View Full Version : .OUD File

David Sabot
08-22-2019, 10:59 AM
I am using Smartcarve and it outputs an .oud file for cutting.

We produced a perfect rectangle in Smartcarve, but when cut the end result is not perfectly square. It is off by quite a bit.

I was wondering if anybody here had Smartcarve and could try our file to see if it produces the same wonky result, or if it is just our machine?

Scott Marquez
08-22-2019, 1:47 PM
You might try creating a square using your machines native software, and cutting that, to prove that your machine is set up correctly. You may have to make adjustments to the step counts of the servos?
Since you didn’t specify what machine you are cutting on, just throwing generic trouble shooting ideas out.

Kev Williams
08-22-2019, 5:07 PM
Explain 'not perfectly square' -- just in size, or shaped wrong, or both?