View Full Version : Every project has that one special tool...

Rich Engelhardt
07-16-2019, 6:11 PM
And our latest house rehab had this little gem:


Yep - a silly little 8 foot tape measure.
It was an impulse buy. My wife hates it when I buy something like that - so - since we had just had a disagreement about something I figured - why not?
I'm so glad I did give in and put it in the cart!

I have a dozen or so Harbor Freight 25 foot freebies - - but - I never, ever,ever have one when I need one.

This little rascal slips in my front pocket & is small enough to carry all the time. I was pure heaven having a tape measure at my back and call for the project house.

After doing 6 of these, I find there's always one tol that I pick up that just surprises me with it's usefullness.

Mel Fulks
07-16-2019, 7:09 PM
Rich ,HF has a 10 foot yellow tape that costs a dollar and has markings that exactly match a two foot Starrette blade- rule.
Its flat and flexible.

Rod Sheridan
07-17-2019, 1:04 PM
I'm normally "that special tool" on any project I'm involved in :D

Neil Gaskin
07-18-2019, 12:17 AM
Man you're a cheap date...

seems my "necessary" project specific tools start out in the 100's.....

Warren Wilson
07-18-2019, 1:58 AM
For me the principle challenge is maintaining my self respect as I explain to my wife why I absolutely need this new — and coincidentally very cool — tool to do the home renovation she would like to see. I still don’t know why she shakes her head and smiles during those conversations. :)