View Full Version : To be continued...

steven c newman
06-13-2019, 7:24 PM
Spent $23 today, dodging rain drops...and trying to keep from getting blown off the roads...nasty weather..
So...what was the cash for?
12" level...vials work..steel instead of brass hardware..$2
$1 for a small marking gauge...still has the ruler markings intact...
Which leaves..$20, right?
Ash. Even that 2x...,mostly 4/4 x 6" had to cut some of the boards down..to fit in the van. Most of these are between 6 and 7 feet long..
Still raining outside...will wait for a clear day, tomorrow?

Something about a new desk to sit my computer on....
Stay tuned:D

steven c newman
06-14-2019, 7:32 PM
Have a backsaw that needs a new handle.....that 2 x 6 will provide the wood for that...
Intend to use this handle as a pattern...
As this saw is missing the lower section of it's handle. Both are made by Disston..5" x 28" saw. Only difference between the two is where the label screw is located...
This one was made for Goodell Pratt Co. Toolsmiths....wondering if I need to put the label screw in the top, or like the Langdon version at the bottom?

steven c newman
06-15-2019, 6:17 PM
laid up for a few days.:mad:...soles of my feet have splits in them..:o..makes walking a bit painful..:(..meds are in place...:p

Need to draw up a plan for the computer desk project.....need to get a few measurements to figure a cut list. Frame and raised panels for the sides....that show...inside the knee hole, may just use a plywood panel....one "bank" of drawers, plus a wide, shallow drawer above my knees. left side will not get any drawers....right side will get 3 drawers.

IF I can get back to the shop, when the feet are healed up...I may start on the saw handle, first.
Stay tuned....:D

steven c newman
06-16-2019, 8:44 PM
was able to get a few measurements for the desk build...I figure I can sit back, and draw up a Plan, of some sort....to replace the old desk I am using right now..

Need 3 Frame & raised panel sides...two for around the drawers, and one for the left side.
Need web frames for the drawers to slide on..
Need a webframe across the top, to connect the left side to the drawer sides...and to attach the 3/4 x 26" x 50" top to the desk.
Trying to decide on two narrow drawers over the knee hole...or just one WIDE drawer....two @ 14" is better than one at 28"...when it is only 2" deep...

Need to remove the handle from both Disston saws....use the good one as a pattern, the broken one to lay out the holes for the bolts...
Stay tuned....

steven c newman
06-17-2019, 11:11 AM
In the meantime....decided to replace the drck on the #2246 Mitre Box...as the OEM was a bit chewed up..
A 1/2" thick Poplar board was trimmed down. Back corner needed a bevel milled ( Stanley No. 3c) and two dados cut....#358 to cut the walls of the dado, couple chisels and a mallet to remove the waste..Yankee screwdriver to remove and install 10 tiny, Phillips head screws. Will try to match the "Pumpkin Pine orange" stain later...
Also gave this tool...
A coat of a dark brown stain, after I peeled the $2 sticker off...waiting for the stain to cure,,,may give it a coat of varnish....steel hardware, 12" long..both vials intact and working great...not sure who made it...no markings found. might be a Stanley?

this being a Monday :mad:, shop is closed, anyway.
Stay tuned for Tuesday..:D

steven c newman
06-17-2019, 5:59 PM
Checked on the paint job..
And the varnish job...
3 North Brothers, and a Millers Falls made for Craftsman...and a look at a rehabbed level..
may have been made when Brass was scarce? 12" long. Even the end plates are steel...and all have slotted screws...
neighbor dropped an old apple tree...
I might see IF I could grab a few pieces...besides the one IN my yard..
We'll see.
Now, anyone see this type of drill bit, before?
Morse of New Bedford, Mass....High-speed CO...
used to seeing other types of bits..
Like these....but not ones with a Morse tapered shank....that does not fit anything I have in the shop...

steven c newman
06-18-2019, 10:59 PM
problems with all the rain, lately..
yep, right where I work....took the Goodell Pratt saw apart...and cleaned the plate..
And, shined the brass..
handle needs either replaced, or repaired...will try both...
Readable etch...something about Toolsmiths? Henry Disston & Sons etch on the spine.
needed to clear away the top of the saw..
have some resaw work to do,, after a couple cross cuts, had to drag out stuff for that..
Need to cut all the way around the blank, with the fence just a hair over 5/4" from the blade....then the bandsaw to finish the cut..
This is the "cut-off" had to plane that black area off on the main blank..Used the 4 bolt handle from the Langdon's saw as a pattern
Both from Henry Disston & Sons...even the hardware was the same.
Stay tuned for part 2..

steven c newman
06-18-2019, 11:08 PM
Ok, part 2...the two handles seem to match..
need to remove the Langdon's handle, to trace around it...found something ...weird, going on..
Missing a bit of steel? At least the etch matches the handle..
bandsaw to cut the blank out...
Forstner bit to open the hand hole,,,,need to clean that up, and shape the handle...so it looks like a saw handle...
other parts are sitting in the clamps..
Tomorrow, I may try to blend things together on this mess....need to get the sanding drums set up for both handles...and see which looks the best...
Would have used Apple,,,afraid this is a might too green for that...
Stay tuned...

steven c newman
06-19-2019, 3:33 PM
Took the day off...feet are still hurting....then running errands with the Boss....need nap, with my feet up in the air....yeah...right...

Have a large drum sander for use in a drill....may use that to shape the hand hole....Dremel and it's sanding drums for detail work.

steven c newman
06-20-2019, 7:15 PM
Might be a while...
We seem to have a water problem around here...
Entrance to the local ER.....they had to close for the night....back in business this morning, now..

steven c newman
06-22-2019, 12:20 AM
Higher ground had a couple of yard sales to go to...
And, since I can't hide out in the shop....Honey-do project, again...
Back porch has a new screendoor...except I will be adding a latch, and a doggy-door...tomorrow...and arguing over where to put that second porch umbrella the Boss bought, today....

steven c newman
06-22-2019, 1:13 PM
had small "scrub" trees to cut down....hedges out front have been trimmed, will have to wash the arms, as there was a bit of Sumac in them...back is now hurting....going to sit a while, and enjoy a "Cold One"...2 straight days of no rain..

steven c newman
06-23-2019, 7:03 PM
$2 brace is cleaned up, and working very well...
Still has rusty oil coming up....ratchet was rusted up badly...
Barber's Improved chuck, with alligator ( toothed) jaws...that have their intact spring...
These even hold round shanked bits quite well...
10" sweep, hardwood handles....might be a PS&W Co. or a Millers Falls model?

steven c newman
06-24-2019, 9:11 PM
Ok...remember that broken handle on the Goodell Pratt CO. mitre saw?
last seen sitting in a couple clamps, as I was "grafting" on a repair..
Well, today it came out of the clamps. A Dremel and a sanding drum for it....blended the two parts into one, stripped the old finish off....
Placed the sanded handle back onto it's saw blade..
Even "clocked" the slots of the screws...then a coat of stain...
Will let this dry...then add a coat of varnish....I also put the "pattern" handle back onto it'd own plate..
The 3 bolt saw is for a Stanley No. 358 Mitre Box....that big saw is for...
The Langdon No. 75 Mitre Box. As for the "new" handle blank..
maybe a day when I get bored...or...need a replacement handle for yet another broken down saw...

steven c newman
06-26-2019, 10:28 AM
Ok, trying to put all the toys away, and clear off the workbench....Have 2 too many mitre boxes...is that a problem?

have a very rough draft of a plan for the new Computer Desk......need to sit down, and do a bit of drawing....and come up with a "Cut List"....figure the huge stack of Ash 1 x 6s has had enough time to get used to my house...may see about gluing up the top? 3/4 x 26" x 50" (then decide on any breadboard ends...) need 3 Frame & Raised Panel sides to lay out. Panel raising with the P. Sellers No. 4.....

Need to plan out a "hutch" to better fit the computer stuff...after the main desk is built...
Stay tuned...

Did a bit of drawing...rough drawing:411919
Need to build three side panels:
Will need 12 raised panels, out of that long, figured 1 x 6
I think there is a second, shorter length under the pile,,,came from the same board..
As for the space for my knees to go under the desk..
rather than a single 28" wide drawer, decided on 2 narrower drawers...only 2" by 14"...Does mean I need to make an upper and lower frame with runners and guides....Ash for the "front"....may cut both the drawer fronts and the front rails from the same plank....

Well..it IS a start....Stay tuned

steven c newman
06-26-2019, 12:36 PM
So...do I start a new thread about this desk build...going to be a long one.

Or, keep posting to this thread...?

steven c newman
06-28-2019, 2:25 PM
Thread has been started...enjoy.