View Full Version : My first turning event has bummed out

Bob Noles
12-12-2005, 9:55 PM
Ever since I saw Normah Binti a few days ago, I have been obsessed with trying to win her favor so I wanted to make her some nice pens as my first project.

I got in this afternoon and took the chainsaw to one of the yard tree limbs about 10 inches in diameter. That in itself was a feat with an electric chain saw, but I got it down and sliced off a nice round and straight section and chopped it up into pen sized lengths to throw on "little red" and make some pens for Normah.

I just can't figure what I have done wrong and possibly some of you can help guide me. As shown in the picture, my pens don't look anything like yours. Any suggestions? At what point do I drill the holes in the pen blanks?

I must get this corrected so I can impress Normah before John Hart sweeps her away . I don't want her to see my mess and need to get this corrected as soon as possible so John don't get her.

Someone please help me.

Lee DeRaud
12-12-2005, 10:07 PM
Those pens look perfect for Normah: she dips the ends in blood.
Fish blood, I think...at least I hope so.:eek:

Keith Burns
12-12-2005, 10:11 PM
Great pens, nice form, straight, equal points, I'm sure Normah will be duely impressed. Great Job

John Hart
12-12-2005, 10:11 PM
Those are really nice pens Bob!!!! The rest of us waste our money on kits and all you need is an ink well. Brilliant!!!

Now...About this Normah babe you're after....I think she's a big phoney! Andy stole her pictures, but personally, I think she's a basket weaver and couldn't turn a stick. She probably stole the pictures herself. Don't waste your pen talent on her.

...There is however, her sister.... ;)

Kaoula Binti
12-12-2005, 10:38 PM
Mr. Bob, you not impress Normah, she only impressed by fish guts and Mr. Andy. Also she not know how to write, she sooo stoopid! She not even impressed by Mr. Hartbreaker's ugly stick...stoopid Normah!

Andy Hoyt
12-12-2005, 11:30 PM
Way to go Bob! Form looks right on. What didja use for a finish? Need to adjust the lighting on your next post however. There's so much in that shot that I had trouble making out the curl and bark inclusions.

Okay, now I've had it up to my headstock with these Binti wimmin folk. Both of them are irresponsible and uncommunicative and just downright surly. I've just edited my Buddy List. Sally forth boys. They're all yours.