View Full Version : toys

Paul O'Halloran
12-11-2005, 2:57 PM
Some of the toys going out to needy kids this christmas. I made 280 toys and they went to 7 organizations that look after kids. I get cut -offs from a lumber mill

more toys here


Corey Hallagan
12-11-2005, 3:03 PM
That is so neat Paul, be proud of yourself! That is quite an undertaking. Did you you make the wheels as well? Very nice!


Don Dean
12-11-2005, 3:34 PM
Paul, you are a great american! May God bless you. You will be touching many hearts.

Chris Barton
12-11-2005, 3:57 PM

What a nice thing you did! Now, I wish I had done the same thing. I will have to remember this for next year.

Earl Reid
12-11-2005, 3:58 PM
Hi, Paul, Its a great thing you're doing. I enjoyed your site and all the projects you made.
Earl:) :)

lou sansone
12-11-2005, 4:26 PM
very nice ... its always better to give than get..sounds trite, but true

Jim Becker
12-11-2005, 4:27 PM
Wow...you're definitely "Santa's Helper" this year!! Nice job!

David Wilson
12-11-2005, 4:32 PM
Looks like you have been a buisy Elf. Great job.

Gary Herrmann
12-11-2005, 5:31 PM
Very well done. You should be proud of your effort and even more proud of the joy you'll bring to a lot of children.

Jim Dannels
12-11-2005, 8:08 PM
A very honorable endeavour! Some great toys there.
I also went to your site,a nice site and many very nice projects

Ray Bersch
12-11-2005, 8:14 PM
Way cool - keep up the good work.

Frank Pellow
12-11-2005, 9:55 PM
WOW, you sure have been busy. Well done Paul!

Lars Thomas
12-11-2005, 10:17 PM
Impressive project. Thanks for doing this. Lars

Shelley Bolster
12-11-2005, 10:28 PM
Now that is what I call the truly unselfish and caring act of giving! Not only your ability as a woodworker but your generous nature, should be admired Paul. The toys look wonderful and I am certain they will make many children thrilled! Way to Go! :D

Ed Lang
12-12-2005, 8:45 AM
I am sure He is smiling.

My friend, you are walking on the right path.

Erin Stringer
12-13-2005, 9:30 PM
Those look fantastic. You made my wife cry because of your generosity... Have a Merry Christmas, I'm sure that a lot of kids will because of your hard work.