View Full Version : loging in

Wally Wenzel
06-28-2019, 10:19 PM
why do i have to log in each time i want to look at a picture.even on the same thread?
Wally Wenzel

Brice Rogers
06-28-2019, 10:49 PM
Perhaps if you click "remember me" that won't be necessary.

John K Jordan
06-29-2019, 6:47 AM
why do i have to log in each time i want to look at a picture.even on the same thread?
Wally Wenzel

That's odd.

Did this just start or has it always worked this way?
What device are you using - laptop, phone?
Are you in the Mobile or Full Site mode? (if in Mobile, click Full Site at the bottom of the page.)

The usual advice for odd problems is to log out and delete all SMC Cookies in the browser then log in and try again.