View Full Version : Craft Items made....pic

Dennis Peacock
12-13-2005, 9:33 PM

Thought I'd share these two little items with you since I made them BEFORE I hurt my back this past Saturday.

1. Letter Openers made of Black Walnut and Maple. Finish is Blonde Shellac.

2. Salad Tongs made from White Oak and microwave steamed to bend the center leg on each for adding "spring" so they will open on their own and reverse the folding for flat storage.:) Finish is Mineral Oil

Thanks for looking. The idea's were taken from Wood Magazine (a real first for me since I work primarily out of my head for design.)

Ed Lang
12-13-2005, 9:37 PM
Those look great!

How is your back doing tonight? Better I hope.

Dennis Peacock
12-13-2005, 10:16 PM
Those look great!

How is your back doing tonight? Better I hope.

Thanks for asking Ed..!!

It's much better tonight. I've been attached to a heating pad for the last 72 hours and I've had enough of this already. I can at least walk around now without it taking me 30 minutes to get to the bathroom as well as no longer walking like a frozen stiff robot.!!!:eek: So, I'll say that I'm on the mend. Just keep me in your thoughts and prayers and I still have Christmas gifts to get done and this back is keeping me from it.:mad: :o

Corey Hallagan
12-14-2005, 12:21 AM
Dennis, those are great looking. I am particularly fond of the letter openers. Can you give details on the construction and process in making one of those. Glad to hear you are feeling better. I suffer from back pain and muscle spasms in the back on a frequent basis myself. No fun!


Steve Braman
12-14-2005, 8:23 AM
Can you briefly explain the microwave bending process? Everyone loves the salad tongs (including 130 lb puppy) so I would like to make a few. I was trying to figure out the best way to bend them and this sounds like a good method. Thanks in advance

John Hart
12-14-2005, 8:26 AM
Very cool Dennis! You've been busy!! That's rotten about your back. That kind of pain just eats away at you. Get well soon!!

Jim Becker
12-14-2005, 9:54 AM
Crafty guy you are!! LOL (Very nice!)

Jason Tuinstra
12-14-2005, 10:41 AM
Dennis, great little projects. Nothing like those immediate gratification projects :p

Byron Trantham
12-14-2005, 11:16 AM
Nice work Dennis. Have a Merry Christmas!