View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
06-03-2019, 8:56 AM
3 June 2019

It’s been a busy week at the day job and I’ve been getting work done in the shop. This week I hope to finish the daughters kitchen island top as well as the small island top I’m doing for a local business. My hope is to have a productive week this week. I also traveled to see my Army son and spent the weekend visiting with him.

That’s it for me so what did you do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.

Jim Becker
06-03-2019, 9:56 AM
Busy is good, Dennis!

The past week was a mixture of "enjoying the rain", doing a few things around the house and spending a lot of time preparing myself for a CNC guitar project. This week will be similar but I also have a couple of jobs for clients added to the mix.

Jay Larson
06-03-2019, 12:51 PM
We spent a bunch of time on a half wall for our basement remodel. We are trying to get the effect of an old warehouse, with a bar tucked in the corner. Speakeasy style. Well, the first was to stain some car siding with grey and then a layer of brown stain and a coat of waterbase. Looked ok out in the sun, but when we put it up it was too dark. So we use some citrus stipper to try to get some of the stain off and a bit lighter. Better, so I put some polyurethane on there. Nope, that gave it a greenish tint. Ack... So off came the car siding. And me trying to make it so the wood wouldn't rattle, I had put some blobs of construction adhesive on each board. Yeah, so in order to reuse the boards for anything I had to remove the glue. Pulled out my slick, gave it a quick sharpen, and proceeded to get all the blobs off of the boards. Anyway back to the drawing board...

I also made some capping for the half wall in the other room with some pine. Wanted to stay with the 'old' motiff, so I took some steel wool/vinegar mixture to the pine to 'age' it. The pine took on a redish brownish hue, except for one board that stayed a bit lighter. Yesterday I put a coat of boiled linseed oil on it and the colors came out real nice. I put them outside to let them cure a bit, and they were out of the way, and the colors deepened a bit and mellowed out. Even the odd board turned out good.

I also refreshed the cedar posts for my outbuilding with a coat of stain.

And last night we met with some friends at the local watering hole to see a band. Everything was good, except for the band.... ;)

Lisa Starr
06-03-2019, 1:30 PM
DH was out of town, so I got to spend some time in the shop. Mostly did little things that I'd just not gotten around to. I had chisel that had been mi-used by the son, so that took some time re-sharpen. Also repaired/rebuilt a bird house for my mother. I would of tossed it, but she's always like it, so I cut some replacement pieces from cedar and re-assembled the whole thing. Finally, we're adding small enclosed porch to our home, so I did some staining of the framing that is going to be exposed, even after it is completed.

Jacob Mac
06-03-2019, 9:37 PM
I built an outfeed table. Started building something to hold my waterstones. Just ran out of time/steam.

Also tried finding a moisture meter. Not sure why, but having a hard time spending money on it. A hand plane from Lee Valley I will use twice a year? No problem. Something I should use on nearly every board for every project? Not quite as eager

Derek Cohen
06-04-2019, 6:31 AM
I have begun the build of a side table for my wife. Referred to as the Harlequin Side Table, I have posted it on the hand tool side as much of it is hand tools - of course all the prep was done with Hammer machinery. Link here: https://sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?274732-Harlequin-side-table

Current state ...



Hand cut mitred dovetail cabinet in Hard Maple. It will have 8 drawers in different woods (hence the "harlequin").

Regards from Perth


Jim Becker
06-04-2019, 9:09 AM
THAT is really nice, Derek! Your better half is a lucky one to have her own, personal craftsman!

Derek Cohen
06-05-2019, 5:56 AM
Thanks Jim

Regards from Perth


Chris Hachet
06-05-2019, 8:50 AM
Derek's work is always an inspiration.

I rough turned about 20 bowls and finish turned a couple re set the shop/moved several machines, turned several logs in to turning blanks and sealed them, moved a second table saw to the shop (Oliver 270 D, 1944 build) made repairs to a lathe, got some lumber ready to mill.