View Full Version : Delta 1x42 belt sander with sloppy pivot in upper arm

Pete Staehling
06-04-2019, 10:39 AM
Any one fixed a worn pivot in the upper arm of one of these? It has quite a bit of slop, too much to allow decent tracking adjustment. Did you just drill it out larger and fit a bigger pin? Add bushings? Any caveats?

After a long search I finally picked up a 1x42 delta. It has some warts but I think it will be serviceable once given some TLC.

David Buchhauser
06-04-2019, 10:38 PM
Hi Pete,
I have a Dayton 1 x 42 belt sander that may be similar to yours. When you say "pivot" I assume that you are referring to the rear pin that connects the upper arm to the upright. Am I correct? Let me know and I will take a closer look at mine to see how to best tighten it up.

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Pete Staehling
06-09-2019, 9:38 AM
Sorry I didn't get back to this thread sooner. Yes your assumption is correct.

I drilled it out for a little larger pin (7/16").

While I was at it I also did some other unrelated refurb and the sander/grinder is back in service and running fine.

Bill Dufour
06-09-2019, 1:44 PM
My advice would be to put in some jb weld and lap the pin to fit. If you have one use an expanding reamer instead of lapping.
bil lD

Pete Staehling
06-09-2019, 5:47 PM
My advice would be to put in some jb weld and lap the pin to fit. If you have one use an expanding reamer instead of lapping.
bil lD
The holes were pretty egged out, but the pin showed almost no wear. Not sure if the pin was that much harder or if it had been replaced. I considered flowing a little bronze into the holes with my torch before drilling/reaming to the original size, but opted to just go to a larger pin. I had not considered JB Weld. I would not have expected it to hold up in this application. Have you had success using it for this?