View Full Version : Some new Walnut x

Bill Jobe
05-24-2019, 8:36 PM
Scored 4 pieces of black walnut when I stopped at a home where they had a vehical for sale.
As I pulled in I notice a pile of some of the blackest walnut I've ever seen.

I asked him if he would be willing to part with a couple of pieces. He told me he had many friends and family who wanted so, too. But he told me I could pick out 3 pieces free. After loading them ( he helped me do that.
Then he asked what I was going to do with it. I told him I was going to rush home and seal the ends with whatever I had on hand before it started cracking. Then eventually make bowls with it.
With that he told me to take a 4th piece.

This is the blackest walnut I've ever seen. Nicely cut.
This is the smallest of the 4 at 12" long and 17" diameter.
I offered to pay him but he refused the money.

James Tibbetts
05-24-2019, 9:42 PM
Awesome find !!

Pat Scott
05-25-2019, 9:31 AM
Nice score!

Alex Zeller
05-25-2019, 1:03 PM
Last fall a guy just around the corner from me cut down a twisted cherry right next to the highway. It wasn't very tall but the bottom 6 feet was a good 2' in diameter. He's much older than I and I think he didn't want to deal with splitting it up so he gave me the large section. It was close enough so I could drive over with my tractor and pick it up as a whole log (really didn't want to 'noodle' it in his yard). I told him a was a novice turner and was going to try to make some bowls out of it. He seamed real happy and I doubt he would have taken any money. After rough turning blanks and storing them for 6 months I finished off two of them in the microwave so I could finish turning them. Last month I dropped off two finished bowls. Talk about someone who was overjoyed. It wasn't even what I would call my best work, just nice simple bowls with some great grain. He kept trying to give me money (nice to have the tables turned) but I told him I was just thankful for the free wood.