and was accepted by noon.

Jon Snider
03-31-2020, 12:28 PM
Following up on this. Did the MM forum move somewhere else with the demise of some (all?) Yahoo groups? I know that Felder went to groups.io.

Can’t find anything w search. Sorry if this has already been answered. Thx.

Rick Potter
03-31-2020, 12:38 PM
I can't add anything Jon.

I simply moved on and have not pursued it any farther. So far all my questions have been well covered by Creekers.

Dan Siedschlag
03-31-2020, 7:45 PM
Try again. The Minimax Yahoo Group has been moved to groups.io. https://groups.io/g/MinimaxOwnersGroup/ (https://groups.io/g/MinimaxOwnersGroup/) should get you where you need to go for the new group. It has been reasonably active since the move.


Derek Arita
04-01-2020, 10:12 AM
Ya, the MM Group forum has always had issues. To add to the confusion, the forum has changed location recently. All I know is, most that were members before, were relocated. It doesn't reflect very well on MM itself, as long as this persists.

Mike Kreinhop
04-01-2020, 11:24 AM
I joined the MM forum last year and quit after a couple of days. There is more relevant MM information at SMC than on the MM forum. Just my opinion.