View Full Version : A new Desk for me

steven c newman
06-28-2019, 9:09 AM
"old" one is cramped, small drawers....not enough room for the computer I am using...so.
Came up with a rough "Plan"..
Picked up about 40bf of Ash....($20.....)
Then drew up a better Plan...
More as a guide, than anything carved in stone....(already a few design changes have been made..)
In order to get to building...all the extra "toys" needed to be cleared off the bench...
So the first load of boards could sit ON the bench...(may have to open a second drawer, someday?)
I also made up a Cut List ( which saw a few changes, as I went along)
Rails went from 21" down to around 16-18" long...by 1-1/2 wide....stiles are 30-3/4" x 2" wide....raised panels? will cut to fit..
Had a lot of rip and crosscuts to do, and try not to get a bunch of big cutoffs...
Set up for ripping the stiles for width....that fence got a work out, yesterday....had two 2 hour work sessions with a break inbetween for Gatorade...even with the shop fan on "HIGH" was still a bit toasty down in the Dungeon Shop....
So..this is part 1....stay tuned for the next "exciting episodes" right here...same Bat Time, same Bat Channel:D

steven c newman
06-28-2019, 9:26 AM
Stiles: there are 6 of these. 2 for each side panel. Ripped the "best" pieces out of 3 of the 4 planks...
And save the narrow stuff for later...enough for most of the 15 rails needed...
There was a couple "problems" with these 6 stiles...one,
Not all were the same thickness....same with the rails. reset the fence (again) to match the skinniest one....ran everybody through. The 2" height of the rails meant I needed 2 passes, as the saw won't go up that far....the other problem?
Some of the lengths did not match the others...so..I ganged up all 6...
Far ends are up against a planing stop, to keep them all flush..took this stack to the saw...missed going all the way, height-wise by 1/8"...bandsaw the trim...
All even, now. The rails I had were treated just a bit differently...groups of 4 or so, to get the 11 done...
This floor WAS clean, went I started..
Stay tuned...

steven c newman
06-28-2019, 1:04 PM
Ok..Needed to haul one more plank to the shop...hmm, had some issues..
Don't think I want to use this end..nor..
Was this any better...good thing I only needed this much..
Thought I could get all 4 pieces I needed...nope, saw kerf thing...#4 was too narrow...looked through the stash of scraps....found a clear pine board, close to the size I needed..
Will be a top rail, in between the drawer units...out of sight. Now, all of these boards need a 1/4" x 1/4" groove...Most were too narrow to use the Stanley 45...to do 36 grooves.
Reset the rip fence, lowered the blade to 1/4" height...made a couple passes each way...
I did set up and use the 45 to clean out the bottoms of all the grooves. A few rails were a bit rough along the non-grooved edge...we have ways..
Then reset the rip fence...time to cut some tenons...
All 30 of them..(had to stop and clean out the underside of the saw..
Stay tuned..

steven c newman
06-28-2019, 1:15 PM
need to set up a little jig, next..
Reset it to hold each stile, while I chop a mortise.
Busy 4 hours?
Will be a late start, today...maybe later this evening? need to see about cutting 12 blanks, to make the raised panels from...plan is to use that figured Ash..
That 7 footer laying to the left...rest of the board ( it was cut down from 11') is under it, in the pile. I think I can avoid the big knots....at least THAT one.
Plan is to get all three side panels done, then work on a way to connect them all,,,with runners for drawers....in about a week or so, I can start on building the drawers...
Stay tuned...

steven c newman
06-28-2019, 5:05 PM
had errands to run, and still do...but...there are now 12 blanks cut to length..roughly...avoided about half the knots and splits. Took three planks to get enough "GOOD" lumber the right length....way too many round trips to the shop, today....COPD does not like stairs...

large pile of sawdust from under the saw? 9 loads into a dust pan, and then into the trash can i have for scraps/shavings, paper, and other burnables

next trip to the shop? need to move everything off the bench, and set up to raise some panels...need at least one done, to lay out where the rails will go...

rails for the top and bottoms of the side panels needed their tenons trimmed a bit..did not bother with adding a haunch...won't be seen, anyway...

Stay tuned....

steven c newman
06-29-2019, 12:33 AM
needed three planks hauled to the shop....thanks to hauling the 7 footer down first, the cussing started right off the bat...had to cut and sort my way...picking out the "pick of the Litter" until I had enough blanks...
A little rough around the edges? We have ways...
Millers Falls No. 11,Type 2...seemed to be about the right size...
need to figure which face will be the "show side"...
Works for me...got out the P. Sellers Panel Raiser plane..
Hmmm, I think it might be too big? Went with a Stanley No.3c, instead. needed a "stop line"...
About 1" in from the edges...ran the plane at a diagonal to the grain, doing the end grain first...
wanted just under 1/2" left un-beveled...got the two ends beveled..then I could bevel the long grain sides..
Using the #11. Wanted a nice, crisp 45 degree corner detail..
Stay tuned..more coming right up..

steven c newman
06-29-2019, 12:49 AM
and...we're back. all the bevels were done on this one panel, for now....will get the other 11 panels done later...that 1/2" thick edge won't fit into a 1/4' wide groove. Plus, I wanted the inside of the panels flush with the inside of the frames...soo
1/4" x 1/4" rebate. all around on the "inside" of the panel...was going to use the Ward's 78...spur wasn't cutting..:mad: More cussing.. set up the Stanley 45...but, rather than mess around with it's spurs...I set up the tablesaw. 1/4" blade height, fence 1/4" from the outside of the blade...then just run the 45. test fit?
I had to reset the saw first...as it was still set up to trim tenons..
On the top and bottom rails. Got all the rebates done and fitted...and even used this fancy plane to fine tune the bevels, a bit..
so...a view from inside the case?
one down, 11 to go...and a look from the "outside" of the case?
Now, I can lay out the spacing for the mortises, that those tenons will go in. 4 panels per side.
was a busy evening...
Stay tuned ( anyone want to show up, and help out?)

steven c newman
06-29-2019, 11:07 AM
Took the morning off, from the Shop...Boss wanted to "check out" a few yard sales......$8 for a 4pc set of wide Stanley No. 60 chisels.....film @ 2300hrs...may do a little clean up,
first....photos or it didn't happen?
Skinny one is 5/8" widest is 1-1/2" and a pair of 1-1/4"...one of which has lived a hard life.

maybe by this afternoon, I can get 11 more panels raised? Need a better way to clamp them down....first one wanted to hop around a bit...

steven c newman
06-29-2019, 11:58 PM
Ok, decided to joint all the edges on those other 11 panels...
Not all were the same width...ran the other edges through the saw...
And to make sure the edges were parallel to each other...made a lot of shavings, too..
was feeling pretty good, too.....until..:mad:
ooops...had to slim panel #1 down, to match the rest...
between taking a saw kerf off of both edges, and running a jointer, was getting close..Jointer?
Worked great...until I had to re-do the now fat bevels...
Kept getting a bit of tear-out. Finally, width matched the rest, and a dry fit..
Since I had to re-do the rebates as well..and chase them with the stanley 45, again. now everything fits.
back is sore, too many trips up and down the stairs. Will try again, tomorrow, to get something done?
Stay tuned..

steven c newman
06-30-2019, 7:08 PM
roh-kay, raggy....just over 3 hours of shop time, today...got 5 more panels raised...
Which leaves only 6 more to do...enough that a dry fit could be attempted, to lay out for the mortises...
I had first just used a couple rails, and one panel, and marked where the tenons went...
However, when I went with a full dry fit...the markings were way off? try another approach...
Grabbed a second stile, plopped it in place, and then marked the correct locations...then got a few more stiles...
Made sure they were all lined up, then ganged them together. I was just going to strike across with a square, so all these mortises would line up. Was a long, hot day...
Even the stanley 45 thought so...
back was hurting, time to stop for the day....
Was running low, anyway.
May try a second shift, later this evening..IF things cool off in the shop...
Stay tuned...am I boring anyone, yet?

Mel Fulks
06-30-2019, 8:52 PM
That's a big project and you are really digging in and getting it done! I'm a big Gatorade consumer, too. We thin it beyond
what the label says ,to cut down on the sugar.

Pat Barry
07-01-2019, 11:53 AM
Migjt think about reducing the spacing between drawers. 2 inches is a bit wide. Maybe just 1 inch??

Mike Manning
07-01-2019, 1:25 PM
I enjoy reading your threads Steven. I like the way you just dive in and go forward. A trait I all too often need to develop.

steven c newman
07-01-2019, 10:14 PM
OK..plan right now is to have 3/4" thick drawer dividers....as the drawers will be sliding on 3/4" runners....will see how things line up. No webframes, this time around.

Shop fan..
Set on HIGH...still not enough....however, I managed to clamp 4 stiles together, mark out where the mortises needed to be on them....
Dug out three chisels...
Used the 6mm to mark each location...one good hit. Wide chisel is to clean up the walls of the mortise....fancy hand has a hook, to clean out the bottoms of a mortise
needs a bit of fine tuning? Dry fit, with a second rail to help hold things upright...
And to make sure the next mortise will line up...and that was about it, for a Monday...
Will see how tomorrow goes...may get at least one side panel into the clamps with a bit of glue? While I raise the rest of the panels (6)....
Stay tuned...

steven c newman
07-02-2019, 4:23 PM
have 19 more mortises chopped...took about an hour, today..
Checked each one for fit..
and panels, too..
Cut a foot profile...
A dry fit showed the raised panels were a tad too long...adjusted that. then a glue up..
Then raised a few more panels...checking for fit...
to build side #2. One panel was....special...:rolleyes:
Not only do I need to plane a bevel here...
Need a rebate, as well....but, when I place a rail...the rail covers the defect

Stay tuned..

steven c newman
07-02-2019, 4:31 PM
Ok, that "special" panel. From the outside..
Doesn't look too bad? Rail covers the "bad spot"...
Had two panels to raise. Made a mess on the floor, again..
Decided to try a dry run with the clamps, but no glue...
One rail had issues....finding where it's mortise was...hammer and a block of wood, cured that. need to go back and glue Side #2....
Still have 4 panels to raise, and a pair of stiles to mortise. Then maybe get side #3 glued up? I moved the shop fan to where it would do a better job..
Also tilted it back a bit.
Now, anyone want to show up and help out?

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
07-03-2019, 12:43 PM
Put in a little more work, last night...just under 2 hours worth....Got side 2 glued up, and in the clamps..
Yes, there are 2 sides sitting there.
Which left the parts for side #3 to mill..
One of the stiles had a mis-matched set of mortise marks...hand plane to remove, used a square, and one of side #2's stiles (before the glue-up) to mark both of these stiles, so they will match the rest....decided to try to raise a few panels...
One was kind of boring..actually..the one below it..had issues
Chose this face for the bevels....as the other face was...
rather knotty. Even had to back off the Stanley 45's depth a bit...
Finally got a dry fit...
"Very interesting.."
been using this fancy plane, to fine tune the bevels...
back was having issues, was getting to tired, and wornout...decided to stop for the day....just under 6 hours, total, of shop time...
resting the back, this morning...may try later..
Stay tuned..:D

steven c newman
07-04-2019, 10:29 AM
Ok, for those wondering...
Stiles: 3/4" x 2" x 31" They have a 1/4" x 1/4" groove. Mortises to house the tenons go another 1/4" deeper.

Rails: 3/4" x 1-1/2" x 16". These also have that groove. The 16" length includes a 1/2" long tenon on each end....size to match the 1/4" groove. And are 1" (more or less ) as the grooves take out a bit.

Sides: 3/4" by 18-5/8" wide, by 31" tall.

Raised panels are 3/4" x 15-5/16" and are 5-1/2" wide.....rebates are 1/4" deep, by 5/16" wide.

Have a stack of 1x6 and 1x8 Pine scraps.....will be ripping those down, to build webframes....will try to use 1x scraps of Ash for the frame's front edge...

2 of the side panels will get a rebate, to allow for a 1/4" plywood back where the drawer unit is. 4/4 x 4 of Ash for a "footrest" across the back of the kneehole...connects the bottom of the drawer unit to the bottom of the leg unit.

Need to get side #3 into the clamps....then work on webframes....10 more mortises to chop, 2 more panels to raise....and a sore back.

stay tuned...

steven c newman
07-04-2019, 6:45 PM
last 2 stiles are done...
10 mortises, in 40 minutes...5 minutes to cut the 2 feet profiles..
needed to raise the last two panels...one was...
Flipped this over, to see IF I could bevel it ...
I think I can work with this. was finally able to get all the parts together, cleaned up, glued up, and clamped up...
All three sides are done, none....need to start on some webframes, for the 4 main drawers to slide on...
Pine scraps...need 5 more of the longer stiles....may try to assemble what I have, then go and buy a few 1 x 6s at the borg....later?
I did have a few items that needed cleaned up....this was rough sawn...almost "presentable" now:confused:

Stay tuned...:D

steven c newman
07-05-2019, 12:05 PM
run to the Blue Borg completed....maybe after lunch, I can start building webframes?

Have already set up the Stanley 45 to make rebates for the case's back..

Will see how the day goes.....maybe a 1300 hrs start? time limits for the shop is around 4 hours....if I get to 6 hours, I pay the price with a sore back....

Stay tuned :D

steven c newman
07-05-2019, 9:27 PM
Late start...1500 hrs....early quitting time 1800 hrs...waiting on glue to cure...
three 1 x 2 x 6', and that 1 x 4 x 4'.....and as clear and straight as I could find...
Clamped up, to mill a couple rebates...along the back edge of side #1 and side #2...had the Stanley 45 reset...and might have had it a tad deep..
takes a bit, to get to 1/4" deep...
Once both rebates were done...I stash both sides out of the way..for now..
Found a scrap of Ash in with the Pine scraps...
Might be a decent enough drawer front? had a LOT of parts to mill....webframes. They will sit about here...
Then, across the front of each frame...
There will be a strip of Ash, dovetailed into the front of the side's stiles...will see about milling a kicker..later...
Stay tuned, part 2 is coming right up...

steven c newman
07-05-2019, 9:43 PM
Had a few more Pine parts to crosscut for length....some will be stiles, some will be rails...
Stiles needed a groove milled, rather than chop a bunch of mortises..
10, to be exact. then needed to mill a few tenons to fit into the 1/2" deep grooves..
20 tenons. Each stile needed 2 holes, to attach the frames to the side of the case...countersunk, to allow a bit driver access..
Electric drill was set up for the pilot holes...
Glue and a couple 5/8" long nails at each joint, checking for square..
A few needed a clamp, to pull things tight...
Set this aside, and build the other 4 frames..
While I decide on kickers...mainly, how thick....IF I do add them, need to do so, before I assemble the case...not a whole lot of room in there.
need to mill the face frame parts, out of Ash. and see about 3 more drawer fronts..
Stay tuned :D

steven c newman
07-06-2019, 10:38 AM
The 4 "extra" stiles...I may just use those as kickers. Need to get the case assembled, and the Ash dividers milled, and installed....And..see about some plywood to attch to the back of the case.

Stay tuned...:D

steven c newman
07-06-2019, 6:50 PM
kickers have been installed..
Bottom webframe didn't need one...rotate, add glue and screws...
Add a few clamps, as well..
While I scrounge for some plywood for the back...and pull the case into square...
Then add drawer dividers around in from...glue only, no screws..
Added a few extra clamps after this picture...swept the floor.
And called it a day, just under 4 hours, today...
Stay tuned :D

steven c newman
07-06-2019, 10:37 PM
Snuck back to the shop, this evening...can't stand a clean shop floor, right:rolleyes:

Most of the parts for the 2 webframes for the knee well have been milled to thickness, length and width...have a few details to work out on them, before I get too far along...drawers here will be skinny...about 2" tall. There will be no kickers, top frame will do that job. Ash where it will be seen, Pine where it won't...need to make a back for it...might be a solid wood one?
stay tuned..:D

steven c newman
07-07-2019, 6:54 PM
Been picking dried glue off me fingers...picked up a splinter in one of them...Glasses needed cleaned..a few times..
Where I started at...parts for 2 frames that hold 2 drawers over where my legs go under the desk ( Knee Well?)
Brought an ugly board to the shop....needed a back for betwen the two frames, and blanks for 2 drawers..
4/4 x 4 x 5' Ash...some places where worst than others...
Cut the 5' down to 2 at 28" or so...set the fence, twice...one for 2-1/4" and then at 2"
Got rid of most of the ugly stuff,,,needed to thin these down to 3/4"...took two passes...
While the saw was set up...had a few others in line..
Rails were a tad too wide, and..
Too thick...That piece beside the rail?
drawer guides...First, the stiles get a groove thing going..
Stay tuned...this may take a couple posts...:rolleyes:

steven c newman
07-07-2019, 7:10 PM
Stiles got a groove milled, as I didn't want a joint showing...
Then the rails got a tenon to fit in the groove....checked the first rail, to make sure it was the right length after the tenons....nope, had to shorten the rails a bit, THEN they matched. The center divider/ runner also got tenons,,

And the center guide was glued and screwed in place...why the step back?
To allow this block to sit in place. had to notch the block, and cut a dado for the block to sit in..
Glue, clamps, nails....check for square....adjust for square...block needed trimmed for length....
had to cut the back "wall" for length...can't use the tablesaw (was a bit busy) so..
langdon #75 worked just as well, and just as fast.
Glue and clamps to install....waiting on all the glue to cure, then the top frame goes on this frame.
Sooooo, once this frame is done, should I glue up a top, or build all the drawers, next?
Stay tuned ( have to go and get clamps of the case, later)

steven c newman
07-07-2019, 11:14 PM
removed all the clamps from the drawer unit....then gave it a good sanding. Cleaned off the burn marks on the feet, and leveled them...case does not rock. Leg unit was also sanded smooth, and a too long foot adjusted...stashed both units out of the way...
Got the top frame of the Knee well unit built....and then clamped to the lower frame....just glue..
Small c clamp where I missed a couple nails...Blue Harbor Freight clamps are coming in handy...
Just glue...block seems to fit the dado, nicely...
Since I won't have the Pine 1 x 6s to build the drawer sides nor the plywood for the bottoms...will see about gluing up a top for the desk, instead...not sure IF there will be a bread board edge done...depends on the lumber supply....as I also have a hutch to build....
Stay tuned...

steven c newman
07-08-2019, 12:32 PM
Lets see...Monday....shop is usually closed....I still went down and removed the clamps, and set up corner blocks to attach the top with. Will add those when the desk gets assembled....

Left knee cap is in the wrong spot....instead of centered, it is off to the left side....knee is very sore, and not working right..have no idea what happened, or when..

Measured and added four times....top still needs to be 46-1/2" long....even with 1" overhang on each end....may add a little extra? Might cut the blanks for the top at 48" and see what happens...width? Thinking just an overhang along the front edge about 1"? With none out the back? Will see how the glue-up goes....5-1/2" times 4 pc.....

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
07-08-2019, 6:26 PM
Seems I will be very busy the next few days....Doctor visits (3 !) so...tried to get this thing assembled...
Can't work on it here..so
Not the easiest thing to do, by meself....just to finish installing a few brackets...
Brackets are by Stanley..
So I could avoid driving screws into the raised panels...
Some of the corner brackets I use to attach the top...
One end fits into the grooves, the other gets a screw..both ends get glued..
Under that one end, is the pilot hole for the screw to attach things together...
Had to wait until those screws were installed, before these corner blocks were added...

Stay tuned...will update what I find out from the Doctors....:(

steven c newman
07-09-2019, 5:14 PM
Heart scan was an Ultra sound, with Contrast.....Knee appointment moved to next Monday afternoon....Blood thinner check up is tomorrow morning, then the ear doctor...then Menard's....Famliy dog is having ear surgery Thursday. And..Shop Cat Sir Campy has taken over the computer chair...
So...added a footrest/brace to the back of the new desk...just pine..
can be painted black, if need be....more important that it braces the leg unit...
hauled 5 planks to the shop..
3/4 x 5-1/2" by around 5-6'.....need these sorted through, bad spots trimmed out..
While getting them down to 49" long...
Will need a lot of straight-line rips...
Until a 22" wide panel can be glued up for a top for the desk....knee is sore, right now...may be a day or two?
stay tuned:D

steven c newman
07-10-2019, 8:36 PM
Not much sleep last night, knee still acting up. tried to get a couple planks straight-line ripped...
first 2 I went with 5" width....this one I had to go with 4"....Blue Line Special...
This was wider, because..
Was trying to split the line, as well. Just didn't want that knot in the top of the desk...
Then ran the sawn edges through the Jointer....
Stanley No.8....test fits show an issue, with one edge...
Will go back and see which edge needs more work...still have 2 more to do...
Figure I can go with a 4", 5", 4", 5", and another 4" set of widths....top needs to be 21-22" wide.
maybe get a full night's sleep, and the knee calms down a bit....and see what I can get done, tomorrow?
Stay tuned..:D

steven c newman
07-11-2019, 10:09 PM
between road trips, and a very sore knee, didn't even try the shop, today....

Lack of sleep...does NOT lead to "good times" in a wood shop....bad things happen. Took today off.

Maybe tomorrow, I can go to the shop, fully rested up? Joint a few edges, rip two more boards for width....

IF the tablesaw was handy..
to where I could run the edges along the rip fence, THEN the Stanley No. 8 jointer.....I may be able to do a glue up? 3/4" x 22" x 49"? might take quite a few clamps?:rolleyes:

Just need a better spot to set the desk, for now....
1 x 6 x 6' pine has been bought....along with a box or two of 1" screws.
While in Menard's...saw that they are selling Irwin/Record No. 4 hand planes? $20? :confused:

Stay tuned...:D

steven c newman
07-12-2019, 1:29 PM
Moved things around in the shop this morning....found a place to stash the desk until needed...
Trash can got moved elsewhere, cleaned the floor as far back as I could go...used the tablesaw for a little bit of "straight-line" ripping...
Then used a few of the cut-offs as cawls....never have enough, right?
One clamp for a dry fit...then mark a couple lines across to act as line up marks...for when this mess becomes..
I even cleaned the top of the bench off!:eek:
Won't stay that way, but was nice to do....the view got obscured though...
Let this sit a day....may work on drawers...have parts to prep...maybe add the rest of the corner blocks?
Stay tuned...

steven c newman
07-13-2019, 1:50 PM
Knee is acting up, today....stairs seem to be a "no-no"....no rush on the glue-up, anyway....let it sit a while longer.

Rest of the corner blocks were installed, yesterday....glue and screws. Slotted holes to attach the top have been drilled.

May clamp the top to the desk, and try to flatten it...a little to big to do that on either the bench, or on the tablesaw....May get one side flat, attach that to the desk, then work on the other face....doubt if I will do a bread board on the ends....

steven c newman
07-13-2019, 7:58 PM
Was getting bored, anyway....
Slotted holes have been drilled.
Dried glue scraped off...stanley #70.
Between the sanders and this Jumbo Jack....got the underside cleaned up...ends were a tad wavy..
We have ways....flipped this over, and sanded and planed things flatter than they were..
Stanley No. 5-1/2...Type 16...
Finally cleaned off the tablesaw, plopped this down on the saw, "good side" down...then flipped the base onto the top...and centered it up...
And attached with a few screws..
These weren't too bad to do....it was the ones inside the drawer unit..
That were a pain to get to.....

Which means I can start on drawer making? Stay tuned...:D

steven c newman
07-14-2019, 6:38 PM
Needed help to get that thing down off of my tablesaw, today....then hauled a few more planks to the shop...1 Ash, 3 Pine boards...1 x 6 x 6'

Got the drawer fronts cut to size...3/4" x 4-7/8" x 14"
Got 8 drawer sides cut...3/4" x 4-7/8" x 18"
Got 4 drawer backs...rough cut, will fine tune to the drawers.
Pile in the background is just some Ash leftovers....picked out the best 4 drawer fronts..( without big knots)
The other two will go in the skinny drawers, as I only need 2" in height..
Which should get rid of them knots. set up the Stanley 45...
With a #12 cutter. 1/4" groove 3/8" deep, with a 1/4" between the cutter, and the fence....then set up a jig to hold drawer fronts in place..
Fence was a bit too low, reset it, when I switched over to the drawer sides..
4 drawer fronts, and 4 pairs of drawer sides....made a lot of noodles, today..
Then started to change over to a dado plane..
Swap out the #12 for the wider #18-1/2 cutter....seemed to match the thickness of the drawer sides. Drawer backs are housed in dados...
Knee was acting up...didn't think I should be using sharp objects while taking a pain pill...called it a day....

steven c newman
07-14-2019, 6:49 PM
I also checked on a set up for doing the dovetails for the fronts....been a while since I used this set up...
As I do not have a router jig for dovetails....pins are by eyeball...then mark the tails, bandsaw to make a few cuts...couple of chisels to clean up both parts...need a better face shield than just my glasses...beard is also full. One corner done....only 7 more to do....may see about a new dovetail bit...this one does not like Ash....

Reset the fence on the Stanley 45... and the jig...sides were about 4" longer..and needed a keeper to lock them in place.

Trash can is now about full...need to haul it to the fire pit....bring your own Marshmallows....:D

Monday afternoon...have an appointment to see the Knee Doctor....will update when I get back home...
Stay tuned...

steven c newman
07-15-2019, 3:59 PM
Knee had xrays done, was checked out...and given a shot, through a LONG needle.....seems Uncle Arthur has arrived in that knee....

Taking the day off...it is Monday after all...shop is closed on Monday's..usually.

steven c newman
07-16-2019, 11:56 AM
Honey-do items for this morning....kitchen cabinets had already been repainted ( grandson & his girlfriend) but the knobs didn't look right....Just chrome knobs, even on the drawers..Found a box of Brass handles at a yard sale, a while back..5 pounds in a box = $5.....half were for doors, the other half for drawers. Had to dig out and modify a drawer handle drilling jig, to center the new handles on the drawers....
Uppers and lowers...Gray face & cabinets, then a Blue for the doors and drawers
Door handles just used the single hole from th old handles. Biggest thing was level and plumb...by MK1 eyeball....

Looked all over in town, last night, trying to find a face shield....the kind turners use, that flip up when done.....NADA. had to settle for a pair of goggles that fit over my glasses...well, they will keep the chips out of the eyes, if not the beard..

Knee feels a bit better, this morning..may try to hide in the shop, this afternoon?

Stay tuned...

steven c newman
07-16-2019, 5:34 PM
4 hours of work....
4 drawers have their dovetails done....was getting better each one i made..
Then got all the dados done, for the drawers backs to sit in..
All that is needed...the 5mm plywood for the drawer bottoms...that I have to go out and buy...then I can start some assembly work...
trying to decide on a handle for these....
Too big?

Stay tuned...

Phil Mueller
07-16-2019, 10:01 PM
Coming along nicely, Steven. Best wishes that your knee and all don’t keep you from the shop. Curious about the #70. I have an opportunity to pick one up, but already have a couple of Stanley 80s that I use a lot. Does the #70 come in useful where the 80s wouldn’t? Thanks!

steven c newman
07-16-2019, 11:58 PM
The 70 comes in nicely for removing labels, barcodes, dried glue....was made to recycle wooden shipping crates, by scraping off the old labels. Push or pull....

Also have the Stanley #82.....May give a try-out later...

Found enough plywood in the shop tonight....to do 2 of the 4 drawer bottoms. One drawer is in the clamps, second one awaiting....maybe in the morning, while I clean up the first.

Think of the #80 as a smooth plane...where the #70 is more of a scrub plane...

Tony Zaffuto
07-17-2019, 5:49 AM
Good build Steve-coming along very nicely.

The Stanley scrapers are diamonds in the rough and capable of doing fine work, provided time is taken to set up the blade. A fine prep can be used, with a bit of a camber, to concentrate of cleaning up glue lines and so forth. lV makes a modern one, called a chair scraper, but the Stanleys are so common and cheap because no one seems to want them!

steven c newman
07-17-2019, 5:41 PM
Going to back up a bit...Found some handles that might be better...
2 have been polished up...rest are a work in progress
last night, got one drawer glued up....this morning, before a road trip..got the drawer out of the clamps..
needed a bit of clean up...sargent #408 seemed to work better..
Details of the drawer back?
Starter ramps, to help a drawer into it's opening.
Drawer front #2 was cupped a bit...no biggie..
Both faces are now flat....Dados get cleaned out..
Pilot holes were drilled..
And counter sunk...ready for another glue up..
Stay tuned

steven c newman
07-17-2019, 5:51 PM
back was about a saw kerf too long..also needed squared up....Glue spread around the tails...assemble the parts..
Check for square...add the screws at the back, then the clamps to the front..
Recheck for square, then screw the bottom to the drawers back. let this mess sit awhile...have supplies to get.
handles use a single bolt....needed to find the center of the drawer's front..
Just a straightedge...diagonals, make a mark each way...where they cross is the center point.
Even the drill for the pilot holes is a "Vintage" tool...
stay tuned :D

steven c newman
07-19-2019, 2:32 PM
Too bleeding hot to work, today....even the basement shop is too warm...Got a coat of stain on the two drawers I have completed....then did a test of the handles...
(Hand-held camera) Details?
Center "boss" is brass.
Just might do....stain seems a tad too light....maybe.

Bill McDermott
07-19-2019, 2:49 PM
Enjoying this very much. Keep on going Steven, four hours a day. The good news is you get a lot done in four hours. That's going to be a stout desk.

steven c newman
07-19-2019, 9:55 PM
Waited until the shop cooled down, this evening...even in a basement, things are still warm...Moved the desk around a bit..
Not only to fit the 2 drawers better, but give me a bit more room to cut....
More plywood, to make more drawer bottoms with...
Had an issue while fitting the first 2 drawers...raised panels sticking into the inside of the drawer openings....decided to plane the sides down...
Swept the results over with the rest of the mess...weapon of choice?
Old No. 14,of course...Set up the rip fence..
The two "extra" drawer front blanks, with the knots? seems a 2" width of cut would just miss them knots....needed 2 decent blanks..
had to plane one edge a hair...
Maybe IF the shop stays cool, tomorrow, I can build 2 drawers, and get 2 more ready to build...
Stay tuned...
And yes. ... it also works on Ash....:cool:

steven c newman
07-20-2019, 7:54 PM
Way too toasty in the shop for doing too much work....got drawers #3 and #4 glued and screwed and in the clamps..

Pilot holes drilled, and counter-sunk. Starter bevels cut. Squared up, and the bottom screwed to the back.
Spent some time doing rips and resaws...
4 sides, ripped to 2" width, 18" long.....1/2" thick. Drawer fronts stay at 3/4" thickness. Backs were 1/2" narrower than the sides, to allow for the bottoms.
had to use up a bit of the Ash scraps....wasn't enough Pine 1 x 3 x 4" to make all the sides.
Fun part will be both ploughing the grooves, and doing some dovetails...
Got to about this point...shirt was soaked...time to quit..;)
Will see how tomorrow goes....stay tuned:D

steven c newman
07-21-2019, 4:31 PM
This morning, while the shop was still cool....got the drawers out of the clamps...
Sides were planed as needed, sanded as needed, and test fitted ( once I had them in the correct order.)
Then, take them out, sand the fronts, stain the fronts, and install the handles...
Then started milling dovetails for the skinny drawers...someday, I might get the hang of these...
Only had enough plywood on hand, for one drawer bottom....had that drawer all put together, and in the clamps..
Test fit showed the back was 1/8" too wide....Grrrr, take the back out, trim for length, re-install it...test fit again...
It FITS! Laid out the choices for the edge trimming bits, for around the desk's top..
Will decide later which to use, right now, I need to go and buy one small plywood panel..
Stay tuned..

steven c newman
07-21-2019, 11:32 PM
Plywood has been bought...had to buy the 2' x 4' sheet....didn't like the looks of the 1/4" Pine panels....they had more curves the a Playboy pinup...:eek:

Skinny drawer has it's clamps off, been fitted in it's new home...sanded, stained, and the handle installed...will see what the morning brings...:rolleyes:

steven c newman
07-22-2019, 10:14 AM
Ok, seems a shame to cut a drawer bottom out of this....
This is the 5mm Luann I came home with. 2'x4' panel....only need a 14" x 18" piece...:(
Drawer had two issues preventing it from closing all the way..
A corner bracket that attaches the top to the desk was a hair too low...back corner of the drawer was hitting it....lowered the back corner of the drawer to clear (barely)
Too much plywood sticking out the back of the drawer....trimmed that off, until the drawer fit all the way in, flush with the face frame...
need to get the last drawer done, stain the case, edge the top, and stain it too...then find a way to add the coat or two of varnish....
Once the desk is out of the shop, I can work on the hutch for it...
Stay tuned...:D

steven c newman
07-22-2019, 2:20 PM
Top has been cleared off....beltsanded, ROS sanded, and finally..
Wiped down. Corners out front were rounded...
Sabresaw is older than I am...:rolleyes: Then the router was changed to a small round-over bit....and run all the way around the top..
One more wipe down, then a coat of stain applied...
Once it dries, it will lighten to match the drawers, came from the same can..:cool:
Brought that plywood to the shop, picked out the area without all that showy grain, and cut out a drawer bottom...then glue, screws, and clamps..
Waiting on stain, and glue to dry....Maybe this evening, I can flip the desk over on it's top, and onto the top of the tablesaw...and stain the rest of the desk? I can still get the last drawer fitted, stained, and handled, too

Stay tuned....

steven c newman
07-22-2019, 6:18 PM
Last drawer is now out of the clamps, fitted to it's opening, sanded and stained....and the handle installed. Waiting on help to move the bench onto it's top on the tablesaw's top...where I can see and stain the rest of the desk....

May leave it up there a day, and then start a coat of varnish....stay tuned..:D

steven c newman
07-22-2019, 9:50 PM
Desk is now on it's top, sitting on top of my tablesaw ( yes, blade was lowered below the top) and..
If'n it be Ash, and it would show..it got a coat of stain...pine foot rest may get a coat of Black paint/stain...
Had to get into all the nooks and crannies...
And I probably missed a couple spots...will let this smelly thing sit here until it no longer smells up the shop....then see how much varnish I have on hand...
Stay tuned ( and hold yer nose..:rolleyes:) :D

John Stevens
07-23-2019, 6:01 AM
Nice design. thanks for the build thread.

steven c newman
07-23-2019, 8:36 PM
2 coats of Amber Shellac on the base...rubbed out with 0000 steel wool....

have flipped the desk off the saw, and onto it's own six feet....and 1st coat has been brushed onto the top...letting that dry a bit...rub it with the 0000SW, and add a second coat...

Almost time for a PIP?

stay tuned...:D

steven c newman
07-24-2019, 8:11 AM
Just a PIP....still need to build the Hutch for the computer to sit in...also out of that Ash lumber..
need to "buff" the top, may add a third coat...we'll see. Time to work on the topper, now.

Tony Zaffuto
07-24-2019, 9:36 AM
Nice job, Bandit!

Pat Barry
07-24-2019, 11:10 AM
This is your best work! Nice

steven c newman
07-25-2019, 11:31 AM
As the old saying goes..."But, wait, there's MORE.."

Old desk has a hutch...so this new desk will also get one made. Tower for the computer now sits way too high..
Would rather it sit closer to the top of the desk...right about...here..
I can do away with all of this clutter, maybe a low self for the tower to sit on....Monitor could be raised up a few inches, as well...
I have a slab of 1 x 8 Ash, needs cut to length. It does have a bit of "Live edge" along one edge....may keep that detail...

Uprights: need at least 3, one on each side of the tower, and one over on the right end of the hutch. Maybe a couple bottom shelves for things to sit on. Then see IF there is enough room over on the right for more "cubbies" to stash small items on....may need a fourth upright...

Need to find out how much air space the tower needs. Uprights are from the remaining 1 x 6 planks I have. Debating enclosing the back of the hutch, except where the tower will be. happen to have some fancy grained plywood on hand. Will try to get a paper "Plan" done, later today.....

Hmmmm, maybe leave an inch of space all around that tower.......or, just on the vent side.....

steven c newman
07-25-2019, 7:19 PM
More pictures of the computer tower? To see what I am working with?
This is where all the air is drawn in...and sent out the back..
it has two fans. Also need a spot close by, to park this thing...
4T Hard drive. May set it on the shelf with the monitor.
99% of the side vent/intake will be out in front of the Hutch's side....there will be at least 1" of space around the tower.
Top of Hutch has a Live Edge detail....
This may be the underside of the front edge. 4/4 x 6 x 6' planks...
Will get used for the sides and shelves...
may only enclose the back of the cubby area, to keep things from getting shoved out the back..
Stay tuned...almost time for sawdust, again...
The Plan...
Might take a while....

steven c newman
07-27-2019, 4:02 PM
Worked on the top shelf, today...among other things, before the dryer ran me out of the shop...:rolleyes:
Non-live edge was jointed...Stanley No.8...the live edge?
bark removed with a wide chisel...then the edge cleaned up with the spokeshave. No.8 was too long to joint this edge. used both a vintage saw..
To cut a front corner...and a spokeshave to round the edges over..
Then set the top shelf aside, for now...
Decided on "bevel down" like most of my hand planes are:rolleyes:

Hauled a plank to the shop....cuts to get as many 18-3/4" long blanks as I could....
Not a straight edge among them...most were cupped...plus, I needed FOUR uprights....hmmm
Had to bring another plank to the shop...just for one upright, and 2 shelves...
Planes to joint the edges straight ( tablesaw to make them parallel, and THEN square the ends)
planes to remove the cup...
Millers Falls No.14...first across the grain, then the diagonals...then a Sargent No. 408 to smooth things out....
Stay tuned...:D

steven c newman
07-27-2019, 4:14 PM
Ah yes, that Sargent #408....is the same size as the Stanley No. 3
So, I got the uprights to match each other...other than thickness....thicker ones to the outside, thinner to the insides, then worked on a few shelf blanks..
3 uprights (will see about getting the live edges to line up) and 2 shelves....one for the tower to sit on, the longer one for the monitor....then went through some of the cut-offs...
And, came up with 4 shelf blanks for the cubby-holes. need to figure out what joint I'll use ( dado, sliding DT, ?) then figure out the spacing for the cubby shelves...18" -:- 4 shelves =?:confused: So..5 equal spaces? with the 3/4" for each shelf.....may just lay things out until they look right...too much math:rolleyes:
Stay tuned:D

steven c newman
07-27-2019, 7:57 PM
Ok, decided to just use stopped dados. So...found a pair of 1/2" straight cutters....with 1/2" shanks. Which means I need 2 wrenches..
To loosen and remove the bit currently in the router...
Then install and roughly set one of the 1/2" bits...
In my $5 yard sale router ( bought a few years ago..)
DeWalt No. 610. Need to set up a guide for the dados, and figure out where they will stop at. Depth settings may change, for some locations....may a bit shallower?
maybe someday, I can find the correct wrenches, and a new base? We'll see.
Stay tuned...:D

steven c newman
07-28-2019, 3:41 PM
router depth needed set...router guide needed set...
Needed to find out where the fence needed to be, so the router would make a stopped dado...and needed to know WHERE to stop the cut..
Then square the ends with a chisel...once a board had all of it's dados done..
Had to offset a couple dados, board would have been a tad too thin..
had to keep checking where the cuts were going...almost cut one from the wrong edge...
Ends get a "tenon" of sorts...to fit the dados...thought I had the cubby shelves sized for length..
"The truth, warts and all.." Ooops. went back, made 4 new shelves...tenon the ends, dry fit...1/4" too long..redo again until..
Everything fit. Thinking maybe a door over these shelves? Already get a plywood back...maybe a frame & panel door?

Dry fit the entire mess, to see how many clamps will be needed...
Hmmm, may need to go back to Harbor Freight, for a few more clamps?

Need to run a rebate behind the cubbies' shelves, to house the back...May have to glue this up in sections? With the center section last, along with the top.
Stay tuned..:D

steven c newman
07-28-2019, 9:46 PM
Snuck back down to the shop for a bit....spread a bit of glue around, AFTER a rebate was milled...
Found a piece of 5mm plywood about the right width ( saving the fancy stuff for later) so..
Glue and brass nails. And, since I had a few clamps left over...
2 clamps to glue the shelf for the tower to sit on....the other 3 were to pull things square with the top shelf. Glued only the tower shelf, will glue this to the top shelf later,,have the Monitor shelf to glue between the two assemblies, and everything to the top shelf...should be an entertaining day :rolleyes: may need a little help on that job....
For some reason...I am a little tired....busy day?
Stay tuned....I might even work on a Monday.:eek:

Adam Herman
07-29-2019, 10:39 AM
Steven, i love watching you build piece after piece. sometimes you don't get a lot of comments, but we really do appreciate following along.

Tony Zaffuto
07-29-2019, 12:18 PM
I agree! Fun to watch you tool solutions and using what's on hand.

steven c newman
07-30-2019, 2:00 AM
So, clamps came off. Bought a package of screws...added a few screws to each glue joint..:cool:
On this cubby hole assembly, that = 16 screws ( 17, counting the one that snapped off)

Clear the top of the saw, needed a space to do a glue up on;)
Clamped the top to the saw, hammer to"adjust" the fit...4 clamps and some glue...had to run an errand...:mad:.
Came back, added a few screws to the tower shelf assembly, then sanded it down...Had to "flip" the monitor shelf over, to get the best edge to show..then..
We have this forest of clamps..:eek:..after I had to rotate the top around to work on the Tower shelf assembly...a few "taps" with the hammer to line things up, let this sit a day, while my rehabbed knee rests up....along with those brass screws, I picked up some brackets to attach the Hutch to the Desk..:cool:
"L" brackets go around back, one per upright.....fancy brackets go out front, one per upright....:cool:
Once the forest of clamps is removed, I can add the screws on top....sand everything down, and maybe some stain? IF I have enough...:rolleyes:
stay tuned..:D

steven c newman
07-30-2019, 5:28 PM
The forest of clamps has been put away...Hutch has been sanded, a round over done to the fronts of a few shelves, and screws through the top into the uprights added (in case someone tries to move this desk by lifting the top shelf)
Then, set it on top of the desk...while I set up to stain the blasted thing..
Finally got everything that will show, stained...and placed the hutch back onto the desk...had other jobs to do..:rolleyes:
Like resawing some frame parts for a door. Then the stiles and rails got a groove milled, the rails got a tenon on each end...
used these parts to size a fancy plywood panel, and then a dry fit...
Hmmm, so I can hide the booze in one of the cubby holes?
Letting the stain dry, and the knee rest...homework for the knee rehab resulted in a Charlie Horse....then, a single lap around the inside of Wall E World plumb wore me out.:rolleyes: Just for a pair of new brushes for the shellac. Maybe later this evening, I can get the door glued up?
Stay tuned...:D

steven c newman
07-30-2019, 11:18 PM
Door parts, at least the Ash ones, have been planed smooth with a No.11 Junior jack plane...glue spread around, clamps and cauls added..
Inside of the door, and..
the outside of the door. Trying to decide which way the grain should run on the panel...we are either looking as it will go in the hutch, or,...it is upside down..:confused:
Dug out some small hinges, and a latch...:cool:
Will have to relocate one bracket ( good thing I haven't attached them yet :rolleyes:) as it will keep the door from opening all the way..:mad:
The one on the right...( like the pilot hole drill?)
Once the door is out of the clamps, and cleaned up...I can give it a coat of stain, too...and see some grainy plywood pop. :cool:

Once that stain is dry, I can shellac the entire Hutch...a few times...Moving day might be this weekend? :confused: Old desk will be heading for the curb....
Stay tuned..:D

steven c newman
07-31-2019, 9:50 PM
Just a PIP, for now...Door is out of the clamps, sanded and stained....and a finish applied...Hutch has been given two coats of shellac...allowed to dry, then the brackets along the back were installed...
last two screws will be installed, once the desk is upstairs...Got the door installed ( did you know there is a screwdriver size smaller than a #1 Phillips tip?)
Front Brackets were installed, there is one just around that corner, to allow the door to open, the other three?
Still need a another coat of shellac on the hutch...step back a bit.......
a PIP!....and from the other direction...
Almost done. Desk can be taken apart to be moved....Ash is a bit on the heavy side...:rolleyes:
Stay tuned...:D

steven c newman
08-01-2019, 9:00 PM
Last coat has dried. been rubbed down. Had to add shims at the door, door opened 1/2 way then started dragging on the desk's top...

IF I can find enough young bodies, desk is ready to move out of the shop, and into it's new spot. Biggest thing is moving the old desk out, without disrupting the computer itself. Might be a bit tricky? Drawers I can carry meself, and the Hutch. need to stash the computer off to the side, while things get switched around. need to attach the hutch, THEN slide the desk into place. Old desk will be heading to the curb....

Old desk lamp has died....so I now have a new BRIGHTER LED one....almost need sunglasses....

Should I post pictures of the finished desk here, or down in the Projects page...or both?

steven c newman
08-02-2019, 8:11 PM
Moving Day was today...cleared out the old desk...
Let the Boss sift through the drawers...and fill the new drawers I brought up from the shop....and the hutch
Grandson #3 helped to haul the old desk to the curb....and the new desk up the stairs...with quite a few choice words...besides OUCH..:rolleyes:
Once everything was upstairs, and the space cleaned up..then a "little assembly" was done, then try to get the computer loaded onto the desk....and slide the desk into it's new home..
Monitor's stand was keeping the monitor off it's shelf..by 3/4"..:mad: work on that later....:rolleyes:
Got into the computer chair, to do a test fit ( can't quite call it a DRY fit)
hey...somebody got a new hat!
wonder how long that top shelf will stay cleared off....

thanks for following along...need a few days to clean and re-organize the shop..maybe a week...then have a garage sale item to clean up..
$15 got me a complete Stanley No. 246 Mitre Box & Saw...might take a while to clean up. may do a short blog about it?

Thanks again.:D