View Full Version : Festool RAS 115 Rotary Sander on Sale

les winter
08-06-2019, 11:35 AM
For any of you planning to sculpt a rocker and wish to own the Festool RAS 115 sander, try Highlandwoodworking. The usual price for these is $360. They have been discontinued by Festool.

Highland has received 20 which they are selling for $250 each, shipped free. If you do not see them on the website, call up and ask. I have been assured that they have them in stock.

No relationship, just a satisfied customer.

Davis Young
08-06-2019, 3:28 PM
They already tried to get discontinue it once before but Steve Base at the Festool training school convinced them that a lot of trim carpenters use them when scribing moldings and cabinets. It really hogs off a lot of material quickly.