View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
06-23-2019, 10:42 PM
24 Jun 2019

Last Monday I was out of state and in the hospital with my mother while she had major surgery. I spent the week with her in the hospital and at home. I spent most of my time taking care of her and also getting things done around her house that she wasn't and hasn't been able to to herself. I don't even remember if I posted the accomplishments on last Monday. It's all been a blur to me over the past 2 weeks. I'm at home now and trying to get back in the swing of normal life at home and getting ready to go back to the day job in the morning.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.

Frederick Skelly
06-24-2019, 6:51 AM
Hope your mom heals up quickly Dennis!
I waxed a car this weekend - no woodworking. (Though I did have to move the tablesaw to make enough room to wax the car in the garage!)